Closed MarcNiebel closed 6 years ago
Hi Marc,
Are the files beginning AlignedReadsInWindow_ tree files? And is there more than one of them?
This isn't anything you did - it's an internal function that's seeing the wrong arguments. I'm unclear why as yet.
Yes there are 50 of them which have the format: AlignedReadsInWindow_1081_to_1260.tree (example)
What was different about the earlier iterations that worked?
Nothing except I did it about a month ago and recently updated the scripts
Maybe quickest if you just run the attached instead and tell me what the output is. I suspect some argument is being split into a vector.
Do I just run it instead of normal script?
Yes. Github didn't like ".R" as a file extension, but it's just a modification of the same script.
Actually resolved it by re-installing the R package(phyloscannerR) without having to implement the debug version. Thanks for your help.
Reinstalling the package should probably be suggestion number 1 in a FAQ for problems with phyloscannerR! Thanks for letting me know.
Hi Matthew,
I have a files of tree files which have been generated by FastTree. I am trying to use these in your script for analysing the trees. My command is:
../../../../../phyloscanner/phyloscanner_analysetrees.R AlignedReadsInWindow P102_P110multitrans s,20 --outgroupName AF009606 --allowMultiTrans --tipRegex "^(.*)([0-9]+)read([0-9]+)count([0-9]+)$" --normRefFileName ../../../../1a_ORF.csv_ByPosition.csv --multifurcationThreshold g --verbose 2
The error I get is:
Warning: replacing previous import ‘ggtree::getRoot’ by ‘phangorn::getRoot’ when loading ‘phyloscannerR’ Random number seed is 197906578 Error in phyloscanner.analyse.trees(, tree.file.regex, reconstruction.mode, : unused arguments (verbosity, no.progress.bars) Execution halted
Could you possible clarify which arguments are required. I am not sure I understand the error. Previous iterations of the above code worked fine.
Kind Regards,