BGI-Qingdao / TGS-GapCloser

A gap-closing software tool that uses long reads to enhance genome assembly.
GNU General Public License v3.0
172 stars 12 forks source link

bin/tgsgapcloser: line 443: 3053 Bus error #57

Closed DiegoSafian closed 1 year ago

DiegoSafian commented 1 year ago


I am traying to use TGS-GapClose, but it stop at 2.2. This is my comand:

tgsgapcloser --scaff /camp/home/safiand/home/users/safiand/genome_assambly/guppy_PromethION/chromosome-like_scar/Poecilia_reticulata.Guppy_female_1.0_MT.dna.edited.fa.flye.racon.fasta.PolcaCorrected.fa.split.reconciled.fa \
     --reads /camp/home/safiand/home/users/safiand/genome_assambly/presidionis_PromethION/qc/presidionis_prome_filtered.fastq \
     --output final \
     --racon /camp/home/safiand/home/users/safiand/.conda/envs/gap_filler/bin/racon \
     --r_round 1 \
     --tgstype ont \
     --thread 32 \
      >pipe.log 2>pipe.err

I attached the pipe.log and the pipe.error indicate:

/camp/home/safiand/home/users/safiand/.conda/envs/gap_filler/bin/tgsgapcloser: line 443: 3053 Bus error $Candidate --ont_reads_a $TGS_READS --contig2ont_paf $OUT_PREFIX.sub.paf --min_nread $MIN_NREAD --max_nread $MAX_NREAD --candidate_max $MAX_CANDIDATE --candidate_shake_filter --candidate_merge < $TMP_INPUT_SCAFF_INFO > $OUT_PREFIX.ont.fasta 2> $OUT_PREFIX.cand.log

Could you please help me understand what is wrong? Thanks ina advance, Diego


DiegoSafian commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I just realized that I used the wrong reads!. Sorry again!