BG-Software-LLC / WildLoaders

Very optimized and highly configureable chunk-loaders plugin!
GNU General Public License v3.0
27 stars 13 forks source link

All Chunk Loaders range load 14x14 chunks radios on Spigot #83

Open Reaviik opened 4 months ago

Reaviik commented 4 months ago

Minecraft's Version

This server is running Arclight version arclight-1.20.1-1.0.4-fd335c1 (MC: 1.20.1) (Implementing API version 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

Plugin's Version


Describe the bug

all chunk range loade 14x14 chunks

To Reproduce


Additional Information


WildLoaders Configuration

Developed by Ome_R


Hologram lines for regular chunk loaders.


Hologram lines for chunk loaders with no time limits.


You can use the following settings when setting up chunk loaders:


time (Integer) - The default amount of time the chunk loader will be alive.

This field is in seconds. You can remove this field to have no time limit for the loader.

chunks-radius (Integer) - The radius of chunks that will be loaded by the chunk loader for each direction.

By default, the radius is 0 (1 chunk will be loaded).

chunks-spread (Boolean) - Whether or not the chunk loader should load all the connected chunks inside a claim.

This will give the ability to load all the claims in a faction, for example.


type (String) - The material-type of the item (and the block) of the chunk-loader.

name (String) - The name of the item of the chunk loader.

lore: (List) - The lore of the item of the chunk loader.

# #

List of all the chunk-loaders

Do not name 2 chunk-loaders the same

chunkloaders: normal_loader: time: 86400 type: BOTANIA_MANA_PYLON name: '&6Chunk Loader &7(Place to load)' lore:

OmerBenGera commented 4 months ago

Does it happen on Paper?

Reaviik commented 4 months ago


OmerBenGera commented 4 months ago

You reported you use Arclight, so I don't understand.

OmerBenGera commented 4 months ago

Any news regarding this?

Reaviik commented 3 months ago

Sorry for not answering, I was having an internet crisis. So let's go, my server runs on Arclight, currently 1.20.1 bukkit/spigot on a dedicated VPN, just to put it in context.

Unfortunately I had to remove this plugin because of this problem.

How I discovered the problem: Using CU: Crash Utilities, which allows you to see all the chunks loaded.

Translated by: Deepl

OmerBenGera commented 1 month ago

WildLoaders uses a fake player to load chunks. It tries its best to only load one chunk at a time, but in some versions and softwares, it is not possible. For example, in Spigot, it is not possible. However, in Paper, it does. Arclight is based on Spigot and not Paper, therefore the amount of chunks loaded is larger. Sadly, nothing can really done regarding this on my end

However, chunks that are not loaded by the chunk, will not have their crops or spawners ticked.