Swarmathon Team Code for the NASA Space Challenge 2 Competition
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Drive controller intergration #164

Closed Carter90 closed 3 years ago

Carter90 commented 3 years ago

Something to note that I had to disable part of the Driver.py threadlocking due to python versions opened #163

Was able to drive the scout around

./srcp2-competitors/docker/scripts/run_srcp2_final -C /home/robit/SC2/misc/one_scout.yaml # make sure to update the path to the config file

# other term
source ./devel/setup.bash
roslaunch scoot scoot.launch "mode:=man"

# other term see with a camera
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/small_scout_1/camera/right/image_raw

# other term
source ./devel/setup.bash
ROS_NAMESPACE="/small_scout_1" rosrun scoot repl.py