BEEmod / BEE2.4

Tool to mod Portal 2's Puzzlemaker
282 stars 63 forks source link

BEEmod Crashes after typing in name of game (BadZipFile) #2049

Open TylerTheGuy298 opened 4 months ago

TylerTheGuy298 commented 4 months ago

BEE2 Application Version

4..44.1 64-bit

BEE2 Package Version


What operating system are you running on?

Windows 11

Logs and Reports

+ Exception Group Traceback (most recent call last):
  |   File "trio\_core\", line 963, in __aexit__
  | trio.NonBaseMultiError: <MultiError: <MultiError: BadZipFile('File is not a zip file')>>
  +-+---------------- 1 ----------------
    | Exception Group Traceback (most recent call last):
    |   File "app\", line 173, in app_main
    |   File "app\", line 63, in init_app
    |   File "trio\_core\", line 963, in __aexit__
    | trio.NonBaseMultiError: <MultiError: BadZipFile('File is not a zip file')>
    +-+---------------- 1 ----------------
      | Exception Group Traceback (most recent call last):
      |   File "packages\", line 576, in load_packages
      |   File "trio\_core\", line 963, in __aexit__
      | trio.NonBaseMultiError: BadZipFile('File is not a zip file')
      +-+---------------- 1 ----------------
        | Traceback (most recent call last):
        |   File "packages\", line 493, in find_packages
        |   File "trio\", line 400, in to_thread_run_sync
        |   File "outcome\", line 213, in unwrap
        |   File "trio\", line 327, in do_release_then_return_result
        |   File "outcome\", line 213, in unwrap
        |   File "trio\", line 346, in worker_fn
        |   File "srctools\", line 563, in __init__
        |   File "", line 1302, in __init__
        |   File "", line 1369, in _RealGetContents
        | zipfile.BadZipFile: File is not a zip file

Additional information

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling BEEmod.

Sirinchocolate commented 4 months ago

You need to unzip the zip files, into their .pack forms. And drop them in the packages folder.

This line only gets triggered with well, a bad zip file.

If you are using any user created/ 3rd party packages, I would reccomend not unzipping those in most cases. As the .pack extension rarely gets used by 3rd party/user created content.

TylerTheGuy298 commented 4 months ago

There’s no zip files to unzip, and I have the normal BEE2 packages already unzipped and in the packages folder, the only zip file I can find is a “” file I found but doesn’t have any connection to error.

TylerTheGuy298 commented 4 months ago

I don’t want to close the issue

Sirinchocolate commented 4 months ago

It is giving multiple bad zip file errors. Did you copy the downloaded zip, into the packages folder. And unzip it from there, into there? In that case, please remove the still zipped downloaded packages folder. From said folder.

TylerTheGuy298 commented 4 months ago

I unzipped the BEE2 packages folder and placed the contents into the packages folder of the application

TylerTheGuy298 commented 4 months ago

I’ll try redownloading everything and redoing the steps.

TylerTheGuy298 commented 4 months ago

It didn’t work.

TeamSpen210 commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately it's kinda tricky to know which file is the issue here. Try removing all the packages, then adding them a few at a time until you hit the error (or see if it's just any of them).

TylerTheGuy298 commented 4 months ago

Ok, I’ll try that when I wake up for school tomorrow

TylerTheGuy298 commented 4 months ago

I tried it, I removed every package from the packages folder and still got the error

TeamSpen210 commented 4 months ago

Can you post your full log file? It has to be finding a zip file somewhere.

TylerTheGuy298 commented 4 months ago

Sure, give me a bit

TylerTheGuy298 commented 4 months ago

Heres the log file: bee2.5.log

TeamSpen210 commented 4 months ago

That's a weird spot for Portal 2 to be installed. Where exactly is the packages folder you're sure is empty? Did you change the location in the config file (C:\Users\sigma\AppData\Roaming\BEEMOD2\config\config.cfg)?

TylerTheGuy298 commented 4 months ago

I have not changed the location the .cfg location and the location of my packages folder is in the same folder as the .exe and other files, and the reason why portal 2 is in a weird location is because the Windows 11 computer isn’t mine, I borrowed it from my brother and just dragged my Portal 2 installation onto a external drive, if I need to I can download steam and download portal 2 that way.

TeamSpen210 commented 3 months ago

Version adds additional logging to indicate the specific zip causing the issue, can you try with this version?