BEEmod / BEE2.4

Tool to mod Portal 2's Puzzlemaker
282 stars 63 forks source link

cube dropper not dropping any cubes in p1 style #755

Closed Milkman68 closed 6 years ago

Milkman68 commented 6 years ago

here's the log `): Making "..\portal2\puzzles\76561198067096271\untitled.jpg" replaceable... [INFO] vrad.main(): Forcing Cheap Lighting! [INFO] vrad.run_vrad(): Calling original VRAD... [INFO] vrad.run_vrad(): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\bin\vrad_original.exe" -bounce 2 -noextra -hdr -game "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Portal 2/portal2" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Portal 2\sdk_content\maps\preview.bsp" Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (Jun 28 2017)

  Valve Radiosity Simulator     

12 threads [Reading texlights from 'lights.rad'] [59 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\sdk_content\maps\preview.bsp Setting up ray-trace acceleration structure... Done (0.39 seconds) 1335 faces 54546 square feet [7854718.00 square inches] 0 Displacements 0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches] 1335 patches before subdivision 12521 patches after subdivision 422 direct lights BuildFacelights: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0) BuildVisLeafs: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1) transfers 1054074, max 351 transfer lists: 8.0 megs GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0) Bounce #1 added RGB(26543, 28606, 30837) GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0) Bounce #2 added RGB(6675, 7167, 7609) Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0018 sec> FinalLightFace: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1) FinalLightFace Done 364 of 404 (90% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes. ThreadComputeLeafAmbient: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (3) Writing leaf ambient...done Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness

models 36/1024 1728/49152 ( 3.5%) brushes 991/8192 11892/98304 (12.1%) brushsides 7803/65536 62424/524288 (11.9%) planes 3794/65536 75880/1310720 ( 5.8%) vertexes 3020/65536 36240/786432 ( 4.6%) nodes 713/65536 22816/2097152 ( 1.1%) texinfos 388/12288 27936/884736 ( 3.2%) texdata 44/2048 1408/65536 ( 2.1%) dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%) disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%) disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%) disp_multiblend 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%) disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%) faces 1335/65536 74760/3670016 ( 2.0%) hdr faces 1335/65536 74760/3670016 ( 2.0%) origfaces 1141/65536 63896/3670016 ( 1.7%) facebrushes 407/0 814/0 ( 0.0%) facebrushlists 1335/0 5340/0 ( 0.0%) leaves 750/65536 24000/2097152 ( 1.1%) leaffaces 1782/65536 3564/131072 ( 2.7%) leafbrushes 1696/65536 3392/131072 ( 2.6%) areas 10/256 80/2048 ( 3.9%) surfedges 11521/512000 46084/2048000 ( 2.3%) edges 8217/256000 32868/1024000 ( 3.2%) LDR worldlights 0/8192 0/819200 ( 0.0%) HDR worldlights 422/8192 42200/819200 ( 5.2%) leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%) waterstrips 216/32768 2160/327680 ( 0.7%) waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%) waterindices 4191/65536 8382/131072 ( 6.4%) cubemapsamples 2/1024 32/16384 ( 0.2%) overlays 5/512 1760/180224 ( 1.0%) LDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%) HDR lightdata [variable] 1076248/0 ( 0.0%) visdata [variable] 4666/16777216 ( 0.0%) entdata [variable] 66580/393216 (16.9%) LDR ambient table 750/65536 3000/262144 ( 1.1%) HDR ambient table 750/65536 3000/262144 ( 1.1%) LDR leaf ambient 750/65536 21000/1835008 ( 1.1%) HDR leaf ambient 1625/65536 45500/1835008 ( 2.5%) occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%) occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%) occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%) detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%) static props [variable] 1/3360 ( 0.0%) pakfile [variable] 16956043/0 ( 0.0%) physics [variable] 356789/4194304 ( 8.5%) physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 4291 Writing c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\sdk_content\maps\preview.bsp 5 seconds elapsed CDynamicFunction: Loading library 'Kernel32.dll' (775C0000) CDynamicFunction: Lookup of 'TryEnterCriticalSection' in 'Kernel32.dll': 777FAAE0 CDynamicFunction: Closing library 'Kernel32.dll' (775C0000) [INFO] vrad.run_vrad(): Done! [INFO] vrad.main(): BEE2 VRAD hook finished!

[PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Compilation time (after VRAD): 9976 (ms) [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Compilation time (complete): 10246 (ms) ...launching map! Error: Operator stop_entry, unknown sound operator attribute input_start SV_StartSound: player/fling_whoosh.wav not precached (0) Warning: Deleting orphaned children of func_tracktrain Warning: Deleting orphaned children of func_tracktrain Warning: Deleting orphaned children of vgui_movie_display Warning: Deleting orphaned children of vgui_movie_display Warning: Deleting orphaned children of vgui_movie_display Warning: Deleting orphaned children of vgui_movie_display Warning: Deleting orphaned children of func_door Warning: Deleting orphaned children of func_door Warning: Deleting orphaned children of player Queued Material System: DISABLED! Stopping All Sounds... Stopping: Channel:64 player\player_fall_whoosh_lp_01.wav Stopping: Channel:65 ambient\machines\portalgun_rotate_loop1.wav Stopping: Channel:66 ambient\machines\portalgun_rotate_loop1.wav Stopping: Channel:67 ambient\machines\portalgun_rotate_loop1.wav Stopping: Channel: 0 )vfx\fizzler_lp_01.wav Stopping: Channel:71 ambient\atmosphere\ambience_base.wav Stopping: Channel:70 )world\light_power_on_02.wav Stopping: Channel:68 ambient\machines\fluorescent_hum_1.wav Stopping: Channel:69 ambient\levels\canals\headcrab_canister_ambient4.wav Stopping: Channel: 2 ui\p2_editor_drone_lp_07.wav Stopping All Sounds... ---- Host_Changelevel ---- Spawn Server: puzzlemaker/preview: [] Loading: maps/puzzlemaker/preview.bsp Loading type: 1 Loading brush, compacting heap... Loading map: maps/puzzlemaker/preview.bsp Hunk_OnMapStart: 41943040 Loading map: BeginLoadingUpdates... Loading map: Map_LoadModel... Loading: models/maps/preview/simpleworldmodel.mdl Loading type: 3 Loading models/maps/preview/simpleworldmodel.mdl Failed to load models/maps/preview/simpleworldmodel.mdl! Loading: models/maps/preview/simpleworldmodel_water.mdl Loading type: 3 Loading models/maps/preview/simpleworldmodel_water.mdl Failed to load models/maps/preview/simpleworldmodel_water.mdl! Loading: models/props/box_dropper.mdl Loading type: 3 Loading models/props/box_dropper.mdl Execing config: skill1.cfg exec: couldn't exec skill1.cfg Set Gravity 600.0 (0.250 tolerance) CStaticCollisionPolyhedronCache: Used 350.08 KB to cache 991 brush polyhedrons. CStaticCollisionPolyhedronCache: Used 36.89 KB to cache 65 static prop polyhedrons. ==== calling mapspawn.nut .AIN File will be updated

Attempted to create unknown entity type playtest_manager! Can't init playtest_manager Couldn't find any entities named cd6682-boxents*, which point_template cd6682-cube_template is specifying. Loading: models/props/box_dropper_cover.mdl Loading type: 3 Loading models/props/box_dropper_cover.mdl Loading: models/props/metal_box.mdl Loading type: 3 Loading models/props/metal_box.mdl Loading: models/props/metal_box_fx_fizzler.mdl Loading type: 3 Loading models/props/metal_box_fx_fizzler.mdl Loading: models/bee2/props_ingame/p1_metal_box.mdl Loading type: 3 Loading models/bee2/props_ingame/p1_metal_box.mdl Invalid file size for motd.txt Invalid file size for host.txt Commentary: Could not find commentary data file 'maps/puzzlemaker/preview_commentary.txt'. Game started (1.03) input @vote: @vote.CallScriptFunction(DispatchOnPostSpawn) (1.03) input @transition_script: @transition_script.CallScriptFunction(DispatchOnPostSpawn) (1.03) input @glados: @glados.CallScriptFunction(DispatchOnPostSpawn) (1.03) input doorexit2-camera: doorexit2-camera.CallScriptFunction(DispatchOnPostSpawn) (1.03) input doorentry0-camera: doorentry0-camera.CallScriptFunction(DispatchOnPostSpawn) (1.03) input orl4-camera: orl4-camera.CallScriptFunction(DispatchOnPostSpawn)

