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Fallout 2 tweaks
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Auto cursor is not working #104

Closed JouBqa closed 2 months ago

JouBqa commented 2 months ago

What happened

Cursor doesn't automatically change in combat

What you expected to happen

I have to click to change cursor



burner1024 commented 2 months ago

Did you enable it?

JouBqa commented 2 months ago

Yes. Other features are working

burner1024 commented 2 months ago

Share your draw.dll, ddraw.ini, fo2tweaks.ini.

JouBqa commented 2 months ago


; set to 1/0 (unless specified otherwise) the in main section to enable/disable the components ; edit the corresponding lower sections to fine tune the components [main] ; set to 0 to disable worldmap_key=W ; set to 0 or T to keep the default T key townmap_key=Y ; don't penalize scoped weapons chance to hit at close range no_scope_penalty=1 ; Ignore target AC when attacking with a grenade, allow to toss grenades into empty hexes. Refer to the corresponding section for fine tuning. improved_grenades=1 ; Molotov does fire damage molotov_fire=1 ; Limit max knockback distance in hexes. -1 is vanilla (unlimited). 0 is no knockback at all. 1 is "up to 1 hex". Etc. max_knockback=-1 ; enable bottomless trunk trunk_space=0 ; automatically open/walk through unlocked doors when not in combat autodoors=1 ; (virtually) unlimited carry weight carry_weight=0 ; level 5 after completing temple of trials level5=1 ; display current ammo type in an infobox during combat ammobox=1 ; Modoc brahmin are on player's team, to avoid party members killing them all accidentally modoc_brahmin=1 ; alternative healing implementation healing_revision=0 ; display current HP over head for dude, party and nearby enemies combat. This is not ideal, has some delay. hp_over_head=0 ; AP/JHP damage mod. You must set DamageFormula=0 in ddraw.ini for this component to work correctly. damage_mod=0 ; expanded highlighting mod. Disable default sfall highlighting is you're using this (Key=0 in sfall-mods.ini). highlighting=0 ; dude automatically reloads both weapons at the end of combat auto_reload=1 ; party npc level will match player level more closely party_level_match=1 ; don't check charisma limit when joining the party. All other checks (karma, quests, etc) are intact! unlimited_party=0 ; remap keys according to the table in the keymap section keymap=1 ; enable if you find some areas too dark. Map light level will never go below this percentage. Recommended value is 49. min_light_level=49 ; overall game speedup. Check the readme before enabling. speedup=0 ; Increase run speed for PC (when wearing armor) and/or party members. Helps with Marcus/Lenny/Skynet lagging behind. You must set UseFileSystemOverride=1 in ddraw.ini for this to work. run_speed=1 ; Critters getting melted, exploded, burned to ashes won't drop their whole inventory to the ground, instead allowing to loot the remains normally. no_drop_items_on_death=1 ; How many sexual encounters with DIFFERENT people do you have to have to be considered a Gigolo. 0 means vanilla behaviour. gigolo_limit=0 ; Automatic cursor change on mouseover in combat. auto_cursor=1

[no_scope_penalty] ; ; remove scope range perk from weapons in the list, increase range to 150% ; scoped hunting rifle remove=287 ; if weapon has scope range perk, replace it with long range ; no effect in vanilla or RP, but changes EcCo mod versions ; sniper rifle, bozar to_long=143,350

[improved_grenades] ; allow to toss grenades into empty hexes attack_area=1 ; below are lists of affected weapons and ammo. See the links to add your own. ; ; ; affected weapons: ; frag (Sonora), frag (vanilla), plasma, pulse, flare, molotov, flare (active), holy hand, homemade (ecco), M79 (ecco), MGL (ecco) weapons=20,25,26,27,79,159,205,421,613,630,634 ; affected ammo: ; explosive rocket ammo=14

[molotov_fire] ; enable flameboy animation for molotov flameboy=1

[ammobox] ; bar box number. Don't change if you don't know what this is. number=9 ; text color color=3

[healing_revision] ; dude will receive free Living Anatomy if Doctor skill raised up to this limit ; applies on entering a map. Set to over 300 if you don't want this feature living_anatomy_min_doctor=135

[highlighting] ; DX scandode of a key to press to highlight items on the ground ; 42 - SHIFT key ; key=42 ; Set the color of outlines, available colors: ; 0 - disable ; 1 - glowing red ; 2 - red ; 4 - grey ; 8 - glowing green ; 16 - bright yellow ; 32 - dark yellow ; 64 - purple color_critters=32 color_corpses=16 color_containers=8 color_locked_containers=2 color_locked_doors=2 color_traps=2 color_items=16 color_party=8 color_dude=0 color_transitions=64 ; set to 1 to only highlight objects in the player's line-of-sight check_los=0 ; skip empty containers and corpses skip_empty=1 ; Set to 1 to ignore NO_HIGHLIGHT flag on objects and highlight them regardless ignore_nohighlight=1 ; Motion Scanner mode: ; 0 - ignored ; 1 - requires Motion Scanner present in player inventory to activate highlighting ; 2 - requires Motion Scanner and also requires 1 charge on every use (depleted scanner will not work anymore) motion_scanner=0 ; Skip these items (pids). Mostly various bookshelves and bookcases skip_items=148,150,154,156 ; (additional pids of) traps, comma separated ; RP's Raiders Cavern pits traps=33556185 ; (additional pids of) area transitions such as manholes, wells, etc transitions=33554629

[party_level_match] ; X=Y,Z: NPC X will get first level up at player level Y and an additional level up each Z player levels, as per party.txt ; Levels are applied: 1. When taking NPC into party. 2. When combat ends. 3. When entering an area. ; Works independently of NPCAutoLevel, so it doesn't prevent NPCs from leveling earlier according to party.txt rules. ; Defaults correspond to party.txt values from RPU. ; Look up NPC pids in ; Goris 16777368=10,3

[party_level_maxstage] ; mapping of NPC pids to max stage available. ; All original and RP NPCs are already included. Only change if you have mods that add new NPCs or change old ones ; npc_pid=max_stage ; example, vanilla Miria - doesn't level up, her max stage is 0: ;16777380=0

