BG-Software-LLC / SSB-SlimeWorldManager

An addon for SuperiorSkyblock2 that adds SlimeWorldManager support for worlds management!
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Bad biomes in Nether/The End dimensions #47

Open Davisiiiik opened 2 months ago

Davisiiiik commented 2 months ago

Minecraft's Version

SlimeWorldManager version git-SlimeWorldManager-15796 (MC: 1.20.4) (Implementing API version 1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 7b0ee15 on paper_upstream)

Plugin's Version


Describe the bug

In Nether and The End dimensions have some (not all) chunks set biome to plains. This does happen ONLY on ASWM server, classic server is OK.

image image

To Reproduce

  1. Create ASWM island
  2. Go to nether/The End
  3. Fly around and look for biomes

Additional Information

It is server side biome mismatch, as the mobs are spawning according to those biomes.