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possible memory leak in K8s #7

Open JHinW opened 3 years ago

JHinW commented 3 years ago

Q; we have lighthouse as seed services which works fine, however 500M memory is retained by each instance seems a strange thing, there must be some weakness cause this issue.


JHinW commented 3 years ago

A: process running under lovely docker can be inspected by donet-dump , refer to https://github.com/dotnet/diagnostics/blob/master/documentation/dotnet-dump-instructions.md

JHinW commented 3 years ago

in repo of akkadotnet there has been a lot of mem leak issues created there, certainly it may not be the one you ran into but could be a good reference: https://github.com/akkadotnet/akka.net/issues/3735

to kill a process in ubuntu linux: https://www.linux.com/training-tutorials/how-kill-process-command-line/

JHinW commented 3 years ago

working set makes the memory consumption keeping increasing: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/442bd555-f9b5-41b5-a97f-3fcbdae7fd69/how-to-reduce-the-workingset-for-a-process

the key description of why app consume so much on app's startup:

The result of this is that on startup your app consumes a lot of resources that you will not need any longer once the app is up and running


JHinW commented 3 years ago


unfortunately, memory still keeps increasing and not sure if it is normal, the problem seems come from dotnetty !!!

JHinW commented 3 years ago

another snapshot of memory usage which make me believe that it is an issue of workingset-allocating in OS:


JHinW commented 3 years ago

i will try set param namely ServerGarbageCollection as true by following the instruction from this link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/run-time-config/garbage-collector.

i will continue to monitor the effects of this setting!!!!!

garbage collection action executes too fast: image

JHinW commented 3 years ago

eventually i realize that try to recycle memory pages allocated to one particular process is not a good choice, to make container running under limited resources : https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/

JHinW commented 3 years ago

another question about memory allocation and recycle, how to invoke Dispose method for memory managing

with link below, you will get how finalize method is invoked during GC processing. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13954829/gc-collect-and-finalize

JHinW commented 3 years ago

Another trial with version upgraded to 14.19 :

after three days 👍 image

five days without restart: image

i think new verision of lighthouse did a great garbage collection: (5 days after last deployment) image