[damage_mod] ; Combat difficulty in game options determines both enemies' chance to hit (and possibly AI), as well as damage inflicted. ; This setting allows to decouple them. If enabled, game option will only affect AI/CtH, while this will determine damage multiplier. ; 0: no change - vanilla behaviour (coupled), 1: wimpy (75%), 2: normal (100%), 3: rough (125%). damage_difficulty=0

; In vanilla, only damage inflicted by enemies increases with difficulty. Player and companions always inflict 100%. ; If you prefer the combat "fair", in sense that damage is scaled for all combatants, change this to 1. party_scale_damage=0

; List ammo pids so that their new DMG mod is shown when viewing the description ; It is a cosmetic only setting, DMG mod field is not used in calculation ; All original ammo is included by default, only change if you have mods that add new ammo ; 610-641: EcCo ammo_pids=610,614,615,631,632,633,641

[damage_mod_ammo_dr] ; Map ammo PID to ammo DR. Already includes all vanilla and EcCo ammo. ; By default, JHP ammo is set to have DR mod of +35%, AP -35%, FMJ -20%. ; See PIDs here ; Examples: ; 10mm JHP ; 29=35 ; 10mm AP ; 30=-35

[damage_mod_ammo_type] ; set specific ammo to deal specific type of damage. ; useful for ammo added by mods, when a weapon can shoot ammo with different damage types ; see for damage types ; format: dmg_type=pid1,pid2,pid3 ; fire damage: EcCo 40mm IC 2=632

[unlimited_party] ; Additional NPC pids, comma-separated. All original game and RP NPCs are already included. ; It's party_member_pid from data/data/party.txt npc_pids=

[keymap] ; NEW_key=OLD_key ; if old key is not mapped elsewhere, it will be disabled. ; quick save F5=F6 ; quick load F8=F7 ; load game F9=F5 ; center on PC: J=Home - for laptop users J=Home

[run_speed] ; You can enable run speed increase for the Chosen, party, or both. dude=1 party=1

[hp_over_head] ; if key is set, the floats will only displayed once per key tap ; if not set, they will be displayed all the time key=V ; display only for party members only_party=0


;sfall configuration settings ;v4.4

[Main] ;Set to 1 to enable the built-in High Resolution Patch mode that is similar to the hi-res patch by Mash ;The required settings will be read from the f2_res.ini configuration file of the original hi-res patch HiResMode=0

;Set to 1 if you want to use command line arguments to tell sfall to use another ini file ;This option is always enabled in 4.3.3/3.8.33 or later. The information is left for reference only UseCommandLine=0

;Uncomment and point to a file to get alternate translations for some sfall messages ;This file can be placed in text\\ for sfall to get the translations depending on the game language ;TranslationsINI=sfall\Translations.ini

;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [ExtraPatches] ;This section allows you to set multiple paths to folders containing mods or patches ;Paths to folders and Fallout .dat files are supported ;The PatchFileXX options are available from 0 to 99. Larger numbers take precedence over smaller numbers (same as patchXXX.dat) ;Starting from 4.4/3.8.40, the game will load custom .dat files and folders from \mods\mods_order.txt ;The files and folders in mods_order.txt will have a higher priority than the PatchFileXX options ;The complete order of how the engine loads game data is: ;master_patches > critter_patches > mods_order.txt > PatchFileXX > patchXXX.dat > sfall.dat > critter_dat > f2_res_patches > f2_res_dat > master_dat ;PatchFile0=mods\RP_data ;PatchFile1=

;Some details about mods_order.txt: ;If mods_order.txt does not exist, sfall will create one in \mods\ ;To install a new mod, copy the file/folder to \mods\ and add its name to mods_order.txt ;Mods will be loaded line by line from top to bottom. You can change the load order in a text editor ;To disable a mod temporarily, you can comment it out by adding a ';' or '#' to the beginning of the line

;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [Speed] ;Set to 1 to enable options related to the game speed adjustment (SpeedMulti#, SpeedKey#, SpeedModKey, and SpeedToggleKey) Enable=1

;The speeds corresponding to each slot in percent. (i.e. 100 is normal speed) SpeedMulti0=50 SpeedMulti1=100 SpeedMulti2=200 SpeedMulti3=300 SpeedMulti4=400 SpeedMulti5=500 SpeedMulti6=600 SpeedMulti7=700 SpeedMulti8=800 SpeedMulti9=900

;The initial speed at game startup SpeedMultiInitial=100

;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [Graphics] ;Set to 0 for 8 bit fullscreen ;Set to 4 for DX9 fullscreen ;Set to 5 for DX9 windowed ;Set to 6 for DX9 fullscreen windowed (the resolution in f2_res.ini should be set to the same aspect ratio as your desktop resolution) ;A DX9 mode is required for any graphics related script extender functions to work (i.e. fullscreen shaders) ;Modes 1, 2 and 3 are no longer supported ;If using the hi-res patch by Mash, this option will always be read from the main ddraw.ini file Mode=0

;If using a DX9 mode, this changes the resolution ;The graphics are simply stretched to fit the new window; this does not let you see more of the map ;If set to 0, use Fallout's native resolution GraphicsWidth=0 GraphicsHeight=0

;Window position data. Do not modify ;Set to -1 or 0 to reset the window position to the center or top-left corner WindowData=-1

;Uncomment the option to use a hardware shader (requires DX9 graphics mode) ;The shader file .fx must be placed in \\shaders\ and must contain one technique with one or more passes ;You can specify multiple shader files, separated by commas ;GlobalShaderFile=global.fx

;Set to 1 to automatically enable linear texture filtering when the scale factor is not an integer ;Set to 2 to force-enable linear texture filtering ;This can be used in conjunction with the GlobalShaderFile option TextureFilter=1

;Set to 1 to do the palette conversion on the GPU ;Set to 2 to do the palette conversion on the CPU (used for compatibility with old video cards) ;Set to 0 to pick automatically ;GPU is faster, but requires v2.0 pixel shader support GPUBlt=0

