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Minju: Nodejs, 3 Weeks #13

Open minjupgeorge opened 2 days ago

minjupgeorge commented 2 days ago

My Fork

Learning Objectives

  1. Introduction to Node.js

    • [ ] What is Node.js?
    • [ ] Node.js vs. Browser JavaScript
    • [ ] Server-side JavaScript
    • [ ] Non-blocking I/O
    • [ ] Event-driven architecture
  2. Setting Up Node.js

    • [ ] Installing Node.js and npm
    • [ ] Version management with nvm
    • [ ] Creating your first Node.js script
    • [ ] Running scripts with Node.js
  3. Modules and npm

    • [ ] Importing and exporting modules
    • [ ] Creating and publishing npm packages
    • [ ] Managing dependencies with package.json
    • [ ] Installing and updating packages
  4. File System Operations

    • [ ] Reading and writing files
    • [ ] Working with directories
    • [ ] Asynchronous vs. Synchronous file operations
  5. Debugging Node.js Applications

    • [ ] Debugging tools and techniques
    • [ ] Using the Node.js debugger
    • [ ] Debugging memory leaks
  6. Event Loop and Callbacks

    • [ ] Understanding callbacks
    • [ ] Callback hell and how to avoid it
    • [ ] Error-first callback pattern
    • [ ] Event-driven programming model
    • [ ] EventEmitter class
    • [ ] Handling events with callbacks
  7. HTTP Server with Node.js

    • [ ] Creating a basic HTTP server
    • [ ] Handling HTTP requests and responses
    • [ ] Routing in a server
  8. Express.js Framework

    • [ ] Introduction to Express.js
    • [ ] Creating routes and handling requests
    • [ ] Middleware and its role in Express.js
  9. Middleware in Express.js

    • [ ] Writing custom middleware
    • [ ] Built-in middleware for common tasks
    • [ ] Error handling middleware
  10. RESTful APIs with Express.js

    • [ ] Designing RESTful APIs
    • [ ] Handling CRUD operations
    • [ ] Express.js for API development
  11. Authentication and Authorization

    • [ ] User authentication strategies

Week 1

I Need Help With:

What went well?

What went less well?

Lessons Learned

Week 2

I Need Help With:

What went well?

What went less well?

Lessons Learned

Week 3

I Need Help With:

What went well?

What went less well?

Lessons Learned