BGHDDevelopment / PlayerBalancer

The repository for the plugin PlayerBalancer
MIT License
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How to express sequence of numbers of servers in sections? #9

Closed netherstar closed 4 years ago

netherstar commented 4 years ago

Sorry for my bad English. i have a list of sequence of number of uhc servers in bungeecord like that, from uhc25, uhc26, uhc27... to uhc47

    motd: uhc
    restricted: false
    motd: uhca
    restricted: false

and this is section config on PlayerBalancer

      uhc {
        section-command {

but when "balancer reload" it always show this error

[15:52:48] [main/INFO] [PlayerBalancer]: Executing stage "Resolving servers"
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR] [PlayerBalancer]: The plugin could not continue loading due to an unexpected exception
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Illegal character range near index 8
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]: uhca[25-47]
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:         ^
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.regex.Pattern.error(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.regex.Pattern.range(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.regex.Pattern.clazz(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.regex.Pattern.sequence(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.regex.Pattern.expr(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.regex.Pattern.<init>(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at com.jaimemartz.playerbalancer.section.SectionManager.lambda$calculateServers$5(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at com.jaimemartz.playerbalancer.section.SectionManager.calculateServers(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at com.jaimemartz.playerbalancer.section.SectionManager$7.execute(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at com.jaimemartz.playerbalancer.section.SectionManager$SectionStage.lambda$execute$0(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.LinkedHashMap.forEach(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at com.jaimemartz.playerbalancer.section.SectionManager$SectionStage.execute(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at com.jaimemartz.playerbalancer.section.SectionManager.lambda$load$0(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.LinkedHashMap.forEach(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap.forEach(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at com.jaimemartz.playerbalancer.section.SectionManager.load(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at com.jaimemartz.playerbalancer.PlayerBalancer.execStart(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at com.jaimemartz.playerbalancer.PlayerBalancer.reloadPlugin(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at com.jaimemartz.playerbalancer.commands.MainCommand.execute(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginManager.dispatchCommand(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginManager.dispatchCommand(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at io.github.waterfallmc.waterfall.console.WaterfallConsole.runCommand(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at net.minecrell.terminalconsole.SimpleTerminalConsole.processInput(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at net.minecrell.terminalconsole.SimpleTerminalConsole.readCommands(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at net.minecrell.terminalconsole.SimpleTerminalConsole.start(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCordLauncher.main(
[15:52:48] [main/ERROR]:    at net.md_5.bungee.Bootstrap.main(
[15:52:48] [main/INFO]: Something went badly while reloading the plugin
[15:53:00] [main/INFO]: Reloading the configuration, this may take a while...

If i tried uhc[1-47] then "balancer reload" work but "section info uhc" show no servers Now i temporary fix it by adding servers like this but i have a plan to make hundred servers so this it not good solution.

      uhc {

other question: can this plugin handle hundreds of mini game server? i also recommend you change this default setting to more than 5, i tried many time to know that 5 is too low so player sometimes can't get server so change to 30 and everything work perfect.

    # The attempts before giving up on getting a server for a player
netherstar commented 4 years ago

Also plugin PlayerBalancerAddon seem to be need to update, it is not work with PlaceholderAPI 2.10.3

jamezrin commented 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for actually taking the time to write a good issue.

PlayerBalancer uses RegEx, so you can't just do ranges of numbers, you will have to do something more involved, like this:


That will match from 20 to 49, which should work for your use case. It's definitely possible to do a range from 25 to 47 but it's verbose and at first, complicated.

You can also do the following


which will match any server that starts with uhc, be careful because it will also match things like uhclobby or uhcother1. I would use the first one.

Regarding the default attempts, I will set what you say, it shouldn't cause problems.

And regarding the addon, I will try and update it today, I have gotten multiple reports that it doesn't work in the latest version.

jamezrin commented 4 years ago

Try updating to:

netherstar commented 4 years ago

@jamezrin Thank you very very much! But you upload wrong file to playerbalanceraddon?

jamezrin commented 4 years ago

Sorry, fixed.

netherstar commented 4 years ago

Thank you, it works perfectly now!

jamezrin commented 4 years ago

Great, I'm glad that fixed it.