BCDevOps / developer-experience

This repository is used to track all work for the BCGov Platform Services Team (This includes work for: 1. Platform Experience, 2. Developer Experience 3. Platform Operations/OCP 3)
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Automate the process for checking broken links / images #4878

Closed mtspn closed 4 days ago

mtspn commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the issue Improve the automation of checking for broken links and images in our documentation.

Definition of done

Pilargit12 commented 1 week ago

Process for reviewing broken links:

  1. Access https://github.com/bcgov/platform-developer-docs

    ACTIONS -  bcgov-platform-developer-docs- This is a single location for all technical-developer documentation for product teams working on… 2024-06-17 09-08-40.png
  2. Select the latest workflow run

  3. Select "Usage" from the left side menu

USAGE - Merge pull request #257 from bcgov-broken-image-openshift-console-doc · bcgov-platform-developer-docs@cb3d9d4 2024-06-17 09-10-54.png

  1. Under Run Time screen, select the job RUN - JOB Merge pull request #257 from bcgov-broken-image-openshift-console-doc · bcgov-platform-developer-docs@cb3d9d4 2024-06-17 09-13-11.png

  2. Select "Build Techdocs"

    BUILD TECHDOCS -Merge pull request #257 from bcgov-broken-image-openshift-console-doc · bcgov-platform-developer-docs@cb3d9d4 2024-06-17 09-14-34.png
    1. Once selected the build techs will run, it's a long document and it is best to scroll all the way down to review the all of the 4xx errors. 4xx client error means that the request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled, but some of them are common errors where a login is needed and it is reported as not found, so as this exercise is done every so often, one will be able to distinguish from these errors and ignore them, but others will likely to be corrected. For a list of what they mean, this is a useful URL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes REVIEW - Merge pull request #257 from bcgov-broken-image-openshift-console-doc · bcgov-platform-developer-docs@cb3d9d4 2024-06-17 09-16-22.png
mtspn commented 1 week ago

Do the images show up for you in this issue @Pilargit12 ?

Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 9 50 27 AM
Pilargit12 commented 1 week ago

No, they show up like this:


mtspn commented 1 week ago

Okay no worries, like they're broken in github but I can view them normally from within Zenhub.

mtspn commented 1 week ago

Looks good Pilar, thanks for documenting this process too. This might be a good one to highlight in a sprint review.

Pilargit12 commented 1 week ago

Thank you Matt, I wonder if I should go to github and attempt to also upload the images there?

mtspn commented 1 week ago

I think it's okay, as this conversation will now prompt anyone looking in github in the future to look at Zenhub ticket