Swarmathon Team Code for the NASA Space Challenge 2 Competition
MIT License
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Movement joints #173

Closed Carter90 closed 3 years ago

Carter90 commented 3 years ago

Okay I update the names and added the methods to move all the various joints for the robits also methods to get the bin and bucket status

source ./devel/setup.bash

## scout
./srcp2-competitors/docker/scripts/run_srcp2_final -C /home/$USER/SC2/misc/one_scout.yaml
# other term
source ./devel/setup.bash
roslaunch scoot scoot.launch "mode:=man"
# other term
source ./devel/setup.bash
ROS_NAMESPACE="/small_scout_1" rosrun scoot repl.py

## hauler
./srcp2-competitors/docker/scripts/run_srcp2_final -C /home/carter/SC2/misc/one_excavator.yaml
# other term
source ./devel/setup.bash
roslaunch scoot scoot.launch "mode:=man" "name:=small_hauler_1"
# other term
source ./devel/setup.bash
ROS_NAMESPACE="/small_hauler_1" rosrun scoot repl.py

## excavator
./srcp2-competitors/docker/scripts/run_srcp2_final -C /home/carter/SC2/misc/one_excavator.yaml
# other term
source ./devel/setup.bash
roslaunch scoot scoot.launch "mode:=man" "name:=small_excavator_1"
# other term
source ./devel/setup.bash
ROS_NAMESPACE="/small_excavator_1" rosrun scoot repl.py

any/all of the rovers

scoot._look(0,0)  # same as lookForward


scoot.move_bin(1)  # like half dump


scoot.move_shoulder_yaw(0) # no bounds at its continuous so be careful
scoot.move_shoulder_yaw(1) # no bounds at its continuous so be careful

Closes #173 & #172

abbypribis commented 3 years ago

My repl hangs when I try to run the hauler:

When running scout: abbypribis@l10:~/SC2$ roslaunch scoot scoot.launch "mode:=man" ... logging to /home/abbypribis/.ros/log/30d4055c-859a-11eb-bb8f-f48c50c94bd1/roslaunch-l10-92074.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://l10:39275/



NODES / drive_controller (drive_controller/drive_controller.py) /small_scout_1/ Core (scoot/Core.py) object_detection (object_detection/Object_Detection.py) obstacle (obstacle/Obstacle.py) odom (scoot/FakeLocalization.py) stereo_image_proc (stereo_image_proc/stereo_image_proc) stfCamera2LOptical (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfCamera2ROptical (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BLArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BLSteeringArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BLWheel (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BRArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BRSteeringArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BRWheel (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FLArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FLSteeringArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FLWheel (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FRArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FRSteeringArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FRWheel (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2volatileSensor (tf/static_transform_publisher)


process[small_scout_1/obstacle-1]: started with pid [92088] process[small_scout_1/stfCamera2LOptical-2]: started with pid [92089] process[small_scout_1/stfCamera2ROptical-3]: started with pid [92090] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2BLWheel-4]: started with pid [92091] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2BRWheel-5]: started with pid [92092] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2FLWheel-6]: started with pid [92098] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2FRWheel-7]: started with pid [92103] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2BLSteeringArm-8]: started with pid [92112] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2BRSteeringArm-9]: started with pid [92115] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2FLSteeringArm-10]: started with pid [92122] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2FRSteeringArm-11]: started with pid [92134] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2BLArm-12]: started with pid [92135] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2BRArm-13]: started with pid [92136] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2FLArm-14]: started with pid [92139] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2FRArm-15]: started with pid [92140] process[small_scout_1/stfChassis2volatileSensor-16]: started with pid [92141] process[small_scout_1/object_detection-17]: started with pid [92143] process[small_scout_1/Core-18]: started with pid [92154] process[small_scout_1/odom-19]: started with pid [92159] process[small_scout_1/stereo_image_proc-20]: started with pid [92160] process[drive_controller-21]: started with pid [92161]

abbypribis@l10:~/SC2$ ROS_NAMESPACE="/small_scout_1" rosrun scoot repl.py [INFO] [1615818453.258561, 0.000000]: Waiting for control service [INFO] [1615818453.262006, 0.000000]: Done waiting for control service [INFO] [1615818453.265887, 0.000000]: Done waiting for general services [INFO] [1615818453.267896, 0.000000]: Done waiting for rover specific services [INFO] [1615818453.292042, 75.447000]: Scoot Ready Python 3.8.5 (default, Jan 27 2021, 15:41:15) Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information IPython 7.21.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]:

When running the hauler: abbypribis@l10:~/SC2$ roslaunch scoot scoot.launch "mode:=man" "name:=small_hauler_1" ... logging to /home/abbypribis/.ros/log/30d4055c-859a-11eb-bb8f-f48c50c94bd1/roslaunch-l10-92926.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://l10:45091/