;Set to 1 to allow using 32-bit textures for talking heads ;The texture files should be placed in art\heads\\ (without extension) ;The files in the folder should be numbered according to the number of frames in the talking head FRM file (0.png, 1.png, etc.) ;See the text file in the modders pack for a detailed description ;Requires DX9 graphics mode and v2.0 pixel shader support (see GPUBlt option) Use32BitHeadGraphics=0

;Set to 1 to automatically search for alternative AVI video files when Fallout tries to play the game movies ;Set to 2 to force AVI videos to fit the screen width ;Requires DX9 graphics mode ;The recommended video codec is Xvid AllowDShowMovies=0

;Fade effect time percentage modifier ;Default is 100. Decrease/increase this value to speed up/slow down fade effects FadeMultiplier=100

;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [Interface] ;Set to 1 to expand the number of action points displayed on the interface bar ;Requires new IFACE_E.frm and HRIFACEE.frm files in art\intrface\ (included in sfall.dat) to display correctly ;The minimum supported version of High Resolution Patch is 4.1.8 ActionPointsBar=1

;Set to 1 to use the expanded world map interface ;Set to 2 to skip correcting the position of entrance markers on town maps ;You can use resized FRMs in 700x682 for town maps in the expanded world map interface ;Requires High Resolution Patch v4.1.8 and a new WORLDMAP.frm file in art\intrface\ (included in sfall.dat) ;The resolution of the hi-res patch must be set to at least 890x720 ExpandWorldMap=0

;Set to 1 to draw a dotted line while traveling on the world map (similar to Fallout 1) WorldMapTravelMarkers=0 ;Uncomment these lines to change the appearance of the markers ;The color index in Fallout default palette (valid range: 1..228; default is 134) ;TravelMarkerColor=134 ;The length and spacing of the dots in pixels for each type of terrain in worldmap.txt ;Syntax is 'length:spacing', with each pair separated by a comma (valid range: 1..10; default is 2) ;TravelMarkerStyles=2:2,2:2,2:2,2:2

;Set to 1 to display terrain types when hovering the cursor over the player's marker on the world map WorldMapTerrainInfo=1

;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [Sound] ;Sets the number of allowed simultaneous sound effects ;Set to 0 to leave the default unchanged (i.e. 8). The maximum is 32 NumSoundBuffers=32

;Set to 1 to allow attaching sound files to combat float messages AllowSoundForFloats=1

;Set to 1 to automatically search for alternative formats (mp3/wma/wav) when Fallout tries to play an ACM ;Alternative music files will play even if original ACM files are not present in the music folder ;This does not effect the play_sfall_sound and stop_sfall_sound script functions AllowDShowSound=0

;Set to 1 to override the default music path with data\sound\music\ if music_path is not present in the cfg ;Set to 2 to overwrite all occurrences of the music path OverrideMusicDir=1

;Set to 1 to automatically search for new SFX sound files at game startup ;Note: With this option enabled, you will no longer need to use the utility regsnd.exe to register new SFX sounds ;This will slightly increase the startup time of the game on older computers AutoSearchSFX=1

;Uncomment these lines to override the names of sound files used by the engine ;Filenames are limited to 8 characters (without extension) ;MainMenuMusic=07desert ;WorldMapMusic=23world ;WorldMapCarMusic=20car ;EndGameMovieMusic0=akiss ;EndGameMovieMusic1=10labone ;MapLoadingSound=wind2

;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [Input] ;Set to 1 to enable the mouse scroll wheel to scroll through the inventory, barter, and loot screens UseScrollWheel=1

;The mouse Z position is divided by this modifier to calculate the number of inventory ;slots to scroll. My mouse moves 120 pixels in the z direction for one click of the mouse ;wheel, but this may vary depending on your mouse manufacturer and windows settings. ;Set to 0 to only ever scroll 1 click ScrollMod=0

;Adjusts mouse sensitivity to some percentage of normal. ;Negative values are valid if you want your mouse axis reversed for some reason MouseSensitivity=100

;DX scancode of a key to press when the middle mouse button is clicked ;The default of 48 ('B' key) toggles between your active items ;Set to 0 to disable MiddleMouse=48

;Set to 1 to reverse the left and right mouse buttons ReverseMouseButtons=0

;Set these to 1 if you want Fallout to access the keyboard or mouse in background mode ;Try these if you get the 'Failure initializing input devices' error BackgroundKeyboard=0 BackgroundMouse=0


;The modifier key you have to hold down to change any speed settings ;Set to 0 if you don't want to use a modifier key, or a DX scancode otherwise ;Set to -1 for either ctrl key, -2 for either alt key or -3 for either shift key SpeedModKey=-1

;A key to press to toggle the speed tweak on or off ;Set to 0 if you don't want a toggle key, or a DX scancode otherwise SpeedToggleKey=0

;The keys corresponding to the 10 speed slots ;Set to 0 to disable a slot, otherwise specify the DX scancode of the key you want to use SpeedKey0=0x52 SpeedKey1=0x4f SpeedKey2=0x50 SpeedKey3=0x51 SpeedKey4=0x4b SpeedKey5=0x4c SpeedKey6=0x4d SpeedKey7=0x00 SpeedKey8=0x00 SpeedKey9=0x00

;A key to hold down to move the window around when using DX9 graphics mode 5 ;Set to 0 if you don't want to use a modifier key, or a DX scancode otherwise ;Set to -1 for either ctrl key, -2 for either alt key or -3 for either shift key WindowScrollKey=0

;A key to press to reload your currently equipped weapon or use the active item ;Set to 0 if you don't want a reload key, or a DX scancode otherwise ReloadWeaponKey=0

;A key to hold down to let you move/drop a whole stack of items at once without the 'Move Items' window ;Set to 0 if you don't want to use a modifier key, or a DX scancode otherwise ItemFastMoveKey=29

;Set to 1 to skip the 'Move Items' window when taking items from containers or corpses and not holding down ItemFastMoveKey ;Requires ItemFastMoveKey to be enabled FastMoveFromContainer=0

;A key to press to open a debug game editor ;Set to 0 to disable, or a DX scancode otherwise ;Requires sfall debugging mode and FalloutDebug.exe from the modders pack DebugEditorKey=0

;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [Misc] ;Changes some of Fallout 2 engine functions to Fallout 1 behavior: ;- disables playing the final movie/credits after the endgame slideshow ;- disables halving the weight for power armor items ;- endgame_movie script function plays movie 10 or 11 based on the player's gender before the credits Fallout1Behavior=0

;Time limit in years. Must be between -3 and 13 ;Set to 0 if you want to die the instant you leave Arroyo ;Set to -1 to remove the time limit, and automatically reset the date back to 2241 each time you would have reached it ;Set to -2 or -3 to remove the time limit, automatically reset the date, but override Fallout's GetDate function to return the correct year TimeLimit=13

;World map travel time percentage modifier ;Modifies how fast in game time passes while you're moving around the map screen without affecting encounter rate ;100 is normal speed, 0 stops time from passing WorldMapTimeMod=100

;Set to 1 to use the Fallout 1 code to control world map speed WorldMapFPSPatch=1

;Controls the world map speed if WorldMapFPSPatch is 1. Higher values cause slower movement ;Default is 66 milliseconds WorldMapDelay2=66

;Set to 1 to enable Ray's patch to make world map encounter rate independent of your travel speed ;Higher values of WorldMapEncounterRate cause a slower encounter rate WorldMapEncounterFix=0 WorldMapEncounterRate=5

;The number of slots available in the locations list panel of the world map ;Set to 0 to leave the default unchanged (i.e. 17). The maximum is 127 ;Setting this greater than 17 requires a replacement WMTABS.frm file in art\intrface\, or you'll get glitched graphics WorldMapSlots=21

;To start a new game somewhere other than, uncomment the next line and set it to the map you want to load ;StartingMap=

;To change the 'FALLOUT II v1.02d' version string on the main menu, uncomment the next line ;You can use up to 2 %d's in this if you want to include Fallout's version number somewhere VersionString=FALLOUT II 1.02d RP 2.3.3u28

;To use a config file other than fallout2.cfg, uncomment the next line and add the name of your new file ;ConfigFile=

;Set to 1 to enable script functions relating to overriding the file system UseFileSystemOverride=1

;To use a patch file other than patch000.dat, uncomment the next line and add your new file name ;If you want to load multiple patch files (up to 1000) at once, you can include a %d in the file name (sprintf syntax) ;PatchFile=patch%03d.dat

;Set to 1 to change the order of how the engine loads game data ;Old: patchXXX.dat > critter_patches > critter_dat > f2_res_patches > f2_res_dat > master_patches > master_dat ;New: master_patches > critter_patches > [ExtraPatches] > patchXXX.dat > sfall.dat > critter_dat > f2_res_patches > f2_res_dat > master_dat ;This option is always enabled in 4.3/3.8.30 or later. The information is left for reference only DataLoadOrderPatch=1

;Set to 1 to load alternative dialog msg files from text\\dialog_female\ for female PC ;Set to 2 to also load subtitle files from text\\cuts_female\ for female PC FemaleDialogMsgs=2

;Set to 1 to allow using the caret character '^' in dialog msg files to specify alternative text in dialogue based on the player's gender ;The text must be enclosed in angle brackets (example: <MaleText^FemaleText>) DialogGenderWords=0

;To change the default and starting player models, uncomment the next four lines. ;The default models can also be changed in-game via script ;MaleStartModel=hmwarr ;MaleDefaultModel=hmjmps ;FemaleStartModel=hfprim ;FemaleDefaultModel=hfjmps

;To change the various in-game movies, modify the next 17 lines ;You can also define additional movies by adding Movie18 - Movie32 lines ;Most of these can also be changed in-game via script Movie1=iplogo.mve Movie2=intro.mve Movie3=elder.mve Movie4=vsuit.mve Movie5=afailed.mve Movie6=adestroy.mve Movie7=car.mve Movie8=cartucci.mve Movie9=timeout.mve Movie10=tanker.mve Movie11=enclave.mve Movie12=derrick.mve Movie13=artimer1.mve Movie14=artimer2.mve Movie15=artimer3.mve Movie16=artimer4.mve Movie17=credits.mve

;To change the starting year, month or day, uncomment the next 3 lines ;Both StartMonth and StartDay are 0-indexed (i.e. 0 is January or the first day of a month) ;StartYear=-1 ;StartMonth=-1 ;StartDay=-1

;To change the limit of the distance away from the player to which you're allowed to scroll the local maps, uncomment the next two lines ;Defaults are 480 in the x direction and 400 in the y direction. ;Does not work with the hi-res patch by Mash! ;LocalMapXLimit=480 ;LocalMapYLimit=400

;Set to 1 if you want the pipboy to be available at the start of the game ;Set to 2 to make the pipboy available by only skipping the vault suit movie check PipBoyAvailableAtGameStart=0

;Set to 1 to double the number of available kill types ;If you use this, you need to provide the extra descriptions in proto.msg (entries from 1450 to 1487 are names and 1488 to 1525 are descriptions) ;Changing this option mid game will not invalidate old save games, but the player's kill counters will be completely screwed. ;Setting this to 1 may cause problems if the player kills more than 32767 of any one critter type ;Additional kill types must have their new critical tables set! (See the OverrideCriticalTable option) ExtraKillTypes=0

;Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage. ;Don't set this to anything other than 0 unless another mod you're using explicitly tells you to! ;0 - Fallout default ;1 - Glovz's Damage Fix ;2 - Glovz's Damage Fix with Damage Multiplier tweak ;5 - Haenlomal's Yet Another Ammo Mod DamageFormula=0

;Prevents you from using 0 to escape from dialogue at any time. DialogueFix=1

;Prevents you from using number keys to enter unvisited areas on a town map TownMapHotkeysFix=1

;Set to 1 to disable the Horrigan encounter DisableHorrigan=0

;Set to 1 to disable the random element in NPC levelling. ;This will cause all NPC party members to automatically level up as soon as the player reaches the requirements NPCAutoLevel=1

;Change the initial starting location and world map viewport ;Leave at -1 for default StartXPos=-1 StartYPos=-1 ViewXPos=-1 ViewYPos=-1

;Set to 1 to force Fallout not to use multiple processor cores even if they are available SingleCore=1

