BEEmod / BEE2-items

Standard Items for the BEE2.4
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Panel Arms #1583

Closed vrad-exe closed 6 years ago

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

From @XdplayerdX on February 14, 2017 15:41

Can You Add this,is like a panel but have more angles and can move for any direction Examples: In gmod have one of then thank you this is the best addon for portal 2 !!!

Copied from original issue: BEEmod/BEE2.4#520

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

Great idea, but what would it be in Old Aperture or P1?

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

It's like a panel but,can move follow one rail,can ben angled,and can support other itens(cubes,turrets,cameras(like whetley and turrets or cubes)) and can make everything like this addon:|637:358&composite-to%3D%2A%2C%2A%7C637%3A358&background-color=black|268:268&composite-to%3D%2A%2C%2A%7C268%3A268&background-color=black Well you can remove that of the Old Aperture or portal 1 or you can use the old aperture panel textures and models,with some editions.

Thanks For Everything And Sorry for my bad english !

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

I know what it is. The problem is Old Aperture and Portal 1 - they don't have panel arms. Portal 1 could use some sort of piston panel, but what about Old Aperture?

Konclan commented 7 years ago

I'm confused as to what this item is, its like an angled panel + a unstationary scaffold and allows items to be attached to them?

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

It's just a panel arm, like what's used for Stairs. But they can be placed individually.

Konclan commented 7 years ago

Still lost, how is that different from an angled panel?

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

Its like this:|637:358&composite-to%3D%2A%2C%2A%7C637%3A358&background-color=black|268:268&composite-to%3D%2A%2C%2A%7C268%3A268&background-color=black

The Panel in Old Aperture:

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

What specifically do you want it to do? How should it move?

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

Well,for make that more easy you can make various panels with diferent functions like: 1 move for up and down 2 move for the sides 3 move for front and back 4 move at diagonal using front and back + sides + up down 5 this is a solid surface,in can drop everythink (a cube for example) 6 in the chapter the escape,you can view a Multitasking Arm moving in a rail (with whetley) 7 Technical it's one piston+angled panel+Track Platform+Piston Platform+Flip Panel I'm like make test chambers like behinde the scenes :

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

That Have Some Images Of The Model And Some Poses Of The Panel:

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

I'm well aware what they look like. I want specific item suggestions - one item, how it is placed, how it will move, how it should look in othe styles, etc. There are hundreds of animations for panels.

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

Additionally, all items work in all styles, so it must be reasonable in all of them.

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

It's placed in the floor,walls,ceiling,you use one bar for difine the angle,the pose,and the portabilite,that can ben divised (or not,you is a developer) in 3 items: 1Multitasking Arm : can move around,can be angled and you can use at any direction using the tiny circle, you can place some tipe of itens in this Multitasking Arm (like cameras,laser,portal spawners,excurse funnels,etc...).

2 rail Multitasking Arm: you can make basic every thar i mentioned up,you use the arrows for difine the track,if you shoot one portal that portal move with the panel(like destroy the neurotoxin generator in The Escape).

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

Oh,in the portal 1 style you use pistons for the Multitasking Arm,and a track for the rail Multitasking Arm in old aperture,use motors and gears for Multitasking Arm,and motors and one track for the rail Multitasking Arm

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

you can choose the the height with the since arrow of the piston plataform,the angle with the since controls of the angled panel,and can move the panel with arrows

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

Most of those things can't be mixed and matched.

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

the piston plataform have height and direction you can use,and the track plataform have movements,you can create 2 (or 3) diferent panels: Multitasking Arm Moving Panel Multitasking Arm Track Panel Multitasking Arm angle and position panel

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

It could be pulleys and rails in Old Aperture.

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

@XdplayerdX Those sliders to adjust the angle of the panel can't be done, the panels can only use preset animations. Maybe use the ICP to choose which one to use?

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

Yes,you can't make a ''New Animation'' and put that to portal 2 files ?

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

And Whats it ICP ?

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

I'd have to create hundreds, one for each position...

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

ICP is Item Configuration Pane, BEEmod/BEE2.4#467.

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

well Up,down,left,right,diagonals = 9*9=81 ,you it's right it's harder maker everything, what is Item configuration pane ?

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

See the linked issue.

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

If You use a custom ICP like the mini hud in this images : use this to difine to location ,it's more easy than make 81 animations

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

That's the thing, it's not possible to do that in Portal 2, even with the ICP. Although it is in that game (Garry's Mod), ~so maybe that code is also in Portal 2?~ It would still need the ICP, since the code definitely isn't in the editor.

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

What is the max possible that we can do ?

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

I can only reuse what's already in the editor. There's the ability to mix-and-match simple properties like checkboxes, but I can't add more, or do things like have the piston and track platform handles on the same item, attach multiple things to each other, or do other custom rotations.

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

well,the Multitasking Arm not as possible now ? Are you forecast to release the next version of the beemod ?

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

The arm is still possible, but it wouldn't be able to move to any angle or position - it could only use the animations Valve has made. Additionally, the ICP only allows for 29 different configs, so you could only use 29 different animations in the map.

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

The next release won't be for a while, development on Pr25 just started recently.

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

what animations we can use to make the panel like the original ? well i questioned everything...

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

~I have plans to make PuzzleMaker Plus, which will allow things like custom movement handles or item properties. I'm not developing that yet though, so that won't be for a while~.

We can use any animations that Valve made, but you'll only be able to have 29 different ones per map.

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

Do you have any predictions of when it will launch?(the next release,and the PM Plus ) It takes about 1 month, a year?

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

The next release: Probably within a couple of months. PuzzleMaker Plus: nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine...

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

Well thank's for all help :) ! I'm wating the next update !

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

Better Mod !

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

The Multitasking Arm (~or the ICP, for that matter~) are not going to be in the next release, if that's what you are waiting for. But expect other new features - the Radiative Flux Field from Rexaura is in, and ~@LautaroL20 is developing Breakable Glass~ Breakable Glass is in development.

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

I'm Know, i'm wating you next release because i know that will be Fantastic :)

Endermage77 commented 7 years ago

I think what you're thinking of is the old Living Panel item from the BEE2 alpha. I personally don't know how that item worked. but it's the closest thing I can think of.

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

have one link ? i dont know that item

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

i can't find the living panels in any site Have you a Link ? Or Image ?

Endermage77 commented 7 years ago

I'm not certain whether it was part of the regular pack or Tspen's stuff or what, but one of the items I had was called a Living Panel. It's kinda similar to one panel in one of the more difficult Wheatley chambers: What it did was simple: When it was activated, it performed an animation determined by a timer number. It came in small, medium, and large variations.

Unfortunately, I no longer have my copy of that particular version. What it had on it was: The BEE2.5 alpha, Tspen210's addon, and Radelite's addon.

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

i cant download more The Tspean210's addon,the page has not found

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

I'm downloaded the bee alpha and i see the living panel but i can't compile,i get a error

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

There wasn't a medium version, only small and large. The large one was kind of weird...

XdplayerdX commented 7 years ago

i can't test that panel,that give-me a compile error