Closed CommandDan closed 2 years ago
They are shaded into the jar; the jar is located inside the target folder
Ah alright. I just haven't seen a target folder but I'll look again. Thanks!
I don't get a target directory for some reason
I don't get a target directory for some reason
It's in the folder of the plugin. That's how the build.gradle is configured, and it will always generate the target folder with the files inside it.
which folder? When I use search for 'target' in the project root directory I get no results
which folder? When I use search for 'target' in the project root directory I get no results
it should be in the same directory as the src
and out
folders - in the root directory.
I just tried to use .\gradlew build
in the console from the root directory instead of using the IntelliJ IDEAs Gradle build button and apparently I get this error
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 incompatible Daemon could not be reused, use --status for details
> Task :API:compileJava FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':API:compileJava'.
> Cannot invoke ", java.util.Locale, java.nio.charset.Charset)" because "this.delegate" is null
Not sure if it is due to me having a space in the path. Though I have never experienced that to be an issue
PS D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders> .\gradlew build --info
Initialized native services in: C:\Users\marcu\.gradle\native
The client will now receive all logging from the daemon (pid: 7500). The daemon log file: C:\Users\marcu\.gradle\daemon\7.0.2\daemon-7500.out.log
Starting 4th build in daemon [uptime: 9 mins 4.421 secs, performance: 100%, non-heap usage: 18% of 256 MiB]
Using 12 worker leases.
Now considering [D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders] as hierarchies to watch
Watching the file system is enabled if available
Starting Build
Settings evaluated using settings file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\settings.gradle'.
Projects loaded. Root project using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\build.gradle'.
Included projects: [root project 'WildLoaders', project ':API', project ':Hook_EpicSpawners6', project ':Hook_EpicSpawners7', project ':Hook_FactionsUUID', project ':Hook_FactionsX', project ':Hook_Lands', project ':Hook_MassiveFactions', project ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock', project ':v1_12_R1', project ':v1_16_R3', project ':v1_17_R1', project ':v1_18_R1', project ':v1_18_R2', project ':v1_19_R1', project ':v1_7_R4', project ':v1_8_R3']
> Configure project :
Evaluating root project 'WildLoaders' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\build.gradle'.
file or directory 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\target', not found
> Configure project :API
Evaluating project ':API' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\API\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :Hook_EpicSpawners6
Evaluating project ':Hook_EpicSpawners6' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_EpicSpawners6\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :Hook_EpicSpawners7
Evaluating project ':Hook_EpicSpawners7' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_EpicSpawners7\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :Hook_FactionsUUID
Evaluating project ':Hook_FactionsUUID' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_FactionsUUID\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :Hook_FactionsX
Evaluating project ':Hook_FactionsX' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_FactionsX\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :Hook_Lands
Evaluating project ':Hook_Lands' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_Lands\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :Hook_MassiveFactions
Evaluating project ':Hook_MassiveFactions' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_MassiveFactions\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :Hook_SuperiorSkyblock
Evaluating project ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_SuperiorSkyblock\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :v1_12_R1
Evaluating project ':v1_12_R1' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_12_R1\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :v1_16_R3
Evaluating project ':v1_16_R3' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_16_R3\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :v1_17_R1
Evaluating project ':v1_17_R1' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_17_R1\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :v1_18_R1
Evaluating project ':v1_18_R1' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_18_R1\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :v1_18_R2
Evaluating project ':v1_18_R2' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_18_R2\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :v1_19_R1
Evaluating project ':v1_19_R1' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_19_R1\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :v1_7_R4
Evaluating project ':v1_7_R4' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_7_R4\build.gradle'.
> Configure project :v1_8_R3
Evaluating project ':v1_8_R3' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_8_R3\build.gradle'.
All projects evaluated.
