BDR-Pro / EnigmaLang

EnigmaLang 🕵️‍♂️💻🔒 is your digital armor, transforming Python scripts into undecipherable mysteries 🧙‍♂️✨. It weaves a spell of obfuscation and AES encryption, cloaking your code in secrecy. Imagine your script as a phoenix 🐦🔥, reborn from ashes into a form that eyes can't unravel. With a wand wave, EnigmaLang turns readable text to obfs
MIT License
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Hi there is some suggestions for you. #1

Open 1100111GTH opened 5 months ago

1100111GTH commented 5 months ago

I'm happy to see a python obfuscate project updated by you, the gihub repo doesn't have much younger or maybe still upgrade projects, except Pyarmor. i think you should learn from them and you can do better.

1100111GTH commented 5 months ago

Tell me what the bug is and I will try to help you.

BDR-Pro commented 5 months ago

it was working until i want to make it with itreations failed return back to the and failed

probably i need just to check out to the first commit lol

BDR-Pro commented 5 months ago

PS C:\Users\bdrkh\Documents\Python\EnigmaLang> & C:/Users/bdrkh/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/python.exe c:/Users/bdrkh/Documents/Python/EnigmaLang/test_code/ 550c6f8511f688c051afa136e2a215b88312d774e06f262708734ba6b8d42c23 Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Users\bdrkh\Documents\Python\EnigmaLang\test_code\", line 7, in exec(loaded_bytecode) File "filename", line 3394, in File "filename", line 3389, in decrypt_and_execute_dfjqBWwQSq File "C:\Users\bdrkh\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\Crypto\Util\", line 92, in unpad raise ValueError("Padding is incorrect.") ValueError: Padding is incorrect. PS C:\Users\bdrkh\Documents\Python\EnigmaLang>

1100111GTH commented 4 months ago

Sorry, I'm quite busy these days, when I'm free, I'll try.