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Electricity Pads #2179

Open ncrecc opened 7 years ago

ncrecc commented 7 years ago

The electricity pads from Portal: Still Alive. image These would periodically turn on and off. While they're on, they kill players, and only players. For an example, play Level 5 of the PC port or Chamber 07 of Portal: Prelude. Prelude, however, has them textured with a yellow flash, and Still Alive has them textured as blue lightning bolts.

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

Indeed, I've wanted to add those. Perhaps you place them on one surface, and they clone themselves to the other wall. You'd link them like cutout tiles or triggers. They would have a timer option, to change how long it stays in each mode.

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

I'll also want to do some VScripts, spawn in some env_beams which randomly fire throughout the field region while it's on.

vrad-exe commented 7 years ago

I think it already does that? Also, Portal: Still Alive uses a (custom?) texture which slowly fades in to indicate the field is turning on, which we'd want to include.

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

It does have beams, but I'd want to use VScript, so they connect to the two sides. The texture is custom, but we can replace it with the Light Bridge edge texture. Pretty much the same.

Byzarru commented 7 years ago

This should also be the item that electrifies water in the BP pack.

Endermage77 commented 7 years ago

I'd personally like to be able to manually toggle this, and control it with a separate timer item thing.

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

Perhaps in ∞ mode it'll just turn on and off directly.

Endermage77 commented 7 years ago

Why not add a timer that can automatically toggle itself like this?

Then you can just connect this to that and call it good. And be able to use the timer for a lot of other things.

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

I'd want to do that too as well.

Endermage77 commented 7 years ago

Oh, okay.

Nick2007Portal commented 6 years ago

You could set it to Start Reversed to allow it to dissolve things.

TeamSpen210 commented 6 years ago

How would that be communicated to the player? We already have fizzlers.

Nick2007Portal commented 6 years ago

it wont dissolve player ofc .-. just dissolve cubes and stuff.

TeamSpen210 commented 6 years ago

No, how do you tell the difference between a cube version and a player version?

Nick2007Portal commented 6 years ago

I don't understand what are you trying to say

CubieJudy commented 6 years ago

How do you let the player know the difference between a Object Fizzling Pad. or a Kill Trigger Pad? Signage? Yeah, sure but not everyone LOOKS at Signage. Different colors? Thats Trial and Error. You need an easy and quick way to tell them apart.

Nick2007Portal commented 6 years ago

It will dissolve objects. Sounds will be different, and electricity will be red, and have a red glow. And it would slightly damage the player coming through.

CubieJudy commented 6 years ago

Still isn't going to communicate it well enough. This object doesn't need to fizzle objects. If you want to prevent bringing items through it. Place Fizzlers on each end,

Nick2007Portal commented 6 years ago

Won't do. Fizzlers don't fit that thin.

Nick2007Portal commented 6 years ago

If not, then what other you offer me? Different sounds, colour? CHECK AND MATE!

Endermage77 commented 6 years ago

It's quite simple, really: If TeamSpen doesn't feel that it can be distinguished easily from a regular one, then it shall not pass any further than a Balrog past Gandalf.

Therefore you will have to present your arguments before him if you want anything to proceed further.

CubieJudy commented 6 years ago

Sounds, Color, all of that is irrelevant. Electricity Pads were never made to fizzle objects. Why should we change that? We have so many other objects that can fizzle them. That at this point items that can fizzle things is just an "Oh... Another object that does this?"

ZipZoptheCat commented 6 years ago

There's always the standing fizzler. You could put it outside the end of the electricity pad.

TeamSpen210 commented 6 years ago

Another component is what makes logical sense. Electrical shocks will obviously kill people. For an inanimate block, it's not going to do anything. So those properties are identifiable by players well before they actually try them out. Good test elements show the player what they will do. Fizzlers glow and speed up their effect when you bring cubes near them, to ahow the impending doom. It makes sense that a solid Light Bridge would support gel on it, and that it would fall off when disabled.

G-Guy commented 3 years ago

I know I am responding in an 3 year old thread but would we possibly see those in 4.38 build or anytime in future?

FenceAKAGlasnost commented 1 year ago

They also exist in Portal Prelude, I think

vrad-exe commented 1 year ago

If this ever gets added it should probably also have a "forgiving" mode like laserfields, where it damages and shoves you out if you're standing near the edge and only instakills you if you try to force through or stand in the middle