Closed zhixue closed 3 years ago
Step 2 (TGSCandidate ) was designed to reduce bases of long reads that are required to be corrected to save memory usage in Step 3 (error correction). That is the reason why "ne" option will skip both of them.
In Step4, all the candidates are generated based on the alignment of scaftigs against long reads, and then vote. But according to your log, it seems that the program stopped at mapping. Please take a look at the paf file. It could be a minimap2 issue.
If the memory usage of minimap2 is a problem, then you could manually partition or sample the corrected long reads. The memory correlates with the total bases of input long reads.
Hope it would help.
Thank you for your quick response, Mengyang.
The memory was not enough when running minimap2 (scaffold size: 400Mb, Corrected reads size: 5Gb, Machine memory: 200G). I think the parameter of "ava-ont" used can get accuracy results as mentioned in but it needs much more memory than I expected. Finally, I choose "map-ont" instead of "ava-ont" to reduce the memory because of enough sequencing depth in my study.
Thank you again.
Hi, I am trying to run TGS-GapCloser using error-corrected reads to fill gaps of scaffolds. However, I have found that running the program with "--ne" not only skips error correction (step 3) but also skips TGSCandidate (step 2).
Could you give some suggestion about the step 2 to obtain the corresponding candidate fragments of corrected reads (e.g. minimap2 parameters)? And I noticed that the program uses contigs as query and reads as target in the step4.
I want to filter candidate corrected reads from several individuals in the same group just like "in order to limit the size of data for further analysis" mentioned in TGS-GapCloser article, because too many reads lead to overlapping (mapping) out of memory in step 4.
The details are as follows,
Thank you.