Selected primary task 'build' from project :
file or directory 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\archive', not found
Tasks to be executed: [task ':API:compileJava', task ':API:processResources', task ':API:classes', task ':API:jar', task ':API:assemble', task ':API:compileTestJava', task ':API:processTestResources', task ':API:testClasses', task ':API:test', task ':API:check', task ':API:shadowJar', task ':API:build', task ':
compileJava', task ':processResources', task ':classes', task ':jar', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:compileJava', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:processResources', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:classes', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:jar', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:assemble', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:compileTestJava', task ':H
ook_EpicSpawners6:processTestResources', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:testClasses', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:test', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:check', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:shadowJar', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:build', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:compileJava', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:processResources', task ':
Hook_EpicSpawners7:classes', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:jar', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:assemble', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:processTestResources', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:testClasses', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:test', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:check', task ':Hook_Ep
icSpawners7:shadowJar', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:build', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:compileJava', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:processResources', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:classes', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:jar', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:assemble', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:p
rocessTestResources', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:testClasses', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:test', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:check', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:shadowJar', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:build', task ':Hook_FactionsX:compileJava', task ':Hook_FactionsX:processResources', task ':Hook_FactionsX:classes', task ':
Hook_FactionsX:jar', task ':Hook_FactionsX:assemble', task ':Hook_FactionsX:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_FactionsX:processTestResources', task ':Hook_FactionsX:testClasses', task ':Hook_FactionsX:test', task ':Hook_FactionsX:check', task ':Hook_FactionsX:shadowJar', task ':Hook_FactionsX:build', task ':Hook_La
nds:compileJava', task ':Hook_Lands:processResources', task ':Hook_Lands:classes', task ':Hook_Lands:jar', task ':Hook_Lands:assemble', task ':Hook_Lands:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_Lands:processTestResources', task ':Hook_Lands:testClasses', task ':Hook_Lands:test', task ':Hook_Lands:check', task ':Hook_Land
s:shadowJar', task ':Hook_Lands:build', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:compileJava', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:processResources', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:classes', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:jar', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:assemble', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_MassiveFaction
s:processTestResources', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:testClasses', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:test', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:check', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:shadowJar', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:build', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:compileJava', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:processResources', task ':
Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:classes', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:jar', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:assemble', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:processTestResources', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:testClasses', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:test', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkybloc
k:check', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:shadowJar', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:build', task ':v1_12_R1:compileJava', task ':v1_12_R1:processResources', task ':v1_12_R1:classes', task ':v1_12_R1:jar', task ':v1_12_R1:assemble', task ':v1_12_R1:compileTestJava', task ':v1_12_R1:processTestResources', task ':v1_1
2_R1:testClasses', task ':v1_12_R1:test', task ':v1_12_R1:check', task ':v1_12_R1:shadowJar', task ':v1_12_R1:build', task ':v1_16_R3:compileJava', task ':v1_16_R3:processResources', task ':v1_16_R3:classes', task ':v1_16_R3:jar', task ':v1_16_R3:assemble', task ':v1_16_R3:compileTestJava', task ':v1_16_R3:proc
essTestResources', task ':v1_16_R3:testClasses', task ':v1_16_R3:test', task ':v1_16_R3:check', task ':v1_16_R3:shadowJar', task ':v1_16_R3:build', task ':shadowJar', task ':v1_17_R1:compileJava', task ':v1_17_R1:processResources', task ':v1_17_R1:classes', task ':v1_17_R1:jar', task ':v1_17_R1:assemble', task
':v1_17_R1:compileTestJava', task ':v1_17_R1:processTestResources', task ':v1_17_R1:testClasses', task ':v1_17_R1:test', task ':v1_17_R1:check', task ':v1_17_R1:shadowJar', task ':v1_17_R1:build', task ':v1_18_R1:compileJava', task ':v1_18_R1:processResources', task ':v1_18_R1:classes', task ':v1_18_R1:jar', ta
sk ':v1_18_R1:assemble', task ':v1_18_R1:compileTestJava', task ':v1_18_R1:processTestResources', task ':v1_18_R1:testClasses', task ':v1_18_R1:test', task ':v1_18_R1:check', task ':v1_18_R1:shadowJar', task ':v1_18_R1:build', task ':v1_18_R2:compileJava', task ':v1_18_R2:processResources', task ':v1_18_R2:clas
ses', task ':v1_18_R2:jar', task ':v1_18_R2:assemble', task ':v1_18_R2:compileTestJava', task ':v1_18_R2:processTestResources', task ':v1_18_R2:testClasses', task ':v1_18_R2:test', task ':v1_18_R2:check', task ':v1_18_R2:shadowJar', task ':v1_18_R2:build', task ':v1_19_R1:compileJava', task ':v1_19_R1:processRe
sources', task ':v1_19_R1:classes', task ':v1_19_R1:jar', task ':v1_19_R1:assemble', task ':v1_19_R1:compileTestJava', task ':v1_19_R1:processTestResources', task ':v1_19_R1:testClasses', task ':v1_19_R1:test', task ':v1_19_R1:check', task ':v1_19_R1:shadowJar', task ':v1_19_R1:build', task ':v1_7_R4:compileJav
a', task ':v1_7_R4:processResources', task ':v1_7_R4:classes', task ':v1_7_R4:jar', task ':v1_7_R4:assemble', task ':v1_7_R4:compileTestJava', task ':v1_7_R4:processTestResources', task ':v1_7_R4:testClasses', task ':v1_7_R4:test', task ':v1_7_R4:check', task ':v1_7_R4:shadowJar', task ':v1_7_R4:build', task ':
v1_8_R3:compileJava', task ':v1_8_R3:processResources', task ':v1_8_R3:classes', task ':v1_8_R3:jar', task ':v1_8_R3:assemble', task ':v1_8_R3:compileTestJava', task ':v1_8_R3:processTestResources', task ':v1_8_R3:testClasses', task ':v1_8_R3:test', task ':v1_8_R3:check', task ':v1_8_R3:shadowJar', task ':v1_8_R3:build', task ':assemble', task ':compileTestJava', task ':processTestResources', task ':testClasses', task ':test', task ':check', task ':clean', task ':copyAPI', task ':build']
Tasks that were excluded: []
:API:compileJava (Thread[Execution worker for ':',5,main]) started.
