BEAST-Fitting / beast

Bayesian Extinction And Stellar Tool
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Add distance to the BEAST #38

Closed karllark closed 6 years ago

karllark commented 7 years ago

Adding distance is needed for work in the Magellanic Clouds.

The fastest way to do this from human standpoint is to do multiple BEAST runs with different distances on a uniform grid. The results can be used to regenerate all the standard outputs of the BEAST with the addition of the distance information included and distance as the 7th fit parameter.

Basically (given a uniform distance grid):

Code is needed to do all this semi-seamlessly to avoid human error (e.g., include distance grid in and provide scripts to setup the n distance BEAST grids and merge the results).

karllark commented 7 years ago

One thought: we should put in distance just like the other 6 parameters. Thus, we can make a grid that has a range of distances if we want, or have a grid with one distance. This would provide flexibility in putting in distance. Maybe the grid will get small enough to allow enough distance bin points - or computers will get enough RAM - or the BEAST will get setup for true parallel computations in the sense of different parts of the grid to difference nodes.

drvdputt commented 6 years ago

I think that adding distances to the grid should not increase the amount of RAM used actually. Since the distance just rescales everything, it wouldn't make sense to store separate SEDs for the models at different distances. When the distances are put into the model grid as an extra axis, we would need some trick to refer to the same SED for multiple grid points. I think the better option is to keep the distances on a separate grid, and implement a loop somewhere near the end, when the probabilities are calculated. I will investigate these sections of the code and see how this fits in.

mfouesneau commented 6 years ago

Distance can be first a deterministically optimized parameter for each model on the grid. Then you get a posterior predictive distribution of distances.

optimal distance: log(D) = 1/5 (1/log10(det(Cov))) (obs - model)^T @ Cov^-1 @ (obs - model)

karllark commented 6 years ago

Adding distance this way is possible for the physics model. But it is not clear to me that this carries over to the observation model. The noise model (unc and bias) are mapped to the physics models via their fluxes. Changing the distance changes the fluxes, so changed the noise model. This is the case for the toothpick noise model. The more complicated trunchen model includes the covariance matrix and is directly mapped to the physics models. Remember, we have found the observation model is critical for good BEAST fits.

At this point, I don't see a solution that does not just make distance another BEAST variable and multiplies the models size by the number of distance bins. I'm very open to other solutions, but it has to be one that addresses the physics and observation models.

mfouesneau commented 6 years ago

True, I forgot about the AST based noise model. We're back to "how to make efficient sets of ASTs?" Learning the covariant noise properties smells badly like a Gaussian Process to me. @davidwhogg ?

karllark commented 6 years ago

Making efficient sets of ASTs is an important question and one we need more work on - especially for the trunchen model.

But I think the issue here is different. The BEAST works on the combo of the physics+observation model. As the observation model (unc and bias) is attached to the models (and not the data), then it is inherit in our method that distance will not just scale the combined physics+observation model. This is because distance scales the physics model, but requires a different non-linear mapping for the observation model because the observation model is highly non-linear with flux.

galaxyumi commented 6 years ago

I think we also need to think about what science cases we would really need the distance determination. I doubt we can determine distances of individual stars beyond the LMC and SMC, probably except for bright stars in nearby galaxies.

karllark commented 6 years ago

I have been thinking/hoping that distance could be added in a way that allows for a single value for the cases where multiple values are needed (as @galaxyumi notes above). So, this would be like metallicity now where a single value is allowed. When distance was multi-valued, then a prior can be included. Including distance is not necessarily so that it can be derived by the BEAST. But it can at least be included as a nuisance parameter and marginalized over at a minimum.

karllark commented 6 years ago

Right now, I thought it might be good to just add distance as the 7th parameter and just allow the RAM to get larger. Then we could figure out a solution to the large RAM separately. One solution can be to split the extra large grid into pieces, run each piece and reassemble the results into a merged solution. Splitting by distance bins is one "easy" way to think about this. Merging the subrun results (sparse likelihoods, 1D pPDFs, etc) should be straightforward.

karllark commented 6 years ago

Done. New work on splitting/merging grid tracked by a different issue.