BGI-shenzhen / LDBlockShow

LDBlockShow: a fast and convenient tool for visualizing linkage disequilibrium and haplotype blocks based on VCF files
MIT License
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Segmentation fault #31

Closed sheshen22 closed 8 months ago

sheshen22 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I used the sample file and a Segmentation fault occurred. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS from WSL, and I don't know if you have a fix. Thank you, sir. ./LDBlockShow -InVCF ../example/Example1/Test.vcf.gz -OutPut out -Region chr11:24000000:24400000 -OutPng -SeleVar 2

Detected VCF File is phased file with '|', Read VCF in Phase mode

Warning skip low Minor Allele Frequency site, and total skip allelic sites number is :11

Start Region Cal... :chr11 24000000 24400000; In This Region TotalSNP Number is 7

find blocks... Segmentation fault mv: cannot stat 'out.plink.blocks.det': No such file or directory gzip: out.blocks: No such file or directory Warining: SVG module in Perl is missing, trying to loading the built-in []... Loading SVG module done Start draw... SVG info: SNPNumber :7 , SVG (width,height) = (455,385) convert SVG ---> PNG ... ALL done

./LDBlockShow -InVCF ../Example1/Test.vcf.gz -OutPut out -Region chr11:24100000:24200000 -InGWAS ../Example2/gwas.pvalue -SeleVar 2 Segmentation fault

hewm2008 commented 1 year ago

应该是plink的软件没办法在你的 WSL上运行,这儿建议尽量用linux的;
应急的方式加上 -BlockType 2 的参数,用另一种找ld blocks的method,当可以运行

sheshen22 commented 1 year ago

应该是plink的软件没办法在你的 WSL上运行,这儿建议尽量用linux的; 应急的方式加上 -BlockType 2 的参数,用另一种找ld blocks的method,当可以运行



sheshen22 commented 1 year ago

image 您好,还有一个小问题,就是如何才能显示具体的位置,而不是以Mb为单位。谢谢您~ image

hewm2008 commented 1 year ago

bin/ShowLDSVG 里面的第 747行和 762行 你自己改一下再运行 747行 my $Textbin=1000000; my $label="Mb"; 和 762行 $Textbin=1000000; $label="Mb";

改为 my $Textbin=1 my $label="bp"; 和 $Textbin=1; $label="bp";

Carinawei97 commented 1 year ago

您好,我也遇上了同样的问题。 我用的是mac M1 MAX. ./bin/LDBlockShow -InVCF Test.vcf.gz -OutPut out -Region chr11:24100000:24200000 -OutPng -SeleVar 2 Segmentation fault: 11

并且在我重新下载了plink 放到bin 文件夹后还是出现这个错误。用linux cluster的时候也同样报错

hewm2008 commented 1 year ago

感觉是m1的问题,要下m1下的plinks版本,若能单独运行plink出帮助文档说明下载对了版本。 建议还是在linux下运行为好