BGHDDevelopment / PlayerBalancer

The repository for the plugin PlayerBalancer
MIT License
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FallBack #20

Closed Bobythehusky closed 3 years ago

Bobythehusky commented 3 years ago

hey, when I shut down a lobby it hunts all players and tells them server closed, I don't have any plugins in the bungee and these are my logs, there are 0 errors in the console

PlayerBalancer Configuration (

Read the comments, they are a very important part of the configuration

To get support send me a private message with a description of the problem and the config file

To easily paste the config file (and other relevant files) use the command /balancer paste

If the plugin has issues loading the configuration, try putting quotes around text

general {

IMPORTANT! Set this to true after configuring the plugin!


When true, the plugin will reload when you execute /greload


When true, this plugin will print less messages when loading


When true, spigot plugins will be able to contact with this plugin

Do not disable if you are using the addon!


Do not modify this

version="2.2.2-SNAPSHOT" }

Effectively remove (i.e comment) a message to disable it

Supported variables are shown in the default messages

messages {

connecting-server="&aConnecting to an {section} ({alias}) server" # this message is disabled by default!

connected-server="&aConnected to {server} (an {alias} server)" invalid-input="&cThis is an invalid input type for this command" misc-failure="&cCould not find a server to get connected to" player-bypass="&cYou have not been moved because you have the playerbalancer.bypass permission" player-kicked="&cYou have been kicked from &a{from} &cso you are being moved to &a{to}\n&cReason: &a{reason}" same-section="&cYou are already connected to a server on this section!" unavailable-server="&cThis command cannot be executed on this server" unknown-section="&aCould not find a section with that name" }

features { balancer {

Here you have an example of what you can do with the sections

# The best way to understand this is to play around with it
# You can have as many sections as you want, there is no limit here
# If a section does not have a provider it will try to inherit it from the parent
# When connecting to a server on a section while not being on it already, you get distributed
# You can use regex to match a set of servers instead of adding each server individually

# Providers you can use: (you can request more!)
# NONE:                    Returns no server (no one will be able to connect to this section)
# RANDOM:                  Returns a random server, generated by SecureRandom
# RANDOM_LOWEST:           Returns a random server between the ones with the least players online
# RANDOM_FILLER:           Returns a random server between the ones with the most players online that is not full
# PROGRESSIVE:             Returns the first server that is not full
# PROGRESSIVE_LOWEST:      Returns the first server with the least players online
# PROGRESSIVE_FILLER:      Returns the first server with the most players online that is not full
# EXTERNAL:                Returns the server calculated by a provider created by other plugin

sections {
  general-lobbies {

# The principal section is very important for other features
# Normally set this to the section that has your main lobbies

# When a player is not in any section, the player will go to the principal section
# This affects both the fallback command and kick handler features

# Dummy sections can have servers from other non-dummy sections
# When a player connects to a dummy section, nothing will happen

# Reiterative sections remember the server the player connected to previously
# The plugin will keep connecting the player to that server repeatedly

# When true, section servers will show the sum of the players on all servers on that section
# Important: This will make some plugins think that your bungeecord has more players than it really does


Pings servers to see if they are online or not and if they are accessible

server-checker { enabled=true

# Use either CUSTOM or GENERIC, the first one generally works the best

# The attempts before giving up on getting a server for a player

# The interval between every round of checks (in milliseconds)

# The timeout of a ping, only applied to the CUSTOM tactic

# When true, the plugin will print useful info when a server gets checked

# When the description of a server matches these, it will be set as non accessible
# Be aware of colors, it is recommended to use the "contains" rule below or some others
  "(?i).*maintenance*", # match if contains (regex)
  "Game in progress" # match if exactly equal


Connects a player to the parent of current section the player is connected to

fallback-command { enabled=true

# Leave permission empty for no permission
command {

# Add sections here where you do not want this feature to work

# When true, players will not be able to get connected to sections that are parents of the principal section

# When true, players will not be able get connected within servers of the same section
# This does not affect the parametized variant of the command (/command [number])
# This also affects section commands

# You can override the behavior with rules, overriding the parent section
# This will set the section to go when you come from the section specified
rules {


Connects a player to other section when kicked

kick-handler { enabled=true

# When true, the reasons will work as a blacklist instead of a whitelist
# Blacklist: A player must be kicked with a reason that is NOT in the reasons
# Whitelist: A player must be kicked with a reason that is in the reasons

# The reasons that determine if a player is reconnected or not, supports regex

# When true, players that are kicked while connecting to the proxy will be forced to reconnect to the principal section

# Add sections here where you do not want this feature to work

# When true, players will not be able to get connected to sections that are parents of the principal section

# When true, the plugin will print useful info when a player gets kicked

# You can override the behavior with rules, overriding the parent section
# When you get kicked from the section on the left, you go to the one on the right
rules {


Periodically adds servers that weren't there before the plugin loaded

server-refresh { enabled=false

# The delay to the first refresh (in milliseconds)

# The interval between every refresh (in milliseconds)


Redirect players when connecting to a section in case they have a permission, useful for special lobbies

Players will not get redirected if they are connected to a server where they were previously redirected to

permission-router { enabled=false

rules {
  general-lobbies {

} }

jamezrin commented 3 years ago

Didn't notice this issue, you can reopen if it's still an issue for you (preferably well formatted in code blocks)