NODES / drive_controller (drive_controller/drive_controller.py) /small_hauler_1/ Core (scoot/Core.py) object_detection (object_detection/Object_Detection.py) obstacle (obstacle/Obstacle.py) odom (scoot/FakeLocalization.py) stereo_image_proc (stereo_image_proc/stereo_image_proc) stfCamera2LOptical (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfCamera2ROptical (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BLArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BLSteeringArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BLWheel (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BRArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BRSteeringArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2BRWheel (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FLArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FLSteeringArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FLWheel (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FRArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FRSteeringArm (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2FRWheel (tf/static_transform_publisher) stfChassis2volatileSensor (tf/static_transform_publisher)


process[small_hauler_1/obstacle-1]: started with pid [92940] process[small_hauler_1/stfCamera2LOptical-2]: started with pid [92941] process[small_hauler_1/stfCamera2ROptical-3]: started with pid [92942] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BLWheel-4]: started with pid [92943] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BRWheel-5]: started with pid [92950] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FLWheel-6]: started with pid [92956] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FRWheel-7]: started with pid [92957] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BLSteeringArm-8]: started with pid [92958] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BRSteeringArm-9]: started with pid [92959] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FLSteeringArm-10]: started with pid [92964] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FRSteeringArm-11]: started with pid [92978] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BLArm-12]: started with pid [92979] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BRArm-13]: started with pid [92989] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FLArm-14]: started with pid [92993] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FRArm-15]: started with pid [93001] process[small_hauler_1/stfChassis2volatileSensor-16]: started with pid [93002] process[small_hauler_1/object_detection-17]: started with pid [93003] process[small_hauler_1/Core-18]: started with pid [93004] process[small_hauler_1/odom-19]: started with pid [93010] process[small_hauler_1/stereo_image_proc-20]: started with pid [93011] process[drive_controller-21]: started with pid [93013]

abbypribis@l10:~/SC2$ ROS_NAMESPACE="/small_hauler_1" rosrun scoot repl.py [INFO] [1615818587.644773, 0.000000]: Waiting for control service [INFO] [1615818587.648546, 0.000000]: Done waiting for control service

This is in the same terminal, so everything is sourced.

Carter90 commented 3 years ago

@abbypribis So you don't see the "Done waiting for general services" printout for the hauler? Make sure it has spawned in the sim. If you are not seeing that print out then that means the get_true_pose service has not become available make sure you are running that latest submodel and have built.

Carter90 commented 3 years ago

Could you do a rosservice list in the terminal when the hauler is running?

gmfricke commented 3 years ago

@Carter90 I get a lot of this: process[small_scout_1/Core-18]: started with pid [732273] process[small_scout_1/odom-19]: started with pid [732279] process[small_scout_1/stereo_image_proc-20]: started with pid [732281] process[drive_controller-21]: started with pid [732282] [ WARN] [1615845580.835194738]: The input topic '/small_scout_1/camera/left/image_raw' is not yet advertised [ WARN] [1615845580.835753055]: The input topic '/small_scout_1/camera/left/camera_info' is not yet advertised [ WARN] [1615845580.835797500]: The input topic '/small_scout_1/camera/right/image_raw' is not yet advertised [ WARN] [1615845580.835820972]: The input topic '/small_scout_1/camera/right/camera_info' is not yet advertised Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rospy/impl/tcpros_service.py", line 465, in _get_service_uri self.uri = master.lookupService(self.resolved_name) File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rosgraph/masterapi.py", line 327, in lookupService return self._succeed(self.handle.lookupService(self.caller_id, service)) File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rosgraph/masterapi.py", line 154, in _succeed raise Error(msg) rosgraph.masterapi.MasterError: no provider

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/sc2/SC2/devel/lib/scoot/FakeLocalization.py", line 15, in exec(compile(fh.read(), python_script, 'exec'), context) File "/home/sc2/SC2/src/scoot/src/FakeLocalization.py", line 51, in publish_fake_odom() File "/home/sc2/SC2/src/scoot/src/FakeLocalization.py", line 15, in publish_fake_odom m = model_coordinates(rover_name, 'world') File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rospy/impl/tcpros_service.py", line 442, in call return self.call(*args, *kwds) File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rospy/impl/tcpros_service.py", line 502, in call service_uri = self._get_service_uri(request) File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rospy/impl/tcpros_service.py", line 470, in _get_service_uri raise ServiceException("service [%s] unavailable"%self.resolved_name) rospy.service.ServiceException: service [/gazebo/get_model_state] unavailable [small_scout_1/odom-19] process has died [pid 732279, exit code 1, cmd /home/sc2/SC2/devel/lib/scoot/FakeLocalization.py small_scout_1 name:=odom log:=/home/sc2/.ros/log/bc0d365e-85d9-11eb-ab06-558c956827d9/small_scout_1-odom-19.log]. log file: /home/sc2/.ros/log/bc0d365e-85d9-11eb-ab06-558c956827d9/small_scout_1-odom-19.log [small_scout_1/odom-19] restarting process process[small_scout_1/odom-19]: started with pid [732354] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rospy/impl/tcpros_service.py", line 465, in _get_service_uri self.uri = master.lookupService(self.resolved_name) File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rosgraph/masterapi.py", line 327, in lookupService return self._succeed(self.handle.lookupService(self.caller_id, service)) File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rosgraph/masterapi.py", line 154, in _succeed raise Error(msg) rosgraph.masterapi.MasterError: no provider

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Carter90 commented 3 years ago

@gmfricke the above errors have nothing to do with this pull req. Make sure your host is able to connect to the ros master. To test are you able to subscribe(rostopic echo) and publish(rostopic pub) from the host? like rostopic pub /small_scout_1/front_right_wheel/drive/command/velocity std_msgs/Float64 "data: 10.0" does the wheel move?

if not change docker/scripts/run_srcp2_final

--network $srcp2net_name \
--network-alias $simalias_name \
 --network="host" \

--env=ROS_MASTER_URI="" \
abbypribis commented 3 years ago

Could you do a rosservice list in the terminal when the hauler is running?

abbypribis@l10:~/SC2$ rosservice list /drive_controller/get_loggers /drive_controller/set_logger_level /gazebo/apply_body_wrench /gazebo/apply_joint_effort /gazebo/clear_body_wrenches /gazebo/clear_joint_forces /gazebo/delete_light /gazebo/delete_model /gazebo/get_joint_properties /gazebo/get_light_properties /gazebo/get_link_properties /gazebo/get_link_state /gazebo/get_loggers /gazebo/get_model_properties /gazebo/get_model_state /gazebo/get_physics_properties /gazebo/get_world_properties /gazebo/pause_physics /gazebo/reset_simulation /gazebo/reset_world /gazebo/set_joint_properties /gazebo/set_light_properties /gazebo/set_link_properties /gazebo/set_link_state /gazebo/set_logger_level /gazebo/set_model_configuration /gazebo/set_model_state /gazebo/set_parameters /gazebo/set_physics_properties /gazebo/spawn_sdf_model /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model /gazebo/unpause_physics /gazebo_gui/get_loggers /gazebo_gui/set_logger_level /rosout/get_loggers /rosout/set_logger_level /small_excavator_1/brake_rover /small_excavator_1/camera/left/image_raw/compressed/set_parameters /small_excavator_1/camera/left/set_camera_info /small_excavator_1/camera/left/set_parameters /small_excavator_1/camera/right/image_raw/compressed/set_parameters /small_excavator_1/camera/right/set_camera_info /small_excavator_1/camera/right/set_parameters /small_excavator_1/get_true_pose /small_excavator_1/pid_list /small_excavator_1/pid_tuning /small_excavator_1/small_excavator_1_robot_state_publisher/get_loggers /small_excavator_1/small_excavator_1_robot_state_publisher/set_logger_level /small_excavator_1/system_monitor/power_saver /small_hauler_1/Core/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/Core/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/ScootNode/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/ScootNode/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/camera/left/image_raw/compressed/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/camera/left/set_camera_info /small_hauler_1/camera/left/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/camera/right/image_raw/compressed/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/camera/right/set_camera_info /small_hauler_1/camera/right/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/control /small_hauler_1/left/image_color/compressed/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/left/image_color/compressedDepth/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/left/image_color/theora/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/left/image_mono/compressed/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/left/image_mono/compressedDepth/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/left/image_mono/theora/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/left/image_rect/compressed/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/left/image_rect/compressedDepth/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/left/image_rect/theora/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/left/image_rect_color/compressed/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/left/image_rect_color/compressedDepth/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/left/image_rect_color/theora/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/object_detection/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/object_detection/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/obstacle/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/obstacle/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/odom/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/odom/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/right/image_color/compressed/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/right/image_color/compressedDepth/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/right/image_color/theora/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/right/image_mono/compressed/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/right/image_mono/compressedDepth/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/right/image_mono/theora/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/right/image_rect/compressed/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/right/image_rect/compressedDepth/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/right/image_rect/theora/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/right/image_rect_color/compressed/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/right/image_rect_color/compressedDepth/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/right/image_rect_color/theora/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/small_hauler_1_robot_state_publisher/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/small_hauler_1_robot_state_publisher/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stereo_image_proc/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stereo_image_proc/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stereo_image_proc/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/stereo_image_proc_debayer_left/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/stereo_image_proc_debayer_right/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/stereo_image_proc_rectify_color_left/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/stereo_image_proc_rectify_color_right/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/stereo_image_proc_rectify_mono_left/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/stereo_image_proc_rectify_mono_right/set_parameters /small_hauler_1/stfCamera2LOptical/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfCamera2LOptical/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfCamera2ROptical/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfCamera2ROptical/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BLArm/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BLArm/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BLSteeringArm/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BLSteeringArm/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BLWheel/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BLWheel/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BRArm/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BRArm/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BRSteeringArm/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BRSteeringArm/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BRWheel/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2BRWheel/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FLArm/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FLArm/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FLSteeringArm/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FLSteeringArm/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FLWheel/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FLWheel/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FRArm/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FRArm/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FRSteeringArm/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FRSteeringArm/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FRWheel/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2FRWheel/set_logger_level /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2volatileSensor/get_loggers /small_hauler_1/stfChassis2volatileSensor/set_logger_level /small_scout_1/brake_rover /small_scout_1/camera/left/image_raw/compressed/set_parameters /small_scout_1/camera/left/set_camera_info /small_scout_1/camera/left/set_parameters /small_scout_1/camera/right/image_raw/compressed/set_parameters /small_scout_1/camera/right/set_camera_info /small_scout_1/camera/right/set_parameters /small_scout_1/get_true_pose /small_scout_1/pid_list /small_scout_1/pid_tuning /small_scout_1/small_scout_1_robot_state_publisher/get_loggers /small_scout_1/small_scout_1_robot_state_publisher/set_logger_level /small_scout_1/system_monitor/power_saver

yep - no get_true_pose - the small scout and small excavator work though

gmfricke commented 3 years ago

@Carter90 Thanks! Those changes to the startup script did the trick. Am able to control the joints.

abbypribis commented 3 years ago

@gmfricke - even hauler worked for you?