Portal 2 Map: puzzlemaker/preview Players: 1 (0 bots) / 1 humans Build: 6879 Server Number: 3

Forced rebuild of bsp cache sound 'sound/bee2\music\pro\glass.mp3' Initializing renderer... Can't find factory for entity: wearable_item NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] --------START loading assets--------

[PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_cube_dropper.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_cube_dropper.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_bee2_fizz_error.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_bee2_fizz_error.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_bee_pellet_catcher_timed.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_bee_pellet_catcher_timed.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_white_90.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_white_90.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_white_60.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_white_60.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_white_45.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_white_45.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_white_30.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_white_30.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_black_90.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_black_90.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_black_60.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_black_60.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_black_45.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_black_45.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_black_30.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_black_30.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_ghost_90.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_ghost_90.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_ghost_60.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_ghost_60.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_ghost_45.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_ghost_45.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_ghost_30.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_angled_ghost_30.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_grate.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_grate.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_1.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_1.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_2.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_2.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_3.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_3.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_top.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_top.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_4.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_p1_pist_4.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_tuleby_bomb_cube_clean_03.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_tuleby_bomb_cube_clean_03.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_tuleby_bomb_cube_clean_05.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_tuleby_bomb_cube_clean_05.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_tuleby_bomb_cube_clean_08.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_tuleby_bomb_cube_clean_08.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_tuleby_bomb_cube_clean_15.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_tuleby_bomb_cube_clean_15.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ! 3ds file doesn't exist models/puzzlemaker/selection_tuleby_bomb_cube_clean_20.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] Failed to load selection mesh: models/puzzlemaker/selection_tuleby_bomb_cube_clean_20.3ds [PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ---------END loading assets---------

==== calling mapspawn.nut (1.50) output: (trigger_once,) -> (@transition_script,RunScriptCode)(OnPostTransition()) (1.53) input : @transition_script.RunScriptCode(OnPostTransition()) unhandled input: (Teleport) -> (@elevator_entry_teleport), from (logic_script,@transition_script); target entity not found (1.53) input @transition_script: @arrival_teleport.Teleport() (1.53) input @transition_script: portal_stats_controller.OnLevelStart(5) Sending full update to Client Doggycrap55 (Doggycrap55 can't find frame from tick -1) Unknown command "cl_puzzlemaker_start_previewing" Set Gravity 600.0 (0.250 tolerance) Signon traffic "CLIENT": incoming 188.780 KB [2441 pkts], outgoing 311.694 KB [3549 pkts] Queued Material System: ENABLED!

LautaroL20 commented 6 years ago

You must report items related stuff, in the item´s section, here:

This issue has moved to the item´s section:

LautaroL20 commented 6 years ago

@BETTEREXTENEDEDITORMOD - This clearly seems to be an issue caused by the game for using old resources from past Beemod releases, to solving this annoyance, you will have to do the following:

  1. Open Beemod and click on: File ----> Uninstall From Selected Game ----> "Are you sure you want to delete "PORTAL 2"? ----> YES.

  2. Wait 1 minute while beemod removes their resources from Portal 2.

  3. Verify the Game Cache Files.

  4. Make sure to have downloaded and unzipped the latest packages & application version of beemod, and both must have to be from the same pre-release version, otherwise bugs may occur. Also, if you are running beemod on Linux or Mac Os X, issues can occur. Beemod currently works well only on Windows 7, 8 and 10.

  5. Click on: File ----> Options ----> Development, and now uncheck the option: Preserve Game Directories.

  6. Now choose your favorite Items & Style, and export your palette to the game.

  7. Happy mapmaking!