BEEmod / BEE2.4

Tool to mod Portal 2's Puzzlemaker
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"There was an error building the puzzle" #351

Closed Emma-Walker closed 8 years ago

Emma-Walker commented 8 years ago

After installing pr20 I get "There was an error building the puzzle" when I press F9 (rebuild puzzle) in the Puzzle Maker.

Even with completely empty puzzles: File -> New Chamber -> F9 -> "There was an error building the puzzle"

TeamSpen210 commented 8 years ago

Open the dev console and copy the error in there.

Emma-Walker commented 8 years ago

Please note that this Error still appears after I deinstalled BEE2 (File-->Remove Selected Game).

[PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] CVoxelTestChamber::Export VMF C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/sdk_content\maps/preview.vmf ... [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] CVoxelTestChamber::Export VMF success, chamber size: (8,6,4) [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Compilation time (after export): 37 (ms)

VBSP failed.

vbsp_styles: Starting style Changer VBSP hook. vbsp_styles: Elevators (hold ctrl): False vbsp_styles: commandline: " -game "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/portal2/"" vbsp_styles: filename: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/sdk_content\maps/preview.vmf" vbsp_styles: game: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/portal2/" vbsp_styles: limit: 1750 vbsp_styles: Saved modified C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\sdk_content\maps\styled\preview.vmf vbsp_styles: Changed 0 materials. vbsp_styles: -game "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/portal2/" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\sdk_content\maps\styled\preview.vmf" vbsp_styles: Launching and waiting for "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\bin\vbsp_original.exe" with commandline "-game "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/portal2/" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\sdk_content\maps\styled\preview.vmf"" Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\", line 26, in zipimport.ZipImportError: can't find module 'vbsp_originalmain' vbsp_styles: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\bin\vbsp_original.exe" finished. vbsp_styles: Packing because RunBspZip is set to 1 in editoritems.txt vbsp_styles: Making C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/portal2/\puzzles\76561198001362169\untitled.jpg writable

Emma-Walker commented 8 years ago

I tried with pr20 and pr18

TeamSpen210 commented 8 years ago

Delete the vbsp and vrad files in Portal 2/bin/, then verify your cache and export again. They're very mixed up.

Emma-Walker commented 8 years ago

OK, works now.

SIGSTACKFAULT commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem; the workaround worked. If you can't find the actual problem, perhaps add a button to automagically delete vbsp.exe and vrad.exe, verify game files, and re-export?

TL;DR: a button that does what TeamSpen210 said to do

SIGSTACKFAULT commented 7 years ago

Welp, I added a single trigger once to an existing puzzle and now nothing works.

Here's the error in the console:

VBSP failed.

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Aug 26 2015)
8 threads
materialPath: M:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Portal 2\portal2\materials
Loading M:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Portal 2/sdk_content\maps/preview.vmf
ConVarRef gpu_level doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Could not open instance file instances/BEE2/clean/items/barrier/segment.vmf

After removing the trigger once it still errors.

GuyInGrey commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem with trying to export my map, any fix?

ThePootisBird commented 6 years ago

i have same problem, AND I WILL NEVER USE BEEMOD AGAIN

ok im sorry for that but can u tell me how to fix it

vrad-exe commented 6 years ago

Why not? I was trying to help you fix the error...

ThePootisBird commented 6 years ago

can u plz tell me how to fix error cuz i think i f*cked my self with it

Could not execute the command: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/bin/vbsp.exe" -entity_limit 1750 -game "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/portal2/" "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/sdk_content\maps/preview.vmf" Windows gave the error message: "The system cannot find the file specified."

VBSP failed.

Failed to start process ("C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/bin/vbsp.exe" -entity_limit 1750 -game "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/portal2/" "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/sdk_content\maps/preview.vmf") with working dir (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/bin/)

That Chicken is a Duck (G.E.W.S unpaused the game

also im getting a macbook sometime so i can make test chambers again

vrad-exe commented 6 years ago

First we need to know what the dev console error was, post that on the issue you opened by doing what Endermage said.

TeamSpen210 commented 6 years ago

You need to post the actual error, there's hundreds of ways it could happen.

