BEEmod / BEE2-items

Standard Items for the BEE2.4
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Additional Signage #1093

Open Byzarru opened 7 years ago

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

With the new signage customization system, a separate BEE Signs item is no longer necessary. However, the following suggested signage icons still do not exist in the current version:


Possible Sendificator Prototypes by Byzarru: image image image image

Possible Rexaura Deflector Prototypes by Byzarru: image image image image image

Possible Positronic Energy Orb Prototypes by Byzarru: image image image

Possible Material Emancipation Grill Prototypes by Byzarru: image image image image image image

Possible Futbol Prototypes by Byzarru: image image

Possible Compressed Smoke Field Prototypes by Byzarru: image image image image image image

Possible Force Deflection Field Prototypes by Byzarru: image image

Closed Solid Field Prototypes by Byzarru: image image image image image image

Original content ### Summary ### This is a suggestion to establish two additional signage items for BEE: BEESigns, and Connection Signage. In addition, signs should use the 8-positioning system light strips use, rather than the rotational system it currently uses. - **General Signage Adjustments** - Create new repository for new adjustments ([Byzarru/BEE2-items]( - Add two new rows of icons to the current signage item - 8-Positioning of signs (TeamSpen is looking into this) - **BEESigns** (Byzarru and TheDarkBomber are working on sign prototypes) - Create BEESigns item - Finalize custom designs - Make Clean textures - Make Dirty Textures - Make Old Style Textures - Make BTS Textures - **Connection Signs** - Create Connection Signs item - Make Clean textures - Make Dirty Textures - Make Old Style Textures - Make BTS Textures ## BEESigns ## I'd like to suggest a new set of signage to accompany the standard set of signage. This set includes standard items not covered by the signage item, items from other mods, items exclusive to BEE, and fun, lighthearted icons. Textures for some items could be taken from the original Portal and the various mods, while others would need to be custom made (I made a few, posted at the end). This item could possibly be paired with the original signage for easy switching between sign sets. Like the original signage, BEE Signs feature arrows and they would work in the same way. ### Listing ### Items included in the new signage set include fun signs and custom items exclusive or included in BEE. The Aerial Faith Plate is included because, although the AFP includes its own signage, it would be useful to direct players to nearby plates and it would be a useful prop to include with large AFPs. Additions to current signage (Textures taken from Portal 1 or Portal 2): 19. Aerial Faith Plate 20. Cube Clean 21. Laserfield 22. Crusher 23. HEP Hazard 24. HEP Catcher 25. Companion Cube 26. Cake BEESigns (Textures taken from mods or custom made): 3. Citranium ^ (Ap:Tag) 4. Portrait of a Lady (for Art Therapy) ^(P2) 5. Rexaura HEP Deflector * 6. Rexaura Positronic Energy Orb * 7. Sendificator * 8. Futbol * 9. Turret Fire ^(P2) 10. Fire Hazard (if #1073 or a similar item is made) 11. Shredder ^(P2) 12. Material Emancipation Grill * 13. Compressed Smoke Field * 14. Force Deflection Field * 15. Closed Solid Field *°(TheDarkBomber) 16. Physics Repulsion Field 17. Matter Inquisition Field 18. Liquid Coloring Excision Field/Paint Fizzler 19. Cube Shower (as per #585) 20. Specialty Gel 21. Bumbleball 22. Josepezdj's Mechanism Sign ^ 23. 24. 25. 26. (*) refers to custom icons being made/prototyped by Byzarru. ° refers to custom icons being made/prototyped by someone else. ^ refers to icons taken from P1, P2, or a mod ## Connection Signs ## In addition, I recommend a third signage set with all of the connection symbols as an alternative to the default antline/signage. Automatic signage is often clumsy, so a manual item will allow for strategic placement of connecting signage. ## 8-Positioning of Signage ## Signs are meant to direct players to areas, objects, or actions while remaining aesthetically pleasing. With only four positions, each on the edge of a voxel, there are situations where this is difficult to achieve. I suggest having all signage items use the 8-positioning system (like light strips), which would keep the directions signs can point to while increasing the possible positions.
Jadeygaming commented 7 years ago

I like it.

LautaroL20 commented 7 years ago

These are nice! It looks like you have some knowledge at photoshop.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

This is actually all made in PowerPoint! I do use Photoshop fairly often, though; I use PowerPoint for all of my graphics because PowerPoint is the only vector graphics app I have.

LautaroL20 commented 7 years ago

Strange, how do you get the smoothed lines? As far as i know, Paint causes a " Sawtooth" when you use some prefab lines.


Konclan commented 7 years ago

Use, it's a free paint program and works wonders

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

@LautaroL20 You seem to be using MS Paint, which is a raster-only editor. PowerPoint is a vector editor (albeit a weak one) but exports to raster formats such as .png and .jpg. That's why PowerPoint has such clean lines.

@Konclan is a raster editor. I need some vector in my life, and .wmf isn't useful to me.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

I think this should be an entirely new item (as opposed to being part of an extended signage item), possibly grouped with the original Signage and a third set of signage that includes the connection symbols (which you can pair with antlines or clusters of items that are activated by a single output).

Note: Updated main comment.

