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added SQL query generator: Classes, Properties, Associations (Binary + N-ary) #31

Closed FChikh closed 10 months ago

FChikh commented 10 months ago

BUML -> SQL converter Generates SQL query from Jinja template; available for conversion - Classes, Properties, Associations; coming - Generalizations. I also implemented GeneratorInterface to access the generator.

jcabot commented 10 months ago

The indentation of the jinja commands doesn't seem right (all seem to be on the same position even for instructions within a loop or conditional)

Also, this is not a SQL generator, it is a Postgresql generator.

You could probably refactor the code to have a common part as a SQLGenerator (at least the structure of going through the classes, ends,...) and then a specific part where we use the specific types and syntax of postrgresql

ivan-alfonso commented 10 months ago

I would suggest avoiding relative imports and using absolute imports. PEP 8 (Style Guide for Python Code) explicitly recommends absolute imports because they are usually more readable and tend to be better behaved.

We have currently the src/ directory, then the following import:

from ...BUML.metamodel.structural.structural import DomainModel

could be replaced by this:

from BUML.metamodel.structural.structural import DomainModel

ivan-alfonso commented 10 months ago

The indentation of the jinja commands doesn't seem right (all seem to be on the same position even for instructions within a loop or conditional)

The following could be a solution to address indentation in Jinja templates and improve readability

FChikh commented 10 months ago

1) Fixed indentation, thank you for resources

2) Added a separate file sql_dialects.sql.j2, where I put parts of pure SQL code, with the option of choosing a dialect (PostgreSQL and MySQL are available for now, as a demonstration)