Swarmathon Team Code for the NASA Space Challenge 2 Competition
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Intergrate visual detections #134

Closed Carter90 closed 3 years ago

Carter90 commented 3 years ago

Driver, Scoot and message integrations

Place the rover in a nice spot where it can see everything for easy testing image

clean, build, Start sim round 3, open 2 more terminals and sauce

new term 1

roslaunch scoot scoot.launch "round:=3" "mode:=man"

new term 2

rosparam set /scout_1/round 3
ROS_NAMESPACE="/scout_1" rosrun scoot repl.py

new term 2 within the ipython frame

scoot.turn(math.pi, ignore=Obstacles.VOLATILE) #hope to see the cubesat and throw a CubesatException
#move on to looking for home
scoot.turn(math.pi, ignore=Obstacles.CUBESAT|Obstacles.VOLATILE)
#should get either a HomeLegException or HomeLogoException you can then ignore what you got to find the other
scoot.turn(math.pi/2, ignore=Obstacles.CUBESAT|Obstacles.HOME_FIDUCIAL|Obstacles.VOLATILE)
scoot.turn(math.pi/2, ignore=Obstacles.CUBESAT|Obstacles.HOME_LEG|Obstacles.VOLATILE)