BEEmod / BEE2-items

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Pack original P1 fizzler particle #4231

Open vrad-exe opened 2 years ago

vrad-exe commented 2 years ago

Portal 2's copy of the "P1 fizzler" particle seems to actually be modified from the original, with less densely packed individual particles. The color might also be slightly different, though that could just be a result of tonemapping differences or the like between the P1/P2 engine branches. (Note that the P1 color correction is present in both screenshots.) Currently we work around this by doubling up all the fizzler particle systems, but since we can pack particles now we should just include the original version.

Portal 1


Portal 2


FrozenDragon0 commented 2 years ago

I'm surprised I never noticed this, looks almost identical but now that I've seen it side by side I can definitely see how the portal 2 version is less packed, guessing the modifications is from the game's beta during the time Portal 1's fizzlers were used as place holders.