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Table column disappears when paging #161

Closed david4096 closed 7 years ago

david4096 commented 7 years ago

On mac safari I observed that the table display changes when paging. I don't believe this is intended as I can't see the allele frequency.


strbean commented 7 years ago

Looks like the table is just overflowing to the right and getting cut off. Some indication that this is what is happening would clear things up.

david4096 commented 7 years ago

@strbean Yes, it appears to be a problem with the table columns changing size when paging.

zfisch commented 7 years ago

strange, I'm looking into it now.

zfisch commented 7 years ago

ah yea, this is related to issue #145 -- I'll put in a PR to standardize table column sizes based on screen size and make sure there's a scrollbar on the table if the width of the screen is too small to contain the entire table.