Brian, please take a look at this RNASeq script. I tested it by making a call to Luigi.
PYTHONPATH='..' luigi --module RNASeqTask RNASeqCoordinator --redwood-client-path ../../../redwood-client/ucsc-storage-client/ --redwood-host --redwood-token --local-scheduler --tmp-dir pwd/luigi_state --data-dir $(pwd) --max-jobs 400 1> stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt
The problem I see is that the script seems to run twice. I still have to debug this. There are a couple of other points:
I had to instruct urlopen to ignore certs due to the non self signed certs issue
I do not know where we will have rsem, kallisto and star so I default them to the cwd
The data file location setup in the json around line 71 will need to be changed
Brian, please take a look at this RNASeq script. I tested it by making a call to Luigi. PYTHONPATH='..' luigi --module RNASeqTask RNASeqCoordinator --redwood-client-path ../../../redwood-client/ucsc-storage-client/ --redwood-host --redwood-token --local-scheduler --tmp-dir
/luigi_state --data-dir $(pwd) --max-jobs 400 1> stdout.txt 2> stderr.txtThe problem I see is that the script seems to run twice. I still have to debug this. There are a couple of other points: