BGI-shenzhen / LDBlockShow

LDBlockShow: a fast and convenient tool for visualizing linkage disequilibrium and haplotype blocks based on VCF files
MIT License
134 stars 40 forks source link

plink无法使用 #42

Open f-c-f opened 3 months ago

f-c-f commented 3 months ago

../../LDBlockShow/bin/LDBlockShow -InVCF -OutPut hapl_block -Region 3:1-100000 -OutPng -SeleVar 1

Warning skip non bi-allelic(Singleton/ThreeMulti allelic) site, and total skip allelic sites number is :20

Warning skip low Minor Allele Frequency site, and total skip allelic sites number is :41

Start Region Cal... :3 1 100000; In This Region TotalSNP Number is 34

find blocks... Segmentation fault mv: cannot stat 'hapl_block.plink.blocks.det': No such file or directory gzip: hapl_block.blocks: No such file or directory Warining: SVG module in Perl is missing, trying to loading the built-in []... Loading SVG module done Start draw... SVG info: SNPNumber :34 , SVG (width,height) = (1955,1445) convert SVG ---> PNG ... ALL done

hewm2008 commented 3 months ago

若是mac 下载对应的plink放在bin里面 755一下

f-c-f commented 3 months ago


hewm2008 commented 3 months ago

好的 解决了就行 当是plink的版本的影响

McCord000 commented 4 weeks ago


hewm2008 commented 4 weeks ago

plink 1.9 版本 对应你所以的系统

McCord000 commented 4 weeks ago

20240816174407 还是会报错,mv: 无法获取'out.plink.blocks.det' 的文件状态(stat): 没有那个文件或目录

hewm2008 commented 3 weeks ago

whiich plink 一下 可能要把你的其它地方的plink替换一下为 我bin里面的