BGPierce / VCC

Tandy Color Computer 3 Emulator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Linux compilation instructions??? #31

Closed LissieTilbrook closed 4 years ago

LissieTilbrook commented 6 years ago

In your file... it says this:

Currently, VCC is compiled in C/C++ using "Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community", which is a free download from the MSDN downloads. When downloading VS2015, you must make sure to get the Win32 and WinXP compatibility packages to ensure build compatibility with older versions of Windows.

What about us that use LINUX???

Now that VCC is open sourced.... I am happy that the code is available, but I use GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) and I do not have a Microsoft Windows partition.

This is frustrating and a roadblock to those who don't depend on Microsoft's tools.


What dependencies do I need to install? (Do not say WINE and a copy of MS Visual Studio.)

Please, I saw no Linux compilation instructions. It's all Windows-based.

If this is open-source, then Linux compilation instructions must be included.

BGPierce commented 6 years ago

First, being open source just means the sources are openly available. It has NOTHING to do with providing Linux compiling instructions. With that said, currently, VCC is Windows only application and will only compile and run on a Windows system. However... there is work currently being done to allow VCC to run on Windows, Mac and Linux. The work is beig done by a private party offline so there is currently none of those sources available. Hopefully, once the code becomes usable, it will be uploaded to this repository and be available for bug fixes and further enhancement. Anyone is free to download and work on the currently available code as is.

Bill Pierce "Charlie stole the handle, and the train it won't stop going, no way to slow down!" - Ian Anderson - Jethro Tull

My Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3 Co-Contributor, Co-Editor for CocoPedia


-----Original Message----- From: Elisabeth Rachael Snow To: VCCE/VCC Cc: Subscribed Sent: Sun, Jun 17, 2018 12:27 am Subject: [VCCE/VCC] Linux compilation instructions??? (#84)

In your ([] file... it says this: Currently, VCC is compiled in C/C++ using "Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community", which is a free download from the MSDN downloads. When downloading VS2015, you must make sure to get the Win32 and WinXP compatibility packages to ensure build compatibility with older versions of Windows.

What about us that use LINUX??? Now that VCC is open sourced.... I am happy that the code is available, but I use GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) and I do not have a Microsoft Windows partition. This is frustrating and a roadblock to those who don't depend on Microsoft's tools. So... What dependencies do I need to install? (Do not say WINE and a copy of MS Visual Studio.) Please, I saw no Linux compilation instructions. It's all Windows-based. If this is open-source, then Linux compilation instructions must be included. — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

LissieTilbrook commented 5 years ago

First, being open source just means the sources are openly available. It has NOTHING to do with providing Linux compiling instructions.

Sorry, @BGPierce that does not seem right. You put the code on GitHub. Therefore, I'm having serious doubts about the CoCo community supporting x86/x86_64 Linux users who do so out of choice. Sometimes we want it to run it natively, without an API emulation layer (like WINE).

And any code available on GitHub should be OS-agnostic and compile with the users' tools of choice. Even Microsoft's GitHub repository can be compiled on Linux with g++, no extra hoops to jump through.

I am a CoCo fangirl... but the insistence of reliance of Windows by said community kinda makes me wonder if they forgot where OS-9 is based upon. Unix. Linux is too. This is disappointing. #

beretta42 commented 5 years ago

@Lissie please submit patches to make it compile in all platforms. I think the project leads will consider taking diffs to further your goals.

LissieTilbrook commented 5 years ago

@beretta42, I'm not sure what you are talking about. The code depends on one compiler. Microsoft Visual Studio. I even tried to get it to work in the Ubuntu snap package of Microsoft Visual Studio. I just wanted to run

git clone
cd VCC
sudo make install

How difficult is that?

But I'm not sure where to start, considering the code is 100% Windows dependent, DirectX. I don't know how to replace DirectX calls with OpenGL or SDL.

lostwizard commented 5 years ago

@LissieTilbrook Simmer down. The type of demanding attitude you have approached this project with is unacceptable. You are demanding people who are not being paid and who have not been paid by you do something with their time just to make you happy. Bill owes you nothing. Neither do any of the other people involved with VCC development or in the greater CoCo community.

It is impossible to provide Linux build instructions for software that relies on Windows specific technologies. Just like it's impossible to provide Windows build instructions for software that relies on Linux specific technologies. No amount of demanding either will make it possible.

Remember. The VCC source is provided to you by volunteers out of the goodness of their hearts. They do not even have to do that. That you have access to the code as it is is a privilege. Treat it as such and respect the people who have shared it.

LissieTilbrook commented 5 years ago

Please... Me simmer down now?

Stack Overflow says that it is the rudest answer. Ever. Read the first answer.

BGPierce commented 5 years ago

First, I am not a programmer, nor the author, nor the uploader, I do NOT have an obligation to ANYONE to do ANYTHING. I am only one of the administrators of the project.

Second, I DID NOT put the code up on GitHub. It was uploaded by VCC's original author Joseph Forgeone. Joseph originally wrote the code for Windows only and it was NOT open source. It was originally written on Visual Studio and until someone ports it to something else, it will probably stay that way.

Third, the very reason VCC is here on GitHub is for programmers to attempt to port it to other platforms. There are several such projects going on, but none have yet to make it back to this repository. Until then, it will stay a windows project.

How easy is it? You must know very little of programming or communities as it shows in your ignorance of code and rudeness in communication of such.

I for one, am about ready to take my name off this project as I am sick and tired of being pointed at to make VCC conform to someone else's uses when they are willing to contribute absolutely nothing but their complaints. This project was put up in hopes that the community would band together and change it. In fact, the Coco community was demanding the sources be released so it could be ported to multi-platform. Instead it has become an unending complaint box for people who want something for nothing. You don't do nothing, you don't get nothing!

And NO. No open source project has to comply to any "multi-platform" strategy. One quick search reveals THOUSANDS (if not hundreds of thousands) of Windows only projects on GitHub alone and probably millions on SourceForge, not to even get into the other source repository systems out there.

As for the Coco Community being Windows biased? There you are definitely wrong. In fact, VCC is probably one of the ONLY Windows only projects for Coco that is such and if you frequented the Coco Community much (mail group, FB, etc) you would know that there are more Linux users in our community than there are Windows users. In fact, for a while I felt like the ugly duckling for being a Windows user.

So before you go off demanding something of which you have no right and slinging accusations without knowledge of the facts, try doing a little research.... and ask things politely. You'll not only gain knowledge, but gain friends. And that is what the Coco Community is about.

I, for one, am done with this conversation.

P.S. And Thank you William :-)

Bill Pierce "Charlie stole the handle, and the train it won't stop going, no way to slow down!" - Ian Anderson - Jethro Tull

My Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3 Co-Contributor, Co-Editor for CocoPedia


-----Original Message----- From: Elisabeth Rachael Snow To: VCCE/VCC Cc: Bill Pierce; Mention Sent: Sun, Jul 22, 2018 1:06 pm Subject: Re: [VCCE/VCC] Linux compilation instructions??? (#84)

@beretta42, I'm not sure what you are talking about. The code depends on one compiler. Microsoft Visual Studio. I even tried to get it to work in the Ubuntu snap package of Microsoft Visual Studio. I just wanted to run git clone cd VCC ./configure make sudo make install

How difficult is that? But I'm not sure where to start, considering the code is 100% Windows dependent, DirectX. I don't know how to replace DirectX calls with OpenGL or SDL. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

abathur8bit commented 5 years ago

Open source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance, @LissieTilbrook. There is nothing that says it has to compile on one platform or another. Heck, it doesn't even have to compile. The source for VCC is now freely available, even though the original author didn't have any obligations to do so. I for one am grateful for his generosity.

LissieTilbrook commented 5 years ago

I apologze yall... sucks being pregnant... but my friend Alexa Tilbrook (no relation) has forked Ciaran Anscomb's repo which might be not VCC but Xroar to Bionic...

I am used to programming, but not in Windows. I was overwhelmed with the errors GCC was spouting out. I'm more used to using a text editor and then telling GCC what to do with it.

But I apologize... but at least I have a friend who's getting CoCo emulation in Linux started back up.


BGPierce commented 5 years ago

Elisabeth, apology accepted. XRoar is an EXCELLENT Coco 2 emulation and Ciaran is always available if you need him. We hope to get VCC up and running in Linux soon, but everyone working on it has real lives just like anyone else, so it takes time. There is also a Mac conversion being worked on. Also, you may want to check into Mame, which has several Coco emulations (Coco 1, 2, & 3) and will compile to run on Linux.

Bill Pierce "Charlie stole the handle, and the train it won't stop going, no way to slow down!" - Ian Anderson - Jethro Tull

My Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3 Co-Contributor, Co-Editor for CocoPedia


LissieTilbrook commented 5 years ago

@BGPierce thanks! It's seriously out of frustration... And you know how that goes...

Actually, we're using Cesare Falco's PPA of MAME Works very well!

din74ptvmaibua5 That was on my friend's Twitter to the @discordapp Twitter exclaiming how she loved the Discord "game detection" feature... But it's the only screenshot I can find... I am getting seriously OT here.

However, I'm willing to learn how to do this, I would love to request help, and Google is not giving me the direction desired. I'm not asking y'all to write code for me, heck no. I'm asking y'all to point me in the right direction.

Thanks again and CoCo forever!!!

LissieTilbrook commented 5 years ago

Can't edit on mobile (ugh...) So bear with me.

If I do get a working binary for Linux running, is it okay if I let my friend host the binary debs on her Launchpad PPA?

BGPierce commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the long delay, but hurricane Florence took my home and everything I own last year and I've spent the time since the trying to get life back to some form of order.

To answer you question, we have NO control or say-so of Mame. Mame is a very large closed group project and cover MANY hardware systems from Arcade machines, to game consoles, to computer, etc. Any questions of an about Mame should be directed to the Mame development team.

I am closing this issue as I feel we answered you questions. Please feel free to report any VCC related issues here. Thank you. B.P.

Lissie commented 4 years ago

Firstly, sorry to hear that. And I'm glad everyone seems to be doing okay now.

But please,

Would you mind, all of you, stop tagging me? You got the wrong person tagged here. There are more than one Elisabeth in this platform.

Thank you for your collaboration.

On Thu, Dec 12, 2019, 05:11 Bill Pierce wrote:

Sorry for the long delay, but hurricane Florence took my home and everything I own last year and I've spent the time since the trying to get life back to some form of order.

To answer you question, we have NO control or say-so of Mame. Mame is a very large closed group project and cover MANY hardware systems from Arcade machines, to game consoles, to computer, etc. Any questions of an about Mame should be directed to the Mame development team.

I am closing this issue as I feel we answered you questions. Please feel free to report any VCC related issues here. Thank you. B.P.

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