BEAST-Fitting / beast

Bayesian Extinction And Stellar Tool
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Extinction setup in metal small needs updating #766

Open karllark opened 2 years ago

karllark commented 2 years ago

The extinction curve relationship in the metal_small example in beast-examples needs updating to be:

extLaw = extinction.Generalized_RvFALaw(ALaw=extinction.Generalized_DustExt(curve='F19'), BLaw=extinction.Generalized_DustExt(curve='G03_SMCBar'))

As this is the recommended mixture model. Basically an update of the Gordon16 mixture model to use the F19 instead of F99 Milky Way Rv relationship. F19 is better as it is based on spectroscopy in the optical instead of photometric bands.

This will change the regression tests.