GuyInGrey commented 6 years ago

Triggers or logic gates being outside of the map will cause this. That's what was causing the problem for me.

vrad-exe commented 6 years ago

There are a lot of other things that could cause it as well, including the fact that some people just randomly get errors for no reason.

ghost commented 5 years ago

I have problem with BEE mod: VBSP failed.

[I] vbsp.main(): BEE2.4.0pr31 VBSP hook initiallised. [I] cond.core.import_conditions(): Imported all conditions modules! [I] vbsp.main(): Map path is "D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/sdk_content\maps/preview.vmf" [I] vbsp.main(): New path: "D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/sdk_content\maps\styled\preview.vmf" [I] vbsp.main(): Clearing inject/ directory.. [I] vbsp.main(): PeTI map detected! [I] vbsp.main(): Loading settings... [W] vbsp_options.load(): Extra config options: {'bottomless_pit': '0', 'use_screenshot': '1', 'glass_scale': '0.15', 'voice_pack': 'BEE2_GLADOS_CLEAN'} [W] instanceLocs.get_subitems(): Invalid custom instance name - "piston_grate_low" for (Valid: {'head': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/head.vmf', 'common': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/common.vmf', 'piston_bottom_0': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/pist_0.vmf', 'piston_bottom_1': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/pist_1.vmf', 'piston_bottom_2': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/pist_2.vmf', 'piston_bottom_3': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/pist_3.vmf', 'piston_static_0': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/static_0.vmf', 'piston_static_1': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/static_1.vmf', 'piston_static_2': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/static_2.vmf', 'piston_static_3': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/static_3.vmf', 'piston_static_4': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/static_4.vmf', 'piston_logic_0': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/logic_0.vmf', 'piston_logic_1': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/logic_1.vmf', 'piston_logic_2': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/logic_2.vmf', 'piston_logic_3': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/logic_3.vmf'}) [W] instanceLocs.get_subitems(): Invalid custom instance name - "piston_grate_high" for (Valid: {'head': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/head.vmf', 'common': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/common.vmf', 'piston_bottom_0': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/pist_0.vmf', 'piston_bottom_1': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/pist_1.vmf', 'piston_bottom_2': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/pist_2.vmf', 'piston_bottom_3': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/pist_3.vmf', 'piston_static_0': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/static_0.vmf', 'piston_static_1': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/static_1.vmf', 'piston_static_2': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/static_2.vmf', 'piston_static_3': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/static_3.vmf', 'piston_static_4': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/static_4.vmf', 'piston_logic_0': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/logic_0.vmf', 'piston_logic_1': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/logic_1.vmf', 'piston_logic_2': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/logic_2.vmf', 'piston_logic_3': 'instances/bee2/clean/items/rex/pellet_dest/logic_3.vmf'}) [I] cubes.parse_conf(): Parsed 0 cube types, 0 dropper types and 0 addons. [W] cubes.parse_conf(): Valve Cube type "VALVE_CUBE_STANDARD" is missing! [W] cubes.parse_conf(): Valve Cube type "VALVE_CUBE_COMPANION" is missing! [W] cubes.parse_conf(): Valve Cube type "VALVE_CUBE_REFLECTION" is missing! [W] cubes.parse_conf(): Valve Cube type "VALVE_CUBE_SPHERE" is missing! [W] cubes.parse_conf(): Valve Cube type "VALVE_CUBE_FRANKEN" is missing! [I] fizzler.read_configs(): Loaded 0 fizzlers. [I] vbsp.load_settings(): Settings Loaded! [I] vbsp.load_map(): Parsing Map... [I] vbsp.load_map(): Reading Map... [I] vbsp.load_map(): Loading complete! [I] vbsp.get_map_info(): Forcing elevator spawn! [I] vbsp.mod_entryexit(): Using random SP Exit (1) [I] vbsp.mod_entryexit(): Using random SP Entry (7) [I] vbsp.get_map_info(): Game Mode: SP [I] vbsp.get_map_info(): Is Preview: False [I] brushLoc.read_from_map(): Analysed map, filling air... (11 starting positions..) [I] brushLoc.read_from_map(): Air filled! [I] cond.core.check_all(): Checking Conditions... [I] cubes.link_cubes(): SPLAT File: ['instances/bee2/logic/gel_splat.vmf'] [I] cond.monitor.mon_camera_link(): Bullseye defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {}) [I] connections.gen_item_outputs(): Generating item IO... [I] connections.gen_item_outputs(): Item IO generated. [I] cond.catwalks.res_make_catwalk(): Starting catwalk generator... [I] cond.scaffold.res_unst_scaffold(): Running Scaffold Generator (BEE2_SCAFFOLD)... [I] cond.scaffold.res_unst_scaffold(): Finished Scaffold generation! [I] cond.vactubes.res_make_vactubes(): Running Generator (BEE2_VACTUBES)... [I] vbsp.set_elev_videos(): Elevator type: FORCE [I] voiceLine.add_voice(): Adding Voice Lines! [W] BEE2_config.load(): Config "bee2\voice.cfg" not found! Using defaults... [W] BEE2_config.load(): Config "bee2\mid_voice.cfg" not found! Using defaults... [I] voiceLine.add_voice(): Adding Base instance! [I] voiceLine.add_voice(): Quote events: [] [I] voiceLine.add_voice(): No responses data.. [I] voiceLine.find_group_quotes(): "ENTRY": 1/15 quotes.. [I] voiceLine.add_quote(): Adding quote: "Line" { "ID" "GENERIC_1" "choreo" "scenes/npc/glados/a2_triple_laser01.vcd" }
[I] voiceLine.find_group_quotes(): "EXIT": 1/5 quotes.. [I] voiceLine.add_quote(): Adding quote: "Line_SP" { "ID" "GENERIC_2" "Choreo" "scenes/npc/glados/dlc1_leaderboard01.vcd" }

