BCLab-UNM / SwarmBaseCode-ROS

The base code provided to teams participating in NASA Swarmathon IV.
MIT License
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Patch swarmie-web.js #211

Closed darrenchurchill closed 6 years ago

darrenchurchill commented 6 years ago

Addresses Issue #210

wfvining commented 6 years ago

Thanks, shouldn't have let the web interface get stale.

The to uppercase is probably bad form but is needed since hostnames are prefixed to topics in uppercase. Should address this more elegantly by moving the touppercase call in to the Swarmie constructor. (although it is still necessary for the additional topics used by swarmie-web).

wfvining commented 6 years ago

Staleness has been removed from swarmie-web. Including fixing the dicument typo.