Am 3/15/21 um 18:55 schrieb G. Matthew Fricke @.***>:

 @gmfricke approved this pull request.

Tested scoot driving and camera motion.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

gmfricke commented 3 years ago

I didn’t try the hauler. Just the scout.

On Mar 15, 2021, at 7:32 PM, Abby Pribisova @.***> wrote:

@gmfricke - even hauler worked for you?

Am 3/15/21 um 18:55 schrieb G. Matthew Fricke @.***>:

 @gmfricke approved this pull request.

Tested scoot driving and camera motion.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

abbypribis commented 3 years ago

I didn’t try the hauler. Just the scout. On Mar 15, 2021, at 7:32 PM, Abby Pribisova @.> wrote: @gmfricke - even hauler worked for you? Am 3/15/21 um 18:55 schrieb G. Matthew Fricke @.>:  @gmfricke approved this pull request. Tested scoot driving and camera motion. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

I think we should wait till hauler works to merge into master - I can look into it a bit later tonight.

gmfricke commented 3 years ago

Makes sense. That’s why I didn’t merge it.

On Mar 15, 2021, at 9:52 PM, Abby Pribisova @.***> wrote:

I didn’t try the hauler. Just the scout. … On Mar 15, 2021, at 7:32 PM, Abby Pribisova @.> wrote: @gmfricke - even hauler worked for you? Am 3/15/21 um 18:55 schrieb G. Matthew Fricke @.>:  @gmfricke approved this pull request. Tested scoot driving and camera motion. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

I think we should wait till hauler works to merge into master - I can look into it a bit later tonight.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

Carter90 commented 3 years ago

@abbypribis very strange I've tried with the yaml and without(no -C) spawning 3 rovers as I see that's what you doing but am unable to reproduce your problem. rosservice list | grep /get_true_pose


Can you post the output of the ./srcp2-competitors/docker/scripts/run_srcp2_final call? as this is not a problem with our code.

abbypribis commented 3 years ago

@abbypribis very strange I've tried with the yaml and without(no -C) spawning 3 rovers as I see that's what you doing but am unable to reproduce your problem. rosservice list | grep /get_true_pose


Can you post the output of the ./srcp2-competitors/docker/scripts/run_srcp2_final call? as this is not a problem with our code.

Output of my rosservice list | grep /get_true_pose:


Output of my ./srcp2-competitors/docker/scripts/run_srcp2_final call:


 Space Robotics Challange, Phase 2
 Final Round

 Copyright (c) 2019-2022, NASA-JSC, All Rights Reserved

From host system:

wrn: no config file set, using default
ok:  Checking Nvidia complete
ok:  Running with graphical GUI
ok:  XServer ok
ok:  logging setup complete
final_competitor: Pulling from scheducation/srcp2_comp
da7391352a9b: Already exists 
14428a6d4bcd: Already exists 
2c2d948710f2: Already exists 
4d5df4314d50: Already exists 
c087f8b9a74f: Already exists 
545b88943637: Already exists 
8c964c0ae513: Already exists 
adee9054a07b: Already exists 
6f199fa19a7c: Already exists 
5f916c75ba18: Already exists 
8d661330d840: Already exists 
7df9e905beb0: Already exists 
cf09e972a1d0: Already exists 
ba8973d6e116: Already exists 
abfeb7829210: Already exists 
24ad9b2dc347: Already exists 
ea8d2258b4df: Already exists 
d0356fc9f918: Already exists 
f4bcdd8cd419: Already exists 
ba0bd98f87ac: Already exists 
71adbac0cca7: Already exists 
fef380b9aec7: Already exists 
f8940a6a42dc: Already exists 
09af4e2ef18c: Pull complete 
421962e57bb4: Pull complete 
0091540e6334: Pull complete 
4931d1c58a1a: Pull complete 
a551590a3d0a: Pull complete 
29ceb631ee15: Pull complete 
ca6419861f45: Pull complete 
7783e7139dbe: Pull complete 
27d2fab8d412: Pull complete 
c44242372dba: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:8e0618bc51e69e8a5c40a4bcf6e1d97dda4d6cae049ce2e96edb8fd7b6436bc3
Status: Downloaded newer image for scheducation/srcp2_comp:final_competitor
ok:  image update complete

inf: running image:  scheducation/srcp2_comp:final_competitor
inf: container name: srcp2-final
inf: runtime logs:   /home/abbypribis/.srcp2
inf: gazebo logs:    /home/abbypribis/.gazebo
inf: ros logs:       /home/abbypribis/.ros
inf: config file:    <container-default>

inf: Simulation container started. Gazebo startup typically takes a few seconds
inf: run docker kill srcp2-final to stop, or await sim timeout

inf: Confirming Network Setup:  Network Setup...
inf: Existing network found: srcp2net
inf: Network Setup is now  ready as srcp2net...

