BEAST-Fitting / beast

Bayesian Extinction And Stellar Tool
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Adding --diffSpike option when computing source density maps #776

Closed galaxyumi closed 1 year ago

galaxyumi commented 1 year ago

This might be specific to the LUVIT project at the moment, but will be useful for any observations suffering from diffraction spike artifacts due to bright foreground stars. If a column for the diffraction spike artifact flag ('DiffSpike_FLAG' in the example below) exists in any provided observation catalogs to the BEAST, the users can set --diffSpike option when creating source density maps.

python -m sourceden \ -catfile phot_catalog.fits --pixsize 5.0 --mag_cut 20 26 \ --diffSpike DiffSpike_FLAG

karllark commented 1 year ago

Test failures fixed by previous PR.