BERENZ / logistic

R package that contains misc functions for logistic regression models
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List of packages to be aggregated #2

Open BERENZ opened 8 years ago

BERENZ commented 8 years ago
library(nlme) ## mixed models with more advanced covariance structures
library(lme4) ## mixed models for glm
library(mlogit) ## multinomial (mixed) logistic regression
library(mnlogit)  ## multinomial (mixed) logistic regression
library(MASS) ## ordinal logistic regression
library(rms) ## package that contain measures of fit for logistic regression
library(BaylorEdPsych) ## package that contain measures of fit for logistic regression
library(sandwich) ## robust ovariance matrix estimators
library(lmtest) ## testing assumptions
library(mfx) ## Marginal Effects, Odds Ratios and Incidence Rate Ratios for GLMs
library(Hmisc) ## useful functions for rms package
library(lsmeans) # install this package to estimate means
library(gmodels) # sas-like contrasts 
library(elrm) # exact logistic regression
library(logistf) # for firth penalized likelihood
#library(plsc) ## package ‘plsc’ is not available (for R version 3.3.0)
library(ResourceSelection) ## for hosmer lemenshof statistic
library(pROC) ## roc curves
library(ROCR)  ## roc curves
library(sjPlot) ## nice tables
library(survey) ## for analysing survey data
library(geepack) ## for proc genmod (generalized estimation equations)
library(gee) ## for proc genmod (generalized estimation equations)
library(geeM) # for gee models with Matrix based implementation
library(multgee) ## multinomial and ordinal
library(repolr) ## logistic regression
library(MuMIn) ## to tools for comparing models
library(Zelig) ## different   models
library(glmmML) ## Generalized Linear Models with random intercept (Generalized linear models with clustering)
library(survival) ## for conditional logistic regression
library(varComp) ## test variance components
BERENZ commented 7 years ago