Closed dominik-handler closed 4 years ago
Hi Dominik, Please check your $TGS_READS , FASTQ format is not supported and always cause crash. If TGS_READS is in FSATA format , please provide me a small piece of data that can reproduce this crash so that I can debug it , thanks
Best wishes Lidong
Ah, thank you for your reply. My reads are indeed FASTQ. Will try again after converting them to FASTA.
All the best, Dominik
Hi, I am trying to run TGS-GapCloser with RACON read correction. I get the follwoing error message:
/install/TGS-GapCloser/ line 366: 26837 Aborted $Candidate --ont_reads_a $TGS_READS --contig2ont_paf $OUT_PREFIX.sub.paf --candidate_max 10 --candidate_shake_filter --candidate_merge < $TMP_INPUT_SCAFF_INFO > $OUT_PREFIX.ont.fasta 2> $OUT_PREFIX.cand.log
I am certain that it is not a memory problem as plenty should be available. Do you have any idea what can be wrong here? If required I can give you access to the folder containing the data.
Thank you, Dominik