BEEmod / BEE2-items

Standard Items for the BEE2.4
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Make Bottomless pits work on deep pools #159

Closed genestrashcan closed 8 years ago

genestrashcan commented 8 years ago

@TeamSpen210 and @BenVlodgi

here is some images to explain how to solve some bugs with the bottomless pits, should be easy for the compiler to pull off. also Light needs to pass from skybox into map and shadows from the map into the skybox so it looks even between the pit and the map if possible.

pit 1

how they should really work

pit 1 - copy

TeamSpen210 commented 8 years ago

I can't make paint, lasers or any other special stuff go through skyboxes. Valve needs to specially code that into the game.

I'll make bottomless pits work for 2+ deep pools, but I won't extend the floor any more - it's quite complex to do, and unnecessary. The real problem currently is that trigger_hurt only activates every 0.5 seconds, so you fall to the bottom before dying.

BenVlodgi commented 8 years ago

Remove the trigger hurt Add a fade to black kill the player at the end of the fade... That's how it's done in the bts

It might be possible to activate a view proxy on the player when they hit the trigger. The view proxy would be attached inside a box of skybox we also spawn spawn a box of skybox which would all be patented to to a physbox in large open area box area outside the map When the player hits the trigger in the pit (trigger teleport) the speed and direction of the player are captured and sent to a script, which then sets that speed and direction on the physbox ouside the map. The view proxy is activated So then the skybox box your view is in, will fall through the floor (into the void) But since it's all skybox, it will show the player falling through the skybox..... I litterally just had that whole idea right now. It's a total long shot, but would be super cool if it worlked

TeamSpen210 commented 8 years ago

Currently, I'm actually using a trigger_teleport with reference entities to teleport physics objects into the skybox room. The scale is set to 1:1, and it ends up looking pretty good. I can enable the clients flag easily, the real problem is if the player looks upward after falling - they'll see the big open space above the skybox. If it works in Coop, I might be able to use the vechicle technique Valve used in sp_a4_finale4 to constrain the camera.

jccreszMinecraft commented 8 years ago

Camera direction locks? I've seen people control cameras in the Source engine before.

On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 3:52 AM, TeamSpen210 wrote:

Currently, I'm actually using a trigger_teleport with reference entities to teleport physics objects into the skybox room. The scale is set to 1:1, and it ends up looking pretty good. I can enable the clients flag easily, the real problem is if the player looks upward after falling - they'll see the big open space above the skybox.

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genestrashcan commented 8 years ago

@TeamSpen210 - i think you should go with ben's idea - and use @jccreszMinecraft idea of camera locks to control the camera when they fall into the pit so the camera redirects to looking down and they can't look up once they fall into the pit.

currently a bug exists too where i can place two pits on top of each other in a map by making the voxels just right and they glitch, you need to solve this somehow.

@TeamSpen210 and @BenVlodgi - i have another idea, but it will be COMPLEX but it will solve the bottomless pit problem. first you add a checkbox option to bee2 to choose between goo pit or bottomless pit. then what you do is if bottomless pit is marked is you surround the area the test chamber instances are in with a very large box which will be your skybox and pit too. then what you do is when a goo pit is placed in the map you remove the voxels throughout the bottom of it and place a fade with a kill trigger on a delay to simulate a longer fall (you place it where the skybox would be in the bottom of the goo pit), once you do that you would need to have custom instances for the walls of the test chamber which would be textures on the outside and some would have instances on some of them (like panel arms), you place fake exit and entry elevators connected to the chamber that are textured on the outside for looks, then you place the other instances around in the box such as vents and tubes and beams etc. you just need a way to prevent them from coming into a certain range of the test chamber so you wouldn't see a instance placed where it shouldn't be in the middle of a test chamber. then if you can pull this off and the player fell through if they looked up they would see the test chamber above, this would also solve the problem of gels and lasers and portal fires being stopped by the skybox. basically your generating a real bottomless pit around PTI's test chamber that works like the ones in game.

BenVlodgi commented 8 years ago

@TeamSpen210 Oh, perfect! I thought the skybox was 16-1, which is why I suggested the fun complicated method. It sounds like then, using the teleports and landmarks, you're almost set.... viewproxies can also restrict view angles I believe

genestrashcan commented 8 years ago

see more recent issue - case closed