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Tests for stellar grid/prior weights #521

Closed karllark closed 4 years ago

karllark commented 4 years ago

Tests needed for grid and prior weights in 1D (mass, age, metallicity [distance already done). 3D done (mass, age, metallicity) as part of the phat_small regression tests. 4D needed (adding in multiple distances).

s-goldman commented 4 years ago

I can try to tackle this one

s-goldman commented 4 years ago

@karllark it looks like there is a simple test for each of them already. You were suggesting something a little bit more that what's there?

s-goldman commented 4 years ago

The tests that we currently have are for distance.

karllark commented 4 years ago

Are there tests for the 1D for the stellar prior/grid weights? I can't find them, but that doesn't mean they do not exist. These would be tests similar to the distance, but for age, mass, metallicity. If these already exist, can you point me to them.

s-goldman commented 4 years ago

No those don't exist, but I can make them

karllark commented 4 years ago


s-goldman commented 4 years ago

533 includes all of the unit tests for stellar grid weights

s-goldman commented 4 years ago

@karllark All unit tests for stellar grid weights and priors should be complete!