;Set to 1 to override the art_cache_size setting in fallout2.cfg OverrideArtCacheSize=1

;Prevents you from saving in combat except at the start of your turn to avoid a few bugs ;Note that even with this option enabled, it is still not advisable to save in combat ;Set to 2 to block all saving in combat SaveInCombatFix=1

;Uncomment and set a comma delimited list of numbers to use a custom xp table. ;Player's level is capped once the highest specified level is reached ;XPTable=50,100,200

;Set to 1 to enable additional weapon animation codes from 'o' to 't' ;The 4 byte value at 0x39 of weapon protos may range from 0 to 15 rather than 0 to 10 ;Since the letters 'n' and 'r' are in use for other animations, an animation code of 11 corresponds to 's' and 15 to 't' AdditionalWeaponAnims=1

;Uncomment these lines to modify the default modifiers for aimed shots at specific bodyparts ;Modifiers affect both NPCs and the player ;BodyHit_Head=-40 ;BodyHit_Left_Arm=-30 ;BodyHit_Right_Arm=-30 ;BodyHit_Torso=0 ;BodyHit_Right_Leg=-20 ;BodyHit_Left_Leg=-20 ;BodyHit_Eyes=-60 ;BodyHit_Groin=-30 ;The modifier for unaimed shots ;BodyHit_Torso_Uncalled=0

;Set to 1 to use a CriticalOverrides.ini file to override the default critical table ;Set to 2 to use the default critical with bug fixes (doesn't require an ini) ;Set to 3 to use a new format CriticalOverrides.ini file, with preadded bug fixes ;If the ExtraKillTypes option is enabled, this should be set to 3, with containing entries for any new types ;Must be non-zero to use the edit/get/reset_critical script functions OverrideCriticalTable=2

;Set to 1 to get notification of karma changes in the notification window DisplayKarmaChanges=1

;Set to 1 to always reload messages, rather than only at map load AlwaysReloadMsgs=0

;Set to 1 to force the player to play the idle animation when reloading their weapon PlayIdleAnimOnReload=1

;Changes the timer (in days) for deleting corpses on a map after you leave (valid range: 0..13) ;The corpses of critters with 'Ages' flag set or on maps with 'dead_bodies_age=No' set in maps.txt will not disappear ;Default is 6. Set to 0 for a 12-hour timer CorpseDeleteTime=6

;Set a number of milliseconds to idle each input loop ;Set to -1 to disable ;Set to 0 to idle only if other processes are waiting for processor time (WinXP/2000: if processes have equal priority) ;Set to 1 (or some higher number if needed) to prevent 100% CPU use. The maximum is 50 ProcessorIdle=-1

;Set to 1 if using the hero appearance mod ;Set to 2 for backward compatibility with scripts that manually fix obj_art_fid/art_change_fid_num script functions for dude_obj ;You can add AppChCrt.frm and AppChEdt.frm files to art\intrface\ to set a custom background for the character screen EnableHeroAppearanceMod=1

;Set to 1 to skip the 3 opening movies ;Set to 2 to also skip the splash screen SkipOpeningMovies=0

;Causes NPCs who complete their combat turn with AP left over will try and find other ways to spend it. ;Only NPCs with AP left equal to or greater than the value given here will be considered. ;Set to 0 to disable NPCsTryToSpendExtraAP=0

;Allows the use of tiles over 80x36 in size. sfall will just split and resave them to art\tiles\zzz####.frm at startup ;Set to 1 to check all tiles on started (slow, but can also be useful for checking the correct size of your new tiles) ;Set to 2 if you provide a XLtiles.lst file in art\tiles\ containing a list of the tile indexes that need checking AllowLargeTiles=0

;Set to 1 to boost the maximum number of tile FRMs from 4096 to 16383 ;This option is always enabled in 4.3.7/3.8.37 or later. The information is left for reference only MoreTiles=1

;Change the Skilldex cursor FRM numbers ;Default is 293 for all skills Lockpick=293 Steal=293 Traps=293 FirstAid=293 Doctor=293 Science=293 Repair=293

;Set to 1 to add scroll buttons to the pipboy quest list, and remove the quests per area limit ;Set to 2 to use a different set of scroll buttons UseScrollingQuestsList=1

;To change the location of quest list scroll buttons, uncomment the next two lines ;Defaults are 140 for the X-axis and 334 for the Y-axis ;QuestsScrollButtonsX=140 ;QuestsScrollButtonsY=334

;Uncomment these lines to control the premade characters offered when starting a new game ;Multiple options should be separated by commas, and there must be the same number of entries in both lines ;Each name in PremadePaths is limited to 11 characters ;PremadePaths=combat,diplomat,stealth ;PremadeFIDs=201,203,202

;Use this line to modify the list of cities and their associated global variables used for city reputations ;Syntax is 'city id:global id', with each city/global pair separated by a comma. ;CityRepsList=0:47,2:48,1:49,4:50,5:51,3:52,8:53,6:54,7:55,13:56,10:57,11:59,14:61,17:63,19:64,18:65,25:66,9:294,20:308

;Set this to a valid path to save a copy of the console contents ;ConsoleOutputPath=console.txt

;Set to 1 to add additional pages of save slots ExtraSaveSlots=1

;To use more than one save slot for quick saving (F6 key) without picking a slot beforehand, set the next two lines ;Quick save will cyclically overwrite saves from the first slot on the specified page to the last slot on the n-th page ;AutoQuickSave sets how many pages you want to use for quick saving (valid range: 1..10) ;Set to 0 to disable AutoQuickSave=0 ;AutoQuickSavePage is the page number to start at if ExtraSaveSlots is enabled (valid range: 0..999) ;Set to -1 to use the current selected page (not recommended) AutoQuickSavePage=1

;Set to 1 to speed up the HP/AC counter animations ;Set to 2 to update the HP/AC counters instantly ;Set to 3 to update the AC counter instantly when switching to other controlled critters in combat SpeedInterfaceCounterAnims=2

;These lines allow you to control the karma FRMs displayed on the character screen ;Number of KarmaPoints should be 1 less than number of KarmaFRMs KarmaFRMs=128,146,129,125,152,127,147,134,176 KarmaPoints=-1000,-750,-500,-249,250,500,750,1000

