BG-Software-LLC / SSB-SlimeWorldManager

An addon for SuperiorSkyblock2 that adds SlimeWorldManager support for worlds management!
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Error on startup #14

Closed DuneSciFye closed 1 year ago

DuneSciFye commented 1 year ago

Minecraft's Version

This server is running SlimeWorldManager version git-SlimeWorldManager-31 (MC: 1.19.3) (Implementing API version 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 6114808)

Plugin's Version

SuperiorSkyblock2 version 2022.9

Describe the bug

On startup these errors occur: latest.log

To Reproduce

Follow ASWM's new steps to installing

Additional Information

No response

OmerBenGera commented 1 year ago

Fixed in latest build :)