A small error, but in the demo the step where you add the spectrum files, there is a type where a q is inserted in place of a u. The proper command should be:
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
spec_file = resource_filename('sedkit', 'data/Trappist-1_NIR.fits')
import astropy.units as u
trap1.add_spectrum_file(spec_file, wave_units=u.um, flux_units=u.erg/u.s/u.cm**2/u.AA)
A small error, but in the demo the step where you add the spectrum files, there is a type where a q is inserted in place of a u. The proper command should be:
from pkg_resources import resource_filename spec_file = resource_filename('sedkit', 'data/Trappist-1_NIR.fits') import astropy.units as u trap1.add_spectrum_file(spec_file, wave_units=u.um, flux_units=u.erg/u.s/u.cm**2/u.AA)