BGHDDevelopment / PlayerBalancer

The repository for the plugin PlayerBalancer
MIT License
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Server status checker works wrongly with plugin ajQueue #42

Open WitheredWinter opened 4 months ago

WitheredWinter commented 4 months ago

When PlayerBalance works together with ajQueue(a plugin hold queue for player to join servers under bungeecord, to some extent like yours), PB can't check a server is online or not correctly. In the config of PB in bungee server(I use Waterfall 1.20-562), when server-checker - tactic=CUSTOM, PB can find a backend server online correctly if the backend server is online when tactic is set to CUSTOM. But if the backend server gets offline and after a few seconds gets online again when tactic has been set to CUSTOM, PB will say that server is still offline. And if you set server-checker - tactic=GENERIC, PB seems simply not checking the status of the backend server: If a server in a group is offline, it is possible that PB send you to the actually offline server in that group if you use a command like /spb connect bedwars-4v4v4v4 Starlight

OS: Ubuntu Java 21 for the Bungee server Software:Waterfall 1.20-562 PlayerBalancer version: 2.3.5 ajQueue version: 2.6.0

I report an issue here as ajQueue functions normally, but PB generates some exceptions.

WitheredWinter commented 2 months ago

by the way, I am sure that there's no errors or warns in the log