BCJTI / ng2-cookies

Simple library to deal with cookies in Angular2
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Cookie.deleteAll() not working #30

Closed tauil closed 7 years ago

tauil commented 7 years ago


I'm having a issue with Cookie.deleteAll();. It's not cleaning my cookie. Anyont with the same issue?

My component:

import { Cookie } from 'ng2-cookies/ng2-cookies';


export class CookieService {
    signOut():boolean {
        return true;
Till86 commented 7 years ago

My delete seems not to work on IE11 somehow

Till86 commented 7 years ago

seems like it's not only for IE but for Chrome, too. Sadly only seems totally random. Something happens that kind of locks the cookie and from then on, it can't be overwritten anymore. Only clearing the browsers cookies helps for me.

tauil commented 7 years ago

Yeah. I fixed this issue with this:

            let date = new Date();
            let days:number = -1;
            Cookie.set('my_key', '', date['toGMTString']());

Also, I've put this inside an Observable and return true after a setTimeout of 1000ms. This fixed my issue because I think that Cookie IO has a short delay.

Bigous commented 7 years ago

That's what Cookie.delete does!

You can set the time to expire as a number too... like -1 for 1 day ago.

Cookie.set('my_key', '', -1);


tauil commented 7 years ago

Yes! I tried Using Cookie.delete but somehow it didn't work. I'll try again.

tauil commented 7 years ago

Just tested now. And it doesn't work in Chrome Version 54.0.2840.98 (64-bit) in MacOS.

I guess the -1 argument is the problem.

According to my tests:

Don't work:

Cookie.set('my_key', '', -1);

This works:

let date = new Date();
let days:number = -1;
Cookie.set('my_key', '', date['toGMTString']());

date['toGMTString']() === Wed, 14 Dec 2016 19:25:20 GMT

tauil commented 7 years ago

The weird thing is that the code really should work, but somehow, it's not.

tauil commented 7 years ago

The behaviour is: Cookie.deleteAll() doesn't deletes the keys but somehow it freezes it in a way that I can't delete anymore, only through inspector/cookies. I thought the path and domain were related, but it seems that it's not.

Bigous commented 7 years ago

Hi @tauil Tks for your effort to make this library better!

I'm not able to reproduce the problem here (windows 10 with chrome 55).

I've started a new project with angular-cli:

npm install -g angular-cli
ng new ng2-cookies-test
cd ng2-cookies-test
npm install --save ng2-cookies
code .
ng serve

And edited the app.component.html to be like this:


      <td colspan="2">Cookies:</td>
    <tr *ngFor="let cookie of keys">
        <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="cName">
        <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="cValue">
        <input type="button" value="Add" (click)="addCookie(cName, cValue)">
        <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="rName">
        <input type="button" value="Remove" (click)="removeCookie(rName)">
        <input type="button" value="Remove All" (click)="removeAll()">

And the app.component.ts to be like that:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Cookie } from 'ng2-cookies';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  title = 'app works!';
  cookies: Object;
  keys: Array<string>;
  cName: string;
  cValue: string;
  rName: string;

  constructor() {
  update() {
    this.cookies = Cookie.getAll();
    this.keys = Object.keys(this.cookies);
  addCookie(cName: string, cValue: string) {
    console.log('Adding: ', cName, cValue);
    Cookie.set(cName, cValue);
  removeCookie(rName: string) {
    console.log('Removing: ', rName);
  removeAll() {
    console.log('Removing all cookies');

And when I open the browser at http://localhost:4200, I can see all the cookies, add new cookies delete individual cookie and delete all with no problem.

One problem that you may have is if you are setting your cookie with the domain and trying to delete it without the domain... but with this simple example, everything is working.

tauil commented 7 years ago

Ok! I'll take a look at this test soon!

Bigous commented 7 years ago

Ok, closing due to the lack of activity.

tauil commented 7 years ago

Sorry @Bigous . I have no time recently to test it again. I plan to do it soon and then I post you back. Thanks for the help anyway!

Bigous commented 7 years ago

No problem @tauil , That's all right. Just closed to stay with issues that we need to do an action. If this problem return, I'll reopen the issue!

thatsmeamal commented 7 years ago

@Bigous, I am having the same issue with Cookie.deleteAll() method. It seems to be working fine now and then. But, the cookies are not cleared when the method is called, after refreshing the page. Do you have any idea why this happen ?

Bigous commented 7 years ago

Hi @thatsmeamal , could you try with the minimal example that I put in this issue ?

So we have a common base code for testing - and what browser/version are you using for test?

thatsmeamal commented 7 years ago

It is working fine in the example mentioned @Bigous. I think I may have loaded a different module: import { Cookie } from 'ng2-cookies/ng2-cookies'; Could that have been the problem ?

Bigous commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure, but angular 2 recommends the way it's in the example... can be... in fact ng2-cookies/ng2-cookies should not work, because the file generated is index.js not ng2-cookies.js ... :D

thatsmeamal commented 7 years ago

Thanks @Bigous. I will try with the import module you'd mentioned.

balfons commented 7 years ago

import { Cookie } from 'ng2-cookies/ng2-cookies' is the reason Cookie.deleteAll() won't work. Use import { Cookie } from 'ng2-cookies' instead.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@balfons Thank you, Your answer solved my problem. should I also set the cookie by import { Cookie } from 'ng2-cookies' because while setting the cookie import { Cookie } from 'ng2-cookies/ng2-cookies' is working

balfons commented 7 years ago

@PatilSuraj No problem! Yes, you should always use import { Cookie } from 'ng2-cookies'.

aakashchan commented 6 years ago

Does Cookie.deleteAll() work in older firefox versions?

Bigous commented 6 years ago

Hi @chan24

Depends. How old?

bobby-091 commented 6 years ago

I am using ng2-Cookie for storing token value and using this cookie in different angular components by importing it. When clicking on logout button (logout method placed in navbar component) from anywhere (different states like home, account, managers components) in the application it's redirecting to the login page(login component) in Chrome and Firefox (working fine) browsers. But it's not working properly in IE browser. In IE, if logout event fired from home page (homecomponent.ts file, starting of the application after immediate login) then only application is logging out. And when clearing the cookies of the browser application is redirecting to the login page in Firefox and Chrome browsers but not working as expected in IE browser. Below is the code I am using

navbar.component.ts Logout() { Cookie.deleteAll(); this._router.navigate(['/login']); }

login.component.ts ngOnInit() { let token = Cookie.get('auth_token'); if (token != null && token != undefined && !this._roleauth.isTokenExpired(token)) { this._router.navigate(['/home']); } }

Is it the behavior of ng2-cookie in IE browser? or am I doing in wrong way? Can anyone please help me with this.

Bigous commented 6 years ago

Hi @bobby-091 , IE or EDGE? if IE, what version?

Cookies could be used for that. The problem is that IE is not a browser that follows the standards.

You are using the library correctly, the problem may be with your IE version. I know Wondows 10 Fall creator update has changed how cookies are stored, but I don't know if they changed the way they work.

Another source to look for is this MSDN blog. As you can see, lots of things are weird in IE.