Cleaning up the .. Host Gazebo Paging Trash before we start it.
From Container:

WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
inf: Extra config starting..
ok:  found configuration file
inf: setting configuration environment variables
ok:  configuration environment variables set
inf: Setting up the ROS workspace..
ok:  /home/srcp2/ros_workspace/install/setup.bash found
inf: SRCP2 Packages Installed ..
srcp2_gazebo /home/srcp2/ros_workspace/install/share/srcp2_gazebo
srcp2_heightmap /home/srcp2/ros_workspace/install/share/srcp2_heightmap
srcp2_launch /home/srcp2/ros_workspace/install/share/srcp2_launch
srcp2_models_final /home/srcp2/ros_workspace/install/share/srcp2_models_final
srcp2_msgs /home/srcp2/ros_workspace/install/share/srcp2_msgs
srcp2_qa /home/srcp2/ros_workspace/install/share/srcp2_qa
srcp2_teleop /home/srcp2/ros_workspace/install/share/srcp2_teleop
inf: Setting up Heightmap..
inf: generating runtime heightmap...

Terrain settings used in current heightmap:


 1025x1025 pixels

Total x,y map size:
 200x200 meters

Total z map size:
 3 meters

Arena boundary properties:
 {'max_radius': 975, 'min_radius': 975, 'max_height': 92, 'min_height': 92, 'width': 0, 'sigma': 3.0}

Starting zone properties:
 {'x_radius': 100, 'y_radius': 100, 'height': 92, 'width': 0, 'x_pixel': 513, 'y_pixel': 513}

Hill properties:
 {'number_of': 45, 'max_radius': 8, 'min_radius': 6, 'max_height': 153, 'min_height': 138, 'width': 0}

Crater properties:
 {'number_of': 45, 'max_radius': 7, 'min_radius': 5, 'max_height': 46, 'min_height': 30, 'width': 2}

Rock properties:
 {'number_of': 300, 'max_radius': 2, 'min_radius': 1, 'max_height': 138, 'min_height': 122, 'width': 0}

Outside arena boundary height:
 255 grayscale

Height scaling multiplier:

Heightmap blur amount:
 2 blurs

Current seed:

Meters per pixel (x,y):

Meters per grayscale integer (z):

Heightmap saved in location:


ok:  runtime heightmap generated
inf: roslaunching srcp2_launch final.launch

inf: Simulation Team Spawn      Q [2]
inf: Simulation Team Spawn Factor [8190]
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.3.0
Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[Wrn] [GuiIface.cc:200] g/gui-plugin is really loading a SystemPlugin. To load a GUI plugin please use --gui-client-plugin 
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.3.0
Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[ INFO] [1616445515.500604446]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.
[ INFO] [1616445515.501954040]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1616445515.675913829]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.
[ INFO] [1616445515.676906904]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo_gui/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
[Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Wrn] [GuiIface.cc:120] QStandardPaths: wrong ownership on runtime directory /tmp/xdg_runtime_dir, 0 instead of 1001
[Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Msg] Loading world file [/home/srcp2/ros_workspace/install/share/srcp2_launch/worlds/final.world]
[ INFO] [1616445516.362197055]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1616445516.388135570]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.
[Err] [InsertModelWidget.cc:402] Missing model.config for model "/home/srcp2/ros_workspace/install/share/srcp2_models_final/cmake"
inf: spawning "small_scout_1" into sim
[ INFO] [1616445519.801771225]: StartStopSim plugin loaded
[Msg] VolatileSpawner: found 0 volatiles in world
Warning [parser.cc:867] XML Attribute[frame] in element[pose] not defined in SDF, ignoring.
[ INFO] [1616445521.502425178, 0.001000000]: <robotNamespace> set to: /small_scout_1/
[ INFO] [1616445521.502506227, 0.001000000]: <topicName> set to: /small_scout_1/imu
[ INFO] [1616445521.502533049, 0.001000000]: <frameName> set to: /small_scout_1_imu_link
[ INFO] [1616445521.502594714, 0.001000000]: <updateRateHZ> set to: 100
[ INFO] [1616445521.502632871, 0.001000000]: <gaussianNoise> set to: 0.05
[ INFO] [1616445521.502734245, 0.001000000]: <xyzOffset> set to: 0 0 0
[ INFO] [1616445521.502945820, 0.001000000]: <rpyOffset> set to: 0 -0 0
[ INFO] [1616445521.504286696, 0.001000000]: IMU Sensor Plugin (ns = /small_scout_1/)  <tf_prefix>, set to "small_scout_1"
Name Spacesmall_scout_1
[ INFO] [1616445521.731440751, 0.001000000]: Camera Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/small_scout_1/'
[ INFO] [1616445521.734290569, 0.001000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /small_scout_1/)  <tf_prefix_>, set to "small_scout_1"
[ INFO] [1616445521.748034427, 0.001000000]: Laser Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/small_scout_1/'
[ INFO] [1616445521.748109585, 0.001000000]: Starting GazeboRosLaser Plugin (ns = /small_scout_1/)
[ INFO] [1616445521.749249282, 0.001000000]: GPU Laser Plugin (ns = /small_scout_1/) <tf_prefix_>, set to "small_scout_1"
[ INFO] [1616445521.750021053, 0.001000000]: LoadThread function completed
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1842] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not supported.
[INFO] [1616445517.955106, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter /small_scout_1/robot_description
[INFO] [1616445517.969588, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1616445517.972399, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1616445521.759191, 0.001000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
Name Spacesmall_scout_1
[ INFO] [1616445521.794329634, 0.001000000]: Camera Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/small_scout_1/'
[ INFO] [1616445521.797112645, 0.001000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /small_scout_1/)  <tf_prefix_>, set to "small_scout_1"
[ INFO] [1616445521.872803624, 0.001000000]: Starting System Monitor
[ INFO] [1616445521.872940129, 0.001000000]: SDF based configurtion System Monitor Parameters ...
[ INFO] [1616445521.874111792, 0.001000000]: System Monitor start power has been set to: 100.000000
[ INFO] [1616445521.874140806, 0.001000000]: Setting System Monitor (ns = small_scout_1)
[ INFO] [1616445521.874184576, 0.001000000]: Gazebo and ROS Initializing
[ INFO] [1616445521.874338702, 0.001000000]: Starting System Monitor Gazebo Publisher Topic: [ ~/small_scout_1/system_monitor ]
[ INFO] [1616445521.876927685, 0.001000000]: Starting System Monitor On Update
[ INFO] [1616445521.877133958, 0.001000000]: Starting System Monitor Loaded
[ INFO] [1616445521.887204191, 0.001000000]: RoverBrake loaded with small_scout_1
[ INFO] [1616445521.906754390, 0.001000000]: Spot Light Available On: small_scout_1 
[ INFO] [1616445521.915400726, 0.001000000]: Setting up Volatile Sensor...
[ INFO] [1616445521.915501582, 0.001000000]: SDF based configurtion of Parameters ...
[ INFO] [1616445521.915623910, 0.001000000]: Gazebo  event configuring...
[ INFO] [1616445521.916030904, 0.001000000]: Setting Up Ros (ns = small_scout_1)
[ INFO] [1616445521.917401931, 0.001000000]: Success: Volatile Sensor Loading complete
[ INFO] [1616445521.964053291, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: bl_wheel_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964214204, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: br_wheel_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964256506, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fl_wheel_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964283667, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fr_wheel_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964306856, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: bl_steering_arm_tibia_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964327726, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: br_steering_arm_tibia_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964345379, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fl_steering_arm_tibia_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964374954, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fr_steering_arm_tibia_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964399889, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: bl_steering_arm_shoulder_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964422926, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: br_steering_arm_shoulder_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964443246, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fl_steering_arm_shoulder_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964463330, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fr_steering_arm_shoulder_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964481263, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: sensor_bar_pitch_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964499174, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: sensor_bar_yaw_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964517083, 0.001000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: volatile_sensor_joint
[ INFO] [1616445521.964539930, 0.001000000]: Starting JointStatePublisher Plugin (ns = small_scout_1)!, parent name: small_scout_1
[Msg] VolatileSpawner: found 72 volatiles in world
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1842] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not supported.
... logging to /home/srcp2/log/924be93a-8b4e-11eb-8110-f48c50c94bd1/roslaunch-l10-300.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://l10:46707/


 * /rosdistro: noetic
 * /rosversion: 1.15.9
 * /small_scout_1/robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /small_scout_1/tf_prefix: small_scout_1

    spawn_small_scout_1 (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)


process[small_scout_1/spawn_small_scout_1-1]: started with pid [326]
[small_scout_1/spawn_small_scout_1-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/srcp2/log/924be93a-8b4e-11eb-8110-f48c50c94bd1/small_scout_1-spawn_small_scout_1-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
ok:  Launching TF small_scout_1 : small_scout
inf: Simulation Team Spawn      Q [2]
inf: Simulation Team Spawn Factor [8190]
[Msg] Loading heightmap: runtime_heightmap
[Wrn] [Publisher.cc:136] Queue limit reached for topic /gazebo/final_world/pose/local/info, deleting message. This warning is printed only once.
inf: spawning "small_excavator_1" into sim
Warning [parser.cc:867] XML Attribute[frame] in element[pose] not defined in SDF, ignoring.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1842] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not supported.
[INFO] [1616445528.719586, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter /small_excavator_1/robot_description
[INFO] [1616445528.737018, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1616445528.811302, 5.751000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1616445529.423882, 5.853000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
... logging to /home/srcp2/log/924be93a-8b4e-11eb-8110-f48c50c94bd1/roslaunch-l10-464.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://l10:35491/


 * /rosdistro: noetic
 * /rosversion: 1.15.9
 * /small_excavator_1/robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /small_excavator_1/tf_prefix: small_excavator_1

    spawn_small_excavator_1 (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)


process[small_excavator_1/spawn_small_excavator_1-1]: started with pid [488]
[small_excavator_1/spawn_small_excavator_1-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/srcp2/log/924be93a-8b4e-11eb-8110-f48c50c94bd1/small_excavator_1-spawn_small_excavator_1-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
ok:  Launching TF small_excavator_1 : small_excavator
inf: Simulation Team Spawn      Q [2]
inf: Simulation Team Spawn Factor [8190]
[Msg] Heightmap loaded. Process took: 9.02604 seconds
[Err] [Scene.cc:2974] Light [small_scout_1::light_model::small_scout_1_light_link::spotlight] already exists. Use topic ~/light/modify to modify it.
[ INFO] [1616445533.253686890, 5.853000000]: <robotNamespace> set to: /small_excavator_1/
[ INFO] [1616445533.253834614, 5.853000000]: <topicName> set to: /small_excavator_1/imu
[ INFO] [1616445533.253926255, 5.853000000]: <frameName> set to: /small_excavator_1_imu_link
[ INFO] [1616445533.254035153, 5.853000000]: <updateRateHZ> set to: 100
[ INFO] [1616445533.254141439, 5.853000000]: <gaussianNoise> set to: 0.05
[ INFO] [1616445533.254251513, 5.853000000]: <xyzOffset> set to: 0 0 0
[ INFO] [1616445533.254369763, 5.853000000]: <rpyOffset> set to: 0 -0 0
[ INFO] [1616445533.255743053, 5.853000000]: IMU Sensor Plugin (ns = /small_excavator_1/)  <tf_prefix>, set to "small_excavator_1"
Name Spacesmall_excavator_1
[ INFO] [1616445533.258702007, 5.853000000]: Camera Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/small_excavator_1/'
[ INFO] [1616445533.263110762, 5.853000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /small_excavator_1/)  <tf_prefix_>, set to "small_excavator_1"
[ INFO] [1616445533.264814140, 5.853000000]: Laser Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/small_excavator_1/'
[ INFO] [1616445533.265092044, 5.853000000]: Starting GazeboRosLaser Plugin (ns = /small_excavator_1/)
Name Spacesmall_excavator_1
[ INFO] [1616445533.268343449, 5.853000000]: Camera Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/small_excavator_1/'
[ INFO] [1616445533.280809527, 5.853000000]: GPU Laser Plugin (ns = /small_excavator_1/) <tf_prefix_>, set to "small_excavator_1"
[ INFO] [1616445533.300803252, 5.853000000]: LoadThread function completed
[ INFO] [1616445533.306626685, 5.853000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /small_excavator_1/)  <tf_prefix_>, set to "small_excavator_1"
[ INFO] [1616445533.364885404, 5.853000000]: Starting System Monitor
[ INFO] [1616445533.365016847, 5.853000000]: SDF based configurtion System Monitor Parameters ...
[ INFO] [1616445533.365733729, 5.853000000]: System Monitor start power has been set to: 100.000000
[ INFO] [1616445533.365780683, 5.853000000]: Setting System Monitor (ns = small_excavator_1)
[ INFO] [1616445533.365807444, 5.853000000]: Gazebo and ROS Initializing
[ INFO] [1616445533.365866610, 5.853000000]: Starting System Monitor Gazebo Publisher Topic: [ ~/small_excavator_1/system_monitor ]
[ INFO] [1616445533.368291069, 5.853000000]: Starting System Monitor On Update
[ INFO] [1616445533.368346906, 5.853000000]: Starting System Monitor Loaded
[ INFO] [1616445533.369633343, 5.853000000]: RoverBrake loaded with small_excavator_1
[ INFO] [1616445533.421718302, 5.853000000]: Spawning Spoil Process Starting.
[ INFO] [1616445533.422826213, 5.853000000]: Spawn Spoil Process Completed Succesfully.
[ INFO] [1616445533.444600934, 5.853000000]: Excavator Scoop Plugin Process Starting.
[ INFO] [1616445533.448375302, 5.853000000]: Excavator Scoop Process Completed Succesfully.
[ INFO] [1616445533.450430799, 5.853000000]: Spot Light Available On: small_excavator_1 
[ INFO] [1616445533.600772374, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: bl_wheel_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.600839961, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: br_wheel_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.600876728, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fl_wheel_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.600904092, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fr_wheel_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.600930740, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: bl_steering_arm_tibia_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.600954484, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: br_steering_arm_tibia_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.600977914, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fl_steering_arm_tibia_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601001649, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fr_steering_arm_tibia_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601026868, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: bl_steering_arm_shoulder_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601050152, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: br_steering_arm_shoulder_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601074219, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fl_steering_arm_shoulder_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601097041, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: fr_steering_arm_shoulder_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601122008, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: sensor_bar_pitch_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601145225, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: sensor_bar_yaw_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601165117, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: shoulder_yaw_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601185376, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: shoulder_pitch_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601209572, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: elbow_pitch_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601230452, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: wrist_pitch_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601251546, 5.853000000]: JointStatePublisher is going to publish joint: spawning_zone_joint
[ INFO] [1616445533.601271341, 5.853000000]: Starting JointStatePublisher Plugin (ns = small_excavator_1)!, parent name: small_excavator_1
[Err] [Scene.cc:2974] Light [small_scout_1::light_model::small_scout_1_light_link::spotlight] already exists. Use topic ~/light/modify to modify it.
inf: spawning "small_hauler_1" into sim
[Msg] Saving heightmap cache data to /home/srcp2/.gazebo/paging/runtime_heightmap
Warning [parser.cc:867] XML Attribute[frame] in element[pose] not defined in SDF, ignoring.
[Wrn] [msgs.cc:1842] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not supported.
[INFO] [1616445537.654881, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter /small_hauler_1/robot_description
[INFO] [1616445537.686209, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1616445537.706534, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1616445538.336409, 7.183000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
... logging to /home/srcp2/log/924be93a-8b4e-11eb-8110-f48c50c94bd1/roslaunch-l10-607.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://l10:36013/


