BG3-Community-Library-Team / BG3-Community-Library

Baldur's Gate 3 Community Library exists to provide a common collection of Spells, Scripts, Items, Statuses, Passives, and other useful material that will assist modders in creating new content.
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Cannot use CL_ApplyStatusBulk #156

Open Mythalar opened 4 months ago

Mythalar commented 4 months ago


Must be missing something simple but as of now I cannot make CL_ApplyStatusBulk work...

I would like to use it in Passives since I'm doing a long one and reduce multiple calls would be very nice.

An example (trimmed down since there is an IF for each damage type) :

new entry "WearingMagic0"
type "PassiveData"
data "StatsFunctorContext" "OnDamage"
data "Conditions" "SpellPowerLevelEqualTo(0) and Enemy() and not Item() and not Self() and not HasStatus('WEARING_MAGIC_TECHNICAL',context.Target) and not HasDamageEffectFlag(DamageFlags.SavingThrow)"
data "StatsFunctors" "IF(IsDamageTypeLightning() and RollDieAgainstDC(DiceType.d100,51) and SkillCheck(Skill.Arcana, WearingMagicArcanaCheckDC())):CL_ApplyStatusBulk({'MENTALSLAM', 'WEARING_MAGIC_TECHNICAL'}, {context.Target, context.Target}, {100, 100}, {2, 0});IF(IsDamageTypeThunder() and RollDieAgainstDC(DiceType.d100,51) and SkillCheck(Skill.Arcana, WearingMagicArcanaCheckDC())):CL_ApplyStatusBulk({'MAG_THUNDER_REVERBERATION', 'MAG_THUNDER_REVERBERATION_DURATION_TECHNICAL', 'WEARING_MAGIC_TECHNICAL'}, {context.Target, context.Target, context.Target}, {100, 100, 100}, {2, 1, 0});IF(IsDamageTypeFire() and RollDieAgainstDC(DiceType.d100,51) and SkillCheck(Skill.Arcana, WearingMagicArcanaCheckDC())):CL_ApplyStatusBulk({'DAZED', 'WEARING_MAGIC_TECHNICAL'}, {context.Target, context.Target}, {100, 100}, {1, 0}))"

It just does not work at all, but by swapping CL_ApplyStatusBulk with a simple ApplyStatus it does work so the logic is good enough but it would be so much better with bulks =)