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Technical Analysis: Introduce Assembly Plant information to the vehicle #48

Closed BFARIAAL closed 9 months ago

BFARIAAL commented 9 months ago

A new request to include Assembly Plant information to a vehicle as come. An assembly plant represents the location in which the vehicle was assembled. Please perform a technical analysis to determine the best way to implement this new field

pedro-acsousa commented 9 months ago


Old Unused version

pedro-acsousa commented 9 months ago


New Version

BFARIAAL commented 9 months ago

TA reviewed. Review comments and rewrite it TechnicalAnalysis_48.docx

pedro-acsousa commented 9 months ago

TechnicalAnalysis_48 (3).docx

Technical Analysis has been reflected upon and rewritten

BFARIAAL commented 9 months ago

Final version of the TA. Approved for Developemnt TechnicalAnalysis_48.3 (1).docx