BGI-shenzhen / LDBlockShow

LDBlockShow: a fast and convenient tool for visualizing linkage disequilibrium and haplotype blocks based on VCF files
MIT License
134 stars 40 forks source link

availability on bioconda #1

Open tomkinsc opened 4 years ago

tomkinsc commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this new tool!

I found the pre-print for LDBlockShow on the biorxiv. Since LDBlockShow is distributed under an open license (MIT), I added a package recipe so it will be available via the bioconda channel of the conda package manager. I hope that's ok! This makes it easy to install via a simple command:

conda install -c bioconda ldblockshow

It looks like there have already been some downloads of LDBlockShow from bioconda:

If changes should be made to the LDBlockShow recipe, please let me know or feel free to open pull requests to the bioconda-recipes repository. We welcome contributions! (more info on contributing to bioconda here: )

axelwilhelm commented 3 years ago

When using LDBlockShow I get:

warning: can't find the [ShowLDSVG] in your $PATH ; no png Figure Out

should be in anaconda3/bin/ShowLDSVG

LDBlockShow, installed manually on a remote computer, has ShowLDSVG (but not in $PATH) but I can't find it anywhere after installing with conda.

 find / -name ShowLDSVG 2> /dev/null

gives me nothing

hewm2008 commented 3 years ago

Dear @axelwilhelm ; you can download form github and install it at this way :

       git clone
        chmod 755 configure  ;  ./configure;
        mv LDBlockShow  bin/;    #     [rm *.o]
tomkinsc commented 3 years ago

@axelwilhelm The (bio)conda package has been updated to v1.40, and the new build includes ShowLDSVG.

axelwilhelm commented 3 years ago

clone/configure/make works fine but conda:

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

ldblockshow bioconda/linux-64::ldblockshow-1.38-he513fc3_0

is still 1.38

conda install -c bioconda ldblockshow=1.40 found conflicts (maybe that is an irrelevant issue)

solohu commented 4 months ago

when installed the ldblockshow 1.40 pl5321hdcf5f25_3 bioconda, showed the message: Can't locate in @INC (you may need to install the SVG module). But i do installed SVG, and there is perl-svg 2.87 in the environment.