[I] voiceLine.find_group_quotes(): "MIDCHAMBER": 0/9 quotes.. [I] voiceLine.add_voice(): 0 Mid quotes [I] voiceLine.add_voice(): Done! [I] vbsp.set_player_portalgun(): Setting Portalgun: [I] vbsp.set_player_portalgun(): Blue: Y, Orange: Y [I] vbsp.set_player_portalgun(): Done! [I] cond.core.check_all(): Map has attributes: ['spawn_dual'] [I] cond.core.check_all(): instanceLocs cache: CacheInfo(hits=2878, misses=319, maxsize=256, currsize=256) [I] cond.core.check_all(): Style Vars: {'blockplayergelbomb': True, 'doorcameras': False, 'restartonexit': False, 'multiversecave': False, 'fixfizzlerbump': False, 'nomidvoices': False, 'unlockdefault': False, 'allowgoomist': False, 'funnelallowswitchedlights': True, 'enableshapesignageframe': True} [I] cond.core.check_all(): Global instances: {'instances/BEE2/clean/global_ents.vmf'} [I] vbsp.add_extra_ents(): Adding Music... [I] vbsp.add_extra_ents(): Adding global ents... [I] vbsp.add_extra_ents(): Adding Global PTI Ents [I] vbsp.change_ents(): Editing Other Entities... [I] vbsp.fixup_goo_sides(): Changing goo sides... [I] vbsp.fixup_goo_sides(): Done! [I] vbsp.change_brush(): Editing Brushes... [I] vbsp.change_brush(): Make Bottomless Pit: False [I] vbsp.change_brush(): Goo heights: 0 <- Counter() [I] vbsp.change_overlays(): Editing Overlays... [I] vbsp.collapse_goo_trig(): Collapsing goo triggers... [I] vbsp.collapse_goo_trig(): Done! [I] vbsp.change_func_brush(): Editing Brush Entities... [E] (unknown file).(unknown function)(): Uncaught Exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 7, in File "F:\Git\BEE2.4\src\", line 3190, in main File "F:\Git\BEE2.4\src\", line 153, in make_barriers File "F:\Git\BEE2.4\src\", line 574, in get_scaling_template template_brush.InvalidTemplateName: Template not found: "bee2_glass_template" Valid templates: