I alas do not have a Swarmie this turkey day eve, so I am unable to test.
Testing the run.sh changes:
From home you could run ./SwarmBaseCode-ROS/run.sh this will use dirname
From SwarmBaseCode-ROS/src/behaviours/src you could run it as ../../../run.sh this will use catkin locate
And essentially the same for both
Proposed solution for issue #212 @wfvining
I alas do not have a Swarmie this turkey day eve, so I am unable to test.
Testing the run.sh changes: From home you could run
this will use dirname From SwarmBaseCode-ROS/src/behaviours/src you could run it as ../../../run.sh this will use catkin locateAnd essentially the same for both misc/deploy.sh misc/rover_launch_local.sh