BEEmod / BEE2-items

Standard Items for the BEE2.4
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new style portal terminal #2207

Closed Milkman68 closed 6 years ago

Milkman68 commented 7 years ago

this is the portal terminal mod here

Milkman68 commented 7 years ago
capture1 capture 3 capture 4
CreepiX987 commented 7 years ago


Milkman68 commented 7 years ago

its supposed to take place in a old unfinished 20th century computer simulation of course it's going to look a bit blocky

FrozenDragon0 commented 7 years ago

Problems with this.

  1. Gel: We can't make gel pixelated only valve has the ability to do this.
  2. How will entrances and exits work? I mean if you think about it will look abit or quite weird with pixelated things everywhere.
  3. Turrets: we can make them pixilated but that'd require a new model + animations.
  4. Light bridges: Yes we can change the model of the emitter but the actual bridge itself we can't change. Same goes for lasers.
  5. Funnels: Funnels will be a annoying problem with this style since we can't change the emitter otherwise that breaks the animations and we can't change the beam.
  6. A lot of other custom items will need pixelated models which will look weird in my opinion.
Milkman68 commented 7 years ago

everything dose not need to be pixelated as seen with cube droppers and other entity's it's just a block of see through green

capture 5 capture 6

you could make funnels like old aperture just hide it behind non see through grating and just make it a partially see through green rectangle the same with light bridges and gel droppers the only things that are pixely are the entrance and exit door

or you could make them there editor PTI moddels like with cubes

Milkman68 commented 7 years ago

oh an exit is just a square that lifts you up into the next chamber

capture 4
FrozenDragon0 commented 7 years ago

I'll see what @TeamSpen210 thinks.

Milkman68 commented 7 years ago

so this style is at least possible?

FrozenDragon0 commented 7 years ago

@TeamSpen210 What do you think?

TeamSpen210 commented 7 years ago

It looks rather terrible. In general I'm not really interested in doing custom stuff like this, unless it's already in a known mod or map...

Endermage77 commented 6 years ago

This looks more like a Debug Mode than anything else.

The default style is already almost there in terms of appearance, so why create a whole new thing that will need new models for every single item current and new...?

TeamSpen210 commented 6 years ago

It is one, it's got 'fullbfight' mode on since there's no lighting of any kind. That's usually considered a basic error to have in Hammer maps. I don't intend on adding that to BEE.

Milkman68 commented 6 years ago

oh ok i guess issue closed