BGI-shenzhen / LDBlockShow

LDBlockShow: a fast and convenient tool for visualizing linkage disequilibrium and haplotype blocks based on VCF files
MIT License
134 stars 40 forks source link

Segmentation fault (core dumped) LDBlockShow #24

Closed carolhuaxia closed 2 years ago

carolhuaxia commented 2 years ago

I install LDBlockShow by conda. After installed, I test by --help, It is all right. But when I execute with input vcf files , it failed. Code as follow:

source ~/software/anaconda3/bin/activate
conda activate ldblockshow
LDBlockShow -InVCF ${vcf} \
            -OutPut ALDH2_LD \
            -Region 12:111303962:112303962 \
            -SeleVar 2

failed as follow: image

What's the problem?

carolhuaxia commented 2 years ago

I figured out it was the vcf problem. I corrected to the right vcf file ,it will work well.