BEEmod / BEE2-items

Standard Items for the BEE2.4
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Half stairs #2249

Open Milkman68 opened 6 years ago

Milkman68 commented 6 years ago

you could also make glass stairs and grating stairs and half glass stairs and half grating stairs

capture 45
FrozenDragon0 commented 6 years ago

Great idea :)

awesomedoctorx3 commented 6 years ago

this has already been suggested.

Milkman68 commented 6 years ago

that's talking about steeper 1x1 stairs but this is just cutting the stairs in half

awesomedoctorx3 commented 6 years ago

In that case, it's already possible with half blocks. see my map that does this:

Milkman68 commented 6 years ago

then you could only place them next to walls

awesomedoctorx3 commented 6 years ago

half stairs in the middle of a room would look weird.

Milkman68 commented 6 years ago

that's just like saying stairs in the middle of the room would look weird there the same thing!

awesomedoctorx3 commented 6 years ago

Stairs fit on 2 blocks, and they fill the entirety of the two blocks. this would fill 1/2 of two blocks in the middle of the room, making it look misaligned and misplaced. This wouldn't be a good idea.

Milkman68 commented 6 years ago

how could you tell your vision is not a grid every time you enter a level and i'm not saying that half stairs in the middle of the room would not look weird it would be better to have freedom of where you can actually place it

awesomedoctorx3 commented 6 years ago

PeTI maps are very clearly on a 128 grid. it's just that this item is unneeded when there are ways of achieving the desired effect by already existing means. as a side note, it wouldn't work properly with a handle_4_positions and handle_8_positions would result in duplicate placements.

Endermage77 commented 6 years ago

I personally like the idea of half-stairs. It'd be good for exceptionally narrow hallways. And annoying doctors by intentionally dropping them in the middle of vast, empty, useless, chambers. That's a very good use for them.

Milkman68 commented 6 years ago

i also think that glass and grating stairs are a good idea

Endermage77 commented 6 years ago

Might as well add half-tall-glass to this while we're going, eh? We've got half-tall-grating, so why not half-tall-glass?

Milkman68 commented 6 years ago

now that's a good idea!

awesomedoctorx3 commented 6 years ago

@Endermage77 please make a new issue for that, not just stick it in here.

Milkman68 commented 6 years ago


Endermage77 commented 6 years ago

Right, right, I should've specified. Good catch on that one.