;Set to 1 to allow science and repair to be used on the player, or 2 for all critters. (Rather than only brahmin/robots) ScienceOnCritters=0

;Modify this value to change the player's speed of rotation on the inventory and character screens ;Default is 166 (lower - faster; valid range: 0..1000) SpeedInventoryPCRotation=800

;Modify the number of the extra interface boxes available to modders (Default is 5, and the maximum is 95) BoxBarCount=5

;Uncomment to set the text colour of the extra interface boxes ;The line must contain the same number of digits as the value of BoxBarCount, each either a 0 for green or 1 for red BoxBarColours=11111

;Set to 1 to fix the bug that caused bonus HtH damage to not be applied correctly. BonusHtHDamageFix=1

;Set to 1 to display additional points of damage from Bonus HtH/Ranged Damage perks in the inventory DisplayBonusDamage=1

;Modify the maximum number of animations allowed to run on a map (Default is 32, and the maximum is 127) AnimationsAtOnceLimit=64

;Set to 1 to remove the limits that stop the game from rolling critical successes/failures in the first few days of game time RemoveCriticalTimelimits=0

;Change the colour of the font used on the main menu for the Fallout/sfall version string and copyright text ;It's the last byte ('3C' by default) that picks the colour used. The first byte supplies additional flags for this option ;1 - change the colour for the version string only ;2 - underline text for the version string ;4 - use monospace font for the version string ;MainMenuFontColour=0x00003C ;Change the colour of the font used on the main menu for the button text ;MainMenuBigFontColour=0x3C

;Alternative behaviors to the Fast Shot trait ;0 - Fallout 2 original behavior: -1 AP cost for ranged weapons. Aimed attacks are disabled ;1 - Haenlomal's tweak: aimed attacks are enabled for melee/unarmed weapons and HtH attacks ;2 - Alternative behavior: apply -1 AP cost to melee/unarmed weapons and HtH attacks ;3 - Fallout 1 original behavior: -1 AP cost for all weapons. Aimed attacks are disabled FastShotFix=0

;Set to 1 to fix the carry weight penalty of the Small Frame trait not being applied to bonus Strength points SmallFrameFix=0

;Set to 1 to boost the maximum number of script names from 1450 to 10000 BoostScriptDialogLimit=1

;These options modify the checks to see if a critter can carry an additional item, changing which items are counted towards the weight limit and adding an additional size check ;Set the mode to 0 to disable the size check, 1 to apply to the PC only, 2 to apply to the PC and party members, or 3 to apply to all critters ;Only the PC uses CritterInvSizeLimit. Other critters will use the unused stat (STAT_unused = 10) or have the size limit of 100 if the stat is not set ;Add 4 to the mode to limit the weight check to used items only ;You can use message number 542/543 in proto.msg and message number 35 in inventry.msg to set up custom messages for item size CritterInvSizeLimitMode=0 CritterInvSizeLimit=200

;Some bit flags to alter behaviour of the motion sensor ;1 - Allow sensor use on automap when motion sensor is in pack rather than hands ;2 - Motion sensor doesn't require charges MotionScannerFlags=1

;Set a value greater than 40 to change the maximum encounter table size (enc_## in worldmap.txt) ;Default is 40, and the maximum is 100 ;Note: Setting this greater than 50 requires renumbering all message lines for the encounter tables in worldmap.msg ;The messages for each table must be numbered from (3000 + table number 100) to (3099 + table number 100) EncounterTableSize=0

;Set to 1 to disable the pipboy alarm button DisablePipboyAlarm=0

;Uncomment the next four lines to move the main menu buttons and credit text (the 'Copyright(c)' line on the main menu) ;MainMenuOffsetX=0 ;MainMenuOffsetY=0 ;MainMenuCreditsOffsetX=0 ;MainMenuCreditsOffsetY=0

;Prevents you from using super stims on a critter who is at full health. SuperStimExploitFix=0

;Change the AP cost for accessing inventory in combat, and the related effect of Quick Pockets perk InventoryApCost=4 QuickPocketsApCostReduction=2

;These options modify the bullet distribution of burst attacks ;All the bullets are divided into three groups: center, left, and right ;These groups will then travel along three parallel tracks, trying to hit targets on the way ;CenterMult/Div set the ratio of how many bullets go to the center group, and the remaining are divided equally to the left and right sides ;TargetMult/Div set the ratio of how many bullets in the center group will attack the primary target directly ;Multiplier values are capped at divisor values ComputeSpray_CenterMult=1 ComputeSpray_CenterDiv=3 ComputeSpray_TargetMult=1 ComputeSpray_TargetDiv=2

;Set to 1 to make explosions and projectiles emit light ExplosionsEmitLight=0

;Uncomment these lines to change explosives damage. DmgMax can be set to 9999 at max, and DmgMin is capped at DmgMax ;Dynamite_DmgMax=50 ;Dynamite_DmgMin=30 ;PlasticExplosive_DmgMax=80 ;PlasticExplosive_DmgMin=40

;Uncomment these lines to change the timers of how many days after the game starts Hakunin dream sequences will occur ;MovieTimer_artimer1=90 ;MovieTimer_artimer2=180 ;MovieTimer_artimer3=270 ;MovieTimer_artimer4=360

;Set to 1 to add proper checks for ammo before attacking ;By default, a weapon can perform an attack with at least one ammo, regardless of ammo cost calculation ;Note that enabling this option will prevent super cattle prods and mega power fists from attacking with only one ammo left CheckWeaponAmmoCost=1

;Controls the speed of combat panel animations (lower - faster; valid range: 0..65535) CombatPanelAnimDelay=1000 ;Controls the speed of dialog panel animations (lower - faster; valid range: 0..255) DialogPanelAnimDelay=33 ;Controls the speed of pipboy alarm clock animations (lower - faster; valid range: 0..127) PipboyTimeAnimDelay=50

;Changes the way weapon reloading works when you drag ammo onto a weapon in the inventory ;Set to -1 to disable (vanilla behavior with the 'Move Items' window) ;Set to 0 to use all the ammo boxes to reload ;Set to 1 or more to reserve the specified amount of ammo boxes and use all the rest to reload ;If the amount of ammo boxes in the inventory is less than or equal to the reserve, only one box will be used ReloadReserve=-1