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

@Byzarru There should also be signages for custom fizzlers.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

I've re-listed 12 (previously Futbol) as "Specialty Fizzler", which covers all four custom fizzlers. It might be necessary to split it into individual signs (MEG, CSF, FDF, MIF, MTG, LCEF) to get the full array of effects, though I personally think that "Fizzler" should have a singular sign. Additionally, "Fizzler" and "Laserfield" can be used together to represent a Death Fizzler, as it is a combination of the two items already.

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

@Byzarru There should still be a Futbol signage though. Put it back as 17.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

I'll just do some rearranging, then. Should there be separate fizzler signs or one catch-all? Also, I can put together some futbol signs. I'll try to get those done this week.

Edit: I've made the following changes:

I might also cobble up some fizzler pics, too.

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

@Byzarru They should be separate. My idea was that they would show what the fizzler did, for example the Matter Inquistion Field would show a person walking through, with the portals staying.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

Here's what I'm going to try to depict (H/V represent orientation of fizzler in illustration): Compressed Smoke Field - Cube in or passing through fizzler. (H/V) Force Deflecton Field - Portals around fizzler. (V) Physics Repulsion Field - Cube resting on fizzler or being rejected by fizzler. (H/V) Matter Inquisition Field - Player passing through fizzler, portals intact. (V) Liquid Coloring Excision Field - Gel stopping at fizzler. (H)

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

@Byzarru I would like to make some prototypes for the signage. How do I use PowerPoint as a vector image editor?

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

I could also just use, but that's not vector so they might not turn out as well.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

The polygon tool: image You can edit points after you draw: image PowerPoint also supports Bezier curves: image

The only vector formats PowerPoint exports in are .wmf and .emf, but the graphics come back a bit skewered. Things still look pretty clean in .png at the right scale.

This template has the cube graphic, as well as a square with the same gradient and size I made the prototypes in. temp.pptx

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

@Luke18033, post your prototypes here and I'll add them to the main entry.

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

I could make signage have the 8-position rotation, but that would cause a slight issue - I have to make the item either have no collisions, or have the collision shape of light strips. That means for example you couldn't have two in the same block pointing in perpendicular orientations, and also not around other blocks.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

And it was then I also realized that Portal 1 signs are framed and pop out of the wall. However, a lot of Hammer maps in the Workshop use signage with no collisions. Perhaps 4-position colliding and 8-position non-colliding signage could be variants.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

MEG Prototypes:

image image image

image image image

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

@Byzarru What is MEG?

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

@TeamSpen210 Have two different versions

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

Material Emancipation Grill.

Ed: A large portion of our discussion on this thread is about 'Fizzlers', so I think it is beneficial to refer to each fizzler by its technical name if each is to get a new icon.

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

Oh, I usually call it a fizzler.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

I have a few new thoughts:

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

I definitely agree on the signage. I'll probably first put the Valve-made ones into the current item, and add a new item with all the shape connection signs (matching whatever the styles show).

I'd also recommend you extract the original sign textures from the VPK files, and take a look at them. For the number slots, remember that 1 & 2 can't be used since the timer goes ∞. For that I'd just change what shows on the model. The tables should probably be grouped into groups of four, since that's the row length.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

Futbols: image image Which futbol holder is larger?

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

@Luke18033, do you have any designs done? After there are proposals for all of the items, I'd like to get a poll made with all of the designs to determine which ones are actually going into the item.

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

@Byzarru I haven't been working on them much.

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

@Byzarru Now that I think about it, making them with a vector editor doesn't make much sense. They would need to be in VTF format, and VTF doesn't support vector.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

These are proposals. Once the designs are finalized (which I will put to a survey), they can be remade (in all the styles) in a raster editor and converted to VTF.

TheDarkBomber commented 7 years ago

Closed Solid Field: sng This is PNG. It can be converted to VTF.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

Compressed Smoke Field: image image image image

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

Force Deflection Field image image

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

Closed Solid Field (Some of these might be more appropriate for the other fields, I'll add them to the main thread) image image image image image image

TheDarkBomber commented 7 years ago

It blocks everything, including lasers. And turrets, and excursion funnels.

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

@TeamSpen210 For the 8-positioning, just make it have no collisions. Who cares about collisions anyway? It's just more invalid positions.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

To keep things from crashing, I assume. Not everyone who uses the Puzzlemaker is aesthetically inclined.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

Updated PEO image image

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

@TeamSpen210 @Byzarru - 8-positioning of signage works fine, the only problem is that the model isn't being placed correctly (but that could easily be fixed). They don't collide with ANYTHING, including antlines. However, it's unlikely that you would be using signage as an antline blocker - use Antline Routers instead.

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

What do you mean by "Specialty Gel"?

TheDarkBomber commented 7 years ago

@TeamSpen210 He means any gel.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

I really mean Adhesion/Reflection/Whatever gel is added or removed in a hypothetical patch. But yeah. That works, too.

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

Sticky gel has a sign texture, but not reflection.

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

There's an Adhesion Gel sign texture?

TheDarkBomber commented 7 years ago

What is it?

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago


vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

I've seen that before, I thought it was custom. What's the file name?

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

There's no VMT file for it, just the texture - signage/signage_paint_stick.vtf.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

It'd be best to have a 'special' gel texture, instead, because the fate of reflection gel isn't certain.