 * /rosdistro: noetic
 * /rosversion: 1.15.9
 * /small_hauler_1/robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /small_hauler_1/tf_prefix: small_hauler_1

    spawn_small_hauler_1 (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)


process[small_hauler_1/spawn_small_hauler_1-1]: started with pid [637]
[small_hauler_1/spawn_small_hauler_1-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/srcp2/log/924be93a-8b4e-11eb-8110-f48c50c94bd1/small_hauler_1-spawn_small_hauler_1-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
ok:  Launching TF small_hauler_1 : small_hauler
[Err] [Model.cc:1048] Sensors failed to initialize when loading model[small_hauler_1] via the factory mechanism. Plugins for the model will not be loaded.
[INFO] [1616445543.595098, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter repair_station_description
[INFO] [1616445543.599236, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1616445543.606575, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1616445543.702799, 7.222000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
... logging to /home/srcp2/log/924be93a-8b4e-11eb-8110-f48c50c94bd1/roslaunch-l10-711.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://l10:42631/


 * /repair_station_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /rosdistro: noetic
 * /rosversion: 1.15.9

    spawn_repair_station (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)


process[spawn_repair_station-1]: started with pid [757]
[spawn_repair_station-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/srcp2/log/924be93a-8b4e-11eb-8110-f48c50c94bd1/spawn_repair_station-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
ok:  repair station complete
[Msg] Heightmap cache data saved. Process took: 10.6021 seconds.
[ INFO] [1616445546.882092113, 7.916000000]: <robotNamespace> set to: /small_hauler_1/
[ INFO] [1616445546.882211938, 7.916000000]: <topicName> set to: /small_hauler_1/imu
[ INFO] [1616445546.882423692, 7.916000000]: <frameName> set to: /small_hauler_1_imu_link
[ INFO] [1616445546.882623264, 7.916000000]: <updateRateHZ> set to: 100
[ INFO] [1616445546.882845217, 7.916000000]: <gaussianNoise> set to: 0.05
[ INFO] [1616445546.883073465, 7.916000000]: <xyzOffset> set to: 0 0 0
[ INFO] [1616445546.883302196, 7.916000000]: <rpyOffset> set to: 0 -0 0
[ INFO] [1616445546.887312239, 7.916000000]: IMU Sensor Plugin (ns = /small_hauler_1/)  <tf_prefix>, set to "small_hauler_1"
Name Spacesmall_hauler_1
[ INFO] [1616445546.892436649, 7.917000000]: Camera Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/small_hauler_1/'
[ INFO] [1616445546.904073203, 7.919000000]: Laser Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/small_hauler_1/'
[ INFO] [1616445546.904824864, 7.921000000]: Starting GazeboRosLaser Plugin (ns = /small_hauler_1/)
Name Spacesmall_hauler_1
[ INFO] [1616445546.909296565, 7.921000000]: Camera Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/small_hauler_1/'
[ INFO] [1616445546.912857754, 7.921000000]: GPU Laser Plugin (ns = /small_hauler_1/) <tf_prefix_>, set to "small_hauler_1"
[ INFO] [1616445546.916303900, 7.921000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /small_hauler_1/)  <tf_prefix_>, set to "small_hauler_1"
[ INFO] [1616445546.916575710, 7.921000000]: LoadThread function completed
[ INFO] [1616445546.932830563, 7.927000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /small_hauler_1/)  <tf_prefix_>, set to "small_hauler_1"
[INFO] [1616445547.065441, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter processing_plant_description
[INFO] [1616445547.082961, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1616445547.097803, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1616445547.295761, 7.954000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
... logging to /home/srcp2/log/924be93a-8b4e-11eb-8110-f48c50c94bd1/roslaunch-l10-804.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://l10:35475/


 * /processing_plant_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /rosdistro: noetic
 * /rosversion: 1.15.9

    spawn_processing_plant (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)


process[spawn_processing_plant-1]: started with pid [831]
[spawn_processing_plant-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/srcp2/log/924be93a-8b4e-11eb-8110-f48c50c94bd1/spawn_processing_plant-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
ok:  processing plant complete
Carter90 commented 3 years ago

Odd the [Err] [Model.cc:1048] Sensors failed to initialize when loading model[small_hauler_1] via the factory mechanism. Plugins for the model will not be loaded. stands out to me

Carter90 commented 3 years ago

@htasnim tested and was able to move all joints and get bucket_info, reported an attribute error with the bin_info (it might have been submodle and docker mismatch or a new change in the last week to the docker) something to keep an eye out for.