;Set to 1 to change the counter in the 'Move Items' window to start with maximum number, except in the barter screen ItemCounterDefaultMax=0

;Set to 1 to leave the music playing in dialogue with talking heads EnableMusicInDialogue=0

;Set to 1 to prevent the player from running while sneaking without Silent Running perk DontTurnOffSneakIfYouRun=1

;Changes the distance at which the player will switch to walking when trying to use objects (valid range: 0..3) ;Default is 3. Set to 0 to disable switching UseWalkDistance=3

;Changes the displayed message when you recover from the negative effects of radiation exposure ;The value is the message number in misc.msg (Default is 3003: 'You feel better') RadEffectsRemovalMsg=3003

;Set to 1 to display messages about radiation for the active geiger counter ActiveGeigerMsgs=1

;Set to 1 to fix the bug of being unable to sell used geiger counters or stealth boys CanSellUsedGeiger=1

;Set to 1 to skip weapon equip/unequip animations when performing various actions InstantWeaponEquip=0

;To add additional game msg files, uncomment the next line and set a comma delimited list of filenames without .msg extension ;By default, the files will have consecutive numbers assigned beginning with 0 ;You can use the syntax 'filename:number' to manually assign numbers to specific msg files, with each pair separated by a comma ;If a file after the specified pair does not have a number assigned, it will have the next consecutive number from the last pair ;You need to use the message_str_game script function to get messages from the files ;ExtraGameMsgFileList=

;Set to 1 to display numbered dialogue options NumbersInDialogue=1

;Set to 1 to use Fallout's normal text font instead of DOS-like font on the world map WorldMapFontPatch=1

;Set to 1 to use Fallout's normal text font for death screen subtitles ;Requires changing the color of subtitles in death.pal palette to white color (index 220) to display the text correctly DeathScreenFontPatch=0

;Set to 1 to display full item description for weapon/ammo in the barter screen FullItemDescInBarter=0

;Set to 1 to display experience points with the bonus from Swift Learner perk when gained from non-scripted situations DisplaySwiftLearnerExp=1

;Set to 1 to display party member's current level/AC/addict flag on the combat control panel PartyMemberExtraInfo=1

;Set to 1 to skip loading all game settings except the game/combat difficulty from saved games ;Set to 2 to also skip loading the game/combat difficulty settings SkipLoadingGameSettings=0

;Changes the base value of the duration of the knockout effect (valid range: 35..100; default is 35) ;The formula for the duration in ticks is: 10 (value - 3 EN) KnockoutTime=35


;Set to 1 to fix the issue with being able to charge the car by using cells on other scenery/critters ;Set to 0 if another mod you're using has custom vehicles CarChargingFix=1

;Set to 1 to prevent the car from being lost when entering a location via the Town/World button and then leaving on foot ;Note that the global variable 633 (GVAR_CAR_PLACED_TILE) will be set to -1 when the player leaves a location CarPlacedTileFix=1

;Set to 1 to fix obj_can_see_obj script function to allow critters to see through objects with 'ShootThru' flag set and other critters in front of them ;Note that enabling this option can cause unexpected NPC behavior in some cases, e.g. initiating combat or dialogue when the player is behind certain obstacles ObjCanSeeObj_ShootThru_Fix=0

;Set to 1 to fix the broken obj_can_hear_obj script function ObjCanHearObjFix=0

;Set to 1 to enable the 'mood' argument of start_gdialog script function for talking heads ;If the argument value is -1, the mood will be determined by the local variable 0 of the script (vanilla behavior) StartGDialogFix=0

;Set to 1 to fix attacker_results/target_results arguments and repurpose the unused called_shot/num_attacks arguments of attack_complex script function ;New behavior of the arguments: ;called_shot - additional damage when hitting the target ;num_attacks - the number of free action points on the first turn only AttackComplexFix=0

;Set to 1 to make the create_object_sid script function run the 'start' procedure of attached script upon object creation ;By default, the 'start' procedure of attached script is executed after the current script procedure is finished ;Note that enabling this option may cause unexpected results with some existing game scripts CreateObjectSidFix=0

;Set to 1 to fix the execution of the 'use_p_proc' procedure for grave type containers when they are in the open state ;By default, using open graves does not run the 'use_p_proc' procedure of attached script like other containers ;Note that enabling this option will cause problems for existing grave scripts GraveContainersFix=0

;Set to 1 to fix the priority score calculation for choosing the best weapon for NPCs ;Note that enabling this option can affect the weapon of choice for some NPCs AIBestWeaponFix=1

;Set to 1 to fix NPCs not taking chem_primary_desire in AI.txt as a preference list when using drugs in their inventory ;Set to 2 to allow NPCs to use only the drugs listed in chem_primary_desire and healing drugs (stimpaks and healing powder) ;Note: chem_primary_desire without fixes prevents the specified item from being consumed if all three values in the list are the same PID ;chem_primary_desire also works as a priority list of drug items the NPC will try to pick up in combat when they are on the ground AIDrugUsePerfFix=1

;Set to 1 to fix the bug of using First Aid/Doctor skills when using them on the player ;This will cause the party member to perform First Aid/Doctor skills when you use them on the player, but only if ;the player is standing next to the party member ;Note that because the related engine function is not fully implemented, enabling this option without a global script ;that overrides First Aid/Doctor functions has very limited usefulness PartyMemberSkillFix=0

;Overrides the global variable number used to show the special death message of the Modoc toilet explosion ;Set to -1 to disable the special death message when the global variable is set SpecialDeathGVAR=491

;Set to 1 to disable the special handling of map IDs 19 and 37 in the engine when entering the maps ;Note that enabling this option will break the map changes in Modoc and Vault 15 in Fallout 2 DisableSpecialMapIDs=0

;Set to 1 to disable the special handling of city areas 45 and 46 in the engine when visiting Area 45: ;Area 45 automatically disappears from the world map, and Area 46 appears on the world map ;Note that enabling this option will break the location change of the 'Fake Vault 13' in Fallout 2 DisableSpecialAreas=0