> Task :API:compileJava FAILED
Caching disabled for task ':API:compileJava' because:
Build cache is disabled
Task ':API:compileJava' is not up-to-date because:
Task has failed previously.
The input changes require a full rebuild for incremental task ':API:compileJava'.
Full recompilation is required because no incremental change information is available. This is usually caused by clean builds or changing compiler arguments.
Compiling with toolchain 'C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jre-'.
Compiling with JDK Java compiler API.
:API:compileJava (Thread[Execution worker for ':',5,main]) completed. Took 0.027 secs.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':API:compileJava'.
> Cannot invoke ", java.util.Locale, java.nio.charset.Charset)" because "this.delegate" is null
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
1 actionable task: 1 executed
Watched directory hierarchies: [D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders]
This is all I have in the project root directory
I just tried to use
.\gradlew build
in the console from the root directory instead of using the IntelliJ IDEAs Gradle build button and apparently I get this errorStarting a Gradle Daemon, 1 incompatible Daemon could not be reused, use --status for details > Task :API:compileJava FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':API:compileJava'. > Cannot invoke ", java.util.Locale, java.nio.charset.Charset)" because "this.delegate" is null
Not sure if it is due to me having a space in the path. Though I have never experienced that to be an issue
PS D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders> .\gradlew build --info Initialized native services in: C:\Users\marcu\.gradle\native The client will now receive all logging from the daemon (pid: 7500). The daemon log file: C:\Users\marcu\.gradle\daemon\7.0.2\daemon-7500.out.log Starting 4th build in daemon [uptime: 9 mins 4.421 secs, performance: 100%, non-heap usage: 18% of 256 MiB] Using 12 worker leases. Now considering [D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders] as hierarchies to watch Watching the file system is enabled if available Starting Build Settings evaluated using settings file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\settings.gradle'. Projects loaded. Root project using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\build.gradle'. Included projects: [root project 'WildLoaders', project ':API', project ':Hook_EpicSpawners6', project ':Hook_EpicSpawners7', project ':Hook_FactionsUUID', project ':Hook_FactionsX', project ':Hook_Lands', project ':Hook_MassiveFactions', project ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock', project ':v1_12_R1', project ':v1_16_R3', project ':v1_17_R1', project ':v1_18_R1', project ':v1_18_R2', project ':v1_19_R1', project ':v1_7_R4', project ':v1_8_R3'] > Configure project : Evaluating root project 'WildLoaders' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\build.gradle'. file or directory 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\target', not found > Configure project :API Evaluating project ':API' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\API\build.gradle'. > Configure project :Hook_EpicSpawners6 Evaluating project ':Hook_EpicSpawners6' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_EpicSpawners6\build.gradle'. > Configure project :Hook_EpicSpawners7 Evaluating project ':Hook_EpicSpawners7' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_EpicSpawners7\build.gradle'. > Configure project :Hook_FactionsUUID Evaluating project ':Hook_FactionsUUID' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_FactionsUUID\build.gradle'. > Configure project :Hook_FactionsX Evaluating project ':Hook_FactionsX' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_FactionsX\build.gradle'. > Configure project :Hook_Lands Evaluating project ':Hook_Lands' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_Lands\build.gradle'. > Configure project :Hook_MassiveFactions Evaluating project ':Hook_MassiveFactions' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_MassiveFactions\build.gradle'. > Configure project :Hook_SuperiorSkyblock Evaluating project ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\Hook_SuperiorSkyblock\build.gradle'. > Configure project :v1_12_R1 Evaluating project ':v1_12_R1' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_12_R1\build.gradle'. > Configure project :v1_16_R3 Evaluating project ':v1_16_R3' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_16_R3\build.gradle'. > Configure project :v1_17_R1 Evaluating project ':v1_17_R1' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_17_R1\build.gradle'. > Configure project :v1_18_R1 Evaluating project ':v1_18_R1' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_18_R1\build.gradle'. > Configure project :v1_18_R2 Evaluating project ':v1_18_R2' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_18_R2\build.gradle'. > Configure project :v1_19_R1 Evaluating project ':v1_19_R1' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_19_R1\build.gradle'. > Configure project :v1_7_R4 Evaluating project ':v1_7_R4' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_7_R4\build.gradle'. > Configure project :v1_8_R3 Evaluating project ':v1_8_R3' using build file 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\v1_8_R3\build.gradle'. All projects evaluated. Selected primary task 'build' from project : file or directory 'D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders\archive', not found Tasks to be executed: [task ':API:compileJava', task ':API:processResources', task ':API:classes', task ':API:jar', task ':API:assemble', task ':API:compileTestJava', task ':API:processTestResources', task ':API:testClasses', task ':API:test', task ':API:check', task ':API:shadowJar', task ':API:build', task ': compileJava', task ':processResources', task ':classes', task ':jar', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:compileJava', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:processResources', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:classes', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:jar', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:assemble', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:compileTestJava', task ':H ook_EpicSpawners6:processTestResources', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:testClasses', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:test', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:check', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:shadowJar', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners6:build', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:compileJava', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:processResources', task ': Hook_EpicSpawners7:classes', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:jar', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:assemble', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:processTestResources', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:testClasses', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:test', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:check', task ':Hook_Ep icSpawners7:shadowJar', task ':Hook_EpicSpawners7:build', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:compileJava', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:processResources', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:classes', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:jar', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:assemble', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:p rocessTestResources', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:testClasses', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:test', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:check', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:shadowJar', task ':Hook_FactionsUUID:build', task ':Hook_FactionsX:compileJava', task ':Hook_FactionsX:processResources', task ':Hook_FactionsX:classes', task ': Hook_FactionsX:jar', task ':Hook_FactionsX:assemble', task ':Hook_FactionsX:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_FactionsX:processTestResources', task ':Hook_FactionsX:testClasses', task ':Hook_FactionsX:test', task ':Hook_FactionsX:check', task ':Hook_FactionsX:shadowJar', task ':Hook_FactionsX:build', task ':Hook_La nds:compileJava', task ':Hook_Lands:processResources', task ':Hook_Lands:classes', task ':Hook_Lands:jar', task ':Hook_Lands:assemble', task ':Hook_Lands:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_Lands:processTestResources', task ':Hook_Lands:testClasses', task ':Hook_Lands:test', task ':Hook_Lands:check', task ':Hook_Land s:shadowJar', task ':Hook_Lands:build', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:compileJava', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:processResources', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:classes', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:jar', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:assemble', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_MassiveFaction s:processTestResources', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:testClasses', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:test', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:check', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:shadowJar', task ':Hook_MassiveFactions:build', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:compileJava', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:processResources', task ': Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:classes', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:jar', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:assemble', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:compileTestJava', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:processTestResources', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:testClasses', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:test', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkybloc k:check', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:shadowJar', task ':Hook_SuperiorSkyblock:build', task ':v1_12_R1:compileJava', task ':v1_12_R1:processResources', task ':v1_12_R1:classes', task ':v1_12_R1:jar', task ':v1_12_R1:assemble', task ':v1_12_R1:compileTestJava', task ':v1_12_R1:processTestResources', task ':v1_1 2_R1:testClasses', task ':v1_12_R1:test', task ':v1_12_R1:check', task ':v1_12_R1:shadowJar', task ':v1_12_R1:build', task ':v1_16_R3:compileJava', task ':v1_16_R3:processResources', task ':v1_16_R3:classes', task ':v1_16_R3:jar', task ':v1_16_R3:assemble', task ':v1_16_R3:compileTestJava', task ':v1_16_R3:proc essTestResources', task ':v1_16_R3:testClasses', task ':v1_16_R3:test', task ':v1_16_R3:check', task ':v1_16_R3:shadowJar', task ':v1_16_R3:build', task ':shadowJar', task ':v1_17_R1:compileJava', task ':v1_17_R1:processResources', task ':v1_17_R1:classes', task ':v1_17_R1:jar', task ':v1_17_R1:assemble', task ':v1_17_R1:compileTestJava', task ':v1_17_R1:processTestResources', task ':v1_17_R1:testClasses', task ':v1_17_R1:test', task ':v1_17_R1:check', task ':v1_17_R1:shadowJar', task ':v1_17_R1:build', task ':v1_18_R1:compileJava', task ':v1_18_R1:processResources', task ':v1_18_R1:classes', task ':v1_18_R1:jar', ta sk ':v1_18_R1:assemble', task ':v1_18_R1:compileTestJava', task ':v1_18_R1:processTestResources', task ':v1_18_R1:testClasses', task ':v1_18_R1:test', task ':v1_18_R1:check', task ':v1_18_R1:shadowJar', task ':v1_18_R1:build', task ':v1_18_R2:compileJava', task ':v1_18_R2:processResources', task ':v1_18_R2:clas ses', task ':v1_18_R2:jar', task ':v1_18_R2:assemble', task ':v1_18_R2:compileTestJava', task ':v1_18_R2:processTestResources', task ':v1_18_R2:testClasses', task ':v1_18_R2:test', task ':v1_18_R2:check', task ':v1_18_R2:shadowJar', task ':v1_18_R2:build', task ':v1_19_R1:compileJava', task ':v1_19_R1:processRe sources', task ':v1_19_R1:classes', task ':v1_19_R1:jar', task ':v1_19_R1:assemble', task ':v1_19_R1:compileTestJava', task ':v1_19_R1:processTestResources', task ':v1_19_R1:testClasses', task ':v1_19_R1:test', task ':v1_19_R1:check', task ':v1_19_R1:shadowJar', task ':v1_19_R1:build', task ':v1_7_R4:compileJav a', task ':v1_7_R4:processResources', task ':v1_7_R4:classes', task ':v1_7_R4:jar', task ':v1_7_R4:assemble', task ':v1_7_R4:compileTestJava', task ':v1_7_R4:processTestResources', task ':v1_7_R4:testClasses', task ':v1_7_R4:test', task ':v1_7_R4:check', task ':v1_7_R4:shadowJar', task ':v1_7_R4:build', task ': v1_8_R3:compileJava', task ':v1_8_R3:processResources', task ':v1_8_R3:classes', task ':v1_8_R3:jar', task ':v1_8_R3:assemble', task ':v1_8_R3:compileTestJava', task ':v1_8_R3:processTestResources', task ':v1_8_R3:testClasses', task ':v1_8_R3:test', task ':v1_8_R3:check', task ':v1_8_R3:shadowJar', task ':v1_8_R3:build', task ':assemble', task ':compileTestJava', task ':processTestResources', task ':testClasses', task ':test', task ':check', task ':clean', task ':copyAPI', task ':build'] Tasks that were excluded: [] :API:compileJava (Thread[Execution worker for ':',5,main]) started. > Task :API:compileJava FAILED Caching disabled for task ':API:compileJava' because: Build cache is disabled Task ':API:compileJava' is not up-to-date because: Task has failed previously. The input changes require a full rebuild for incremental task ':API:compileJava'. Full recompilation is required because no incremental change information is available. This is usually caused by clean builds or changing compiler arguments. Compiling with toolchain 'C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jre-'. Compiling with JDK Java compiler API. :API:compileJava (Thread[Execution worker for ':',5,main]) completed. Took 0.027 secs. FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':API:compileJava'. > Cannot invoke ", java.util.Locale, java.nio.charset.Charset)" because "this.delegate" is null * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights. * Get more help at Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0. Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings. See BUILD FAILED in 1s 1 actionable task: 1 executed Watched directory hierarchies: [D:\Java Projects\WildLoaders]
Google it and find the solution. You don't have your project build, of course you won't see anything.
Yea xD
Btw how are you about contributions for your projects?
Yea xD
Btw how are you about contributions for your projects?
PRs are always more than welcomed.
Nice to know.
I found my issue btw. Apparently, it attempted to build using a JRE instead...
Btw which java version are you using for compiling?
Nice to know.
I found my issue btw. Apparently, it attempted to build using a JRE instead...
Btw which java version are you using for compiling?
Java 8, and some modules Java 16/17
Yea, makes sense
Minecraft's Version
Paper 1.17.1
Plugin's Version
latest source from master branch as of commit ee06d37
Describe the bug
API and common is not included in the compiled jar after compiling. I purchased private repo access and included the credentials but the same result
To Reproduce
Pull the latest source from GitHub and build it. Open the compiled java-archive and conclude both common and API are missing.
Additional Information
Build Output