Closed felixgrewe closed 4 years ago
Hi, We have seen this error when the input TGS long reads are in fastq format before. Would you please provide us your whole command ( XXXXXXX)?
Are you trying to use wtdbg2 assembled contigs to close the gaps in SSPACE-Longread scaffolds? Two points I would like to note:
Thanks for you immediate help.
Yes, I have an wtdbg2 assembly of nanopore only reads, used then SSPACE-Longread for scaffolding, and tried to close gaps with TGS-GapCloser.
Regarding your suggestions: 1) I should have a mean coverage of 50x. 2) Thank you for this suggestion, I'll continue this route.
~/git/TGS-GapCloser/ \
--scaff [path-to]/scaffolds.fasta \
--reads [path-to]/[ont-reads].fastq \
--output wtbdg2-SSPACE \
--racon [path-to]/bin/racon \
>pipe.log 2>pipe.err
The input long reads should be in FASTA format. Please convert your ONT reads from FASTQ to FASTA first. Let me know if it works for you.
I want to close gaps in SSPACE-Longread scaffolds of a wtbdg2 nanopore assembly (no Illumina polishing possible).
When I run TGS-GapCloser without error correction (--ne) it finished, but when I use error correction with racon it stoped at step 2.2:
pipe.err [...] line 373: 113308 Aborted (core dumped) $Candidate --ont_reads_a $TGS_READS --contig2ont_paf $OUT_PREFIX.sub.paf --candidate_max 10 --candidate_shake_filter --candidate_merge < $TMP_INPUT_SCAFF_INFO > $OUT_PREFIX.ont.fasta 2> $OUT_PREFIX.cand.log