;To change the path and filename of the critical table file, uncomment the next line ;OverrideCriticalFile=sfall\CriticalOverrides.ini

;To change the relationship between SPECIAL stats and derived stats, uncomment the next line ;See the Stats.ini in the modders pack for an example file ;DerivedStats=sfall\Stats.ini

;Allows you to edit the skill tables ;Point the next line to an ini file containing the replacement skill data ;SkillsFile=sfall\Skills.ini

;To add additional perks to the game, uncomment the next line and point to a file containing perk information ;See the Perks.ini in the modders pack for an example file ;PerksFile=sfall\Perks.ini

;To add additional books to the game, uncomment the next line and point to a file containing book information ;See the Books.ini in the modders pack for an example file ;BooksFile=sfall\Books.ini

;Allows you to change some parameters for drugs and their addictions ;See the Drugs.ini in the modders pack for an example file ;DrugsFile=sfall\Drugs.ini

;Point to an ini file containing elevator data ElevatorsFile=mods\elevators.ini

;Allows you to change the requirements and effects of unarmed attacks ;See the Unarmed.ini in the modders pack for an example file ;UnarmedFile=sfall\Unarmed.ini

;To change some engine parameters for the game mechanics, uncomment the next line ;TweaksFile=sfall\Tweaks.ini

;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [Scripts] ;Comma-separated list of masked paths to load global scripts from ;Only use single backslash \ as the directory separator ;Paths outside of scripts folder are supported GlobalScriptPaths=scripts\,scripts\sfall\

;Uncomment the option to specify an additional directory for ini files used by scripts ;The game will search for ini files first relative to this directory and then relative to the root directory if not found ;The path length is limited to 61 characters IniConfigFolder=mods

;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [Debugging] ;Extra sfall configuration settings that can be used by modders ;This section is not affected by the 'UseCommandLine' option. It will always be read from the main ddraw.ini file

;Set to 1 to enable sfall debugging mode Enable=0

;Set to 1 to give scripts direct access to Fallout's address space, and to make arbitrary calls into Fallout's code ;Set to 2 to also disable the memory address check in unsafe script functions ;Does not require sfall debugging mode AllowUnsafeScripting=1

;If you're testing changes to the Fallout exe, you can override the CRC that sfall looks for here ;You can use several hex values, separated by commas ;Does not require sfall debugging mode ;ExtraCRC=0x00000000,0x00000000

;Set to 1 to skip the compatibility mode check ;Does not require sfall debugging mode SkipCompatModeCheck=0

;Fallout 2 Debug Patch ;Set to 1 to send debug output to the screen, 2 to a debug.log file, or 3 to both ;Does not require sfall debugging mode ;While you don't need to create an environment variable, you do still need to set the appropriate lines in fallout2.cfg ;------- ;[debug] ;mode=environment ;output_map_data_info=1 ;show_load_info=1 ;show_script_messages=1 ;show_tile_num=1 ;[sound] ;debug=0 ;debug_sfxc=0 ;------- DebugMode=0

;Set to 1 to hide error messages in debug output when a null value is passed to the function as an object HideObjIsNullMsg=0

;A key to press to toggle the display of the hex grid on the map on or off ;Set to 0 to disable, or a DX scancode otherwise MapGridToggleKey=0

;Set to 1 to stop Fallout from deleting non read-only protos at startup ;Has pretty nasty side effects when saving/reloading, so don't use for regular gameplay DontDeleteProtos=0

;Set to 1 to force sfall to inject all hooks code into the game, even if corresponding hook scripts don't exist InjectAllGameHooks=0

;Set to 1 to force sfall to search for global/hook scripts every time the game loads rather than only the first time AlwaysFindScripts=0

;Set to 1 to force critters to display combat float messages ;Requires AllowSoundForFloats to be enabled Test_ForceFloats=0

;These options control what output is saved in the debug log (sfall-log.txt) ;Prints messages during sfall initialization Init=1 ;Prints messages relating to hook scripts Hook=1 ;Prints messages relating to scripting Script=1 ;Prints messages relating to the critical table Criticals=1 ;Prints messages relating to engine fixes Fixes=1

;Duplicates logs to a dedicated console window alongside the game window ;This option uses bit flags to control the types of messages to be shown ;All types other than sfall log (bit 1) require DebugMode to be enabled ;1 (bit 0) - debug output from the engine ;2 (bit 1) - sfall log ;4 (bit 2) - messages from debug_msg script function ;8 (bit 3) - messages from display_msg script function ConsoleWindow=0b0000

;Console window position and size data. Do not modify ;Clear the data to reset the window position and size ConsoleWindowData=

;Set the code page for the console window (Default is your system code page) ConsoleCodePage=0


burner1024 commented 2 months ago

You can just zip and attach files here. But everything looks fine. Try debug log.

Arreksum commented 2 months ago

Edit: ¡¡Irrelevant, ignore this comment!!

(I have the same issue.

Auto cursor doesn't automatically switch between attack and move, I have to manually switch.


FO2 RPU: v28

FO2TWEAKS: v12.16

Inventory Filter: v2.0.3_en (Followed step-by-step instructions about tuning everything. The only unclear step came when selecting between 1 or 2 when enabling "AllowUnsafeScripting" in the Inventory Filter mod, currently =1)

I don't know where debug.log is.)

Savegame DDRAW

Arreksum commented 2 months ago

Solved (?)

I used f2_res_config.exe to disable "WIndowed" and also changed "EXTRA_WIN_MSG_CHECKS=" to "=1".

Edit: It appears to stop working for 1 turn if you switch weapons or manually switch modes, but it works again automatically by the next turn.

Edit2: Switched back to "Windowed" option, seems to be working (considering the previous stuff).

burner1024 commented 2 months ago

Edit: It appears to stop working for 1 turn if you switch weapons or manually switch modes, but it works again automatically by the next turn.

That is correct, if you switch the mode manually, it lets you keep control for the turn. Nothing's more annoying than a computer thinking it's smarter than its user.

burner1024 commented 2 months ago

I take it everything works fine, if not, feel free to comment again.