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Fallout 2 tweaks
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Unlimited Party Component not working with Miria mod #32

Closed otakumon closed 6 years ago

otakumon commented 6 years ago

This is an issue between the Unlimited Party component of fo2tweaks and Endocore's Miria Mod (RP-233). I have killap's Restoration Project 2.3.3 and phobos2077's Economy and Rebalance mod installed, too. According to one user, even though Endocore's Miria Mod is still built for Restoration Project 2.3.2, at least one user commented that it works fine with RP 2.3.3.

After unable to recruit Miria, I was told by burn that the Unlimited Party component of fo2tweaks affected the event that triggers Grisham to force you into a wedding and marry her. Following his advice, I uninstalled the Unlimited Party component, restarted Steam, started up the game, and was able to get the whole dialog and scene to have Miria as my wife. I talked to her, equipped her with armor and weapons, etc. I saved my game (I was still in Modoc), exited the game, re-installed Unlimited Party, and restarted Steam.

I started up the game again and loaded my saved game. I found that Miria was no longer in my party. I went into Grisham's house and she was walking back and forth in her room. When I tried talking to her, she simply had a text above her saying something about "sick" and nothing else. The description says she is now my ex-wife. She also still has the armor, weapons, ammo, stimpaks I gave her. When I talked to her father, he asked where she was and I had the option to say she was either dead or just not present.

burner1024 commented 6 years ago

Probably related to #25. It's fixed in master, but it's yet to be released. For now, you can try to restore the script from backup (fo2tweaks/backup/3/, and load a save prior to talking to her.

otakumon commented 6 years ago

I restored the script like you wrote and loaded a previous save. Miria Mod works fine...until I returned to Modoc. I stopped by to sell some stuff and I am not sure if it was from trying to talk to her father Grisham or by just visiting the place, but Miria registers as my ex-wife in the description and when I try to talk to her she just says "That's just sick!" She still follows me around with her armor and weapons however.

burner1024 commented 6 years ago

If you restored the script and re-played Miria sequence, and still getting the error, I can only conclude that it's not related to fo2tweaks. If you attach both versions of the script, I could run a comparison.

otakumon commented 6 years ago

I was unable to attach the .int files here so I sent it to you via email. It is only my backup script (fo2tweaks/3/backup/ because I already deleted the Miria mod after restoring the script.

NMA thread for Endocore's Miria mod:

The download link for Endocore's Miria mod:

burner1024 commented 6 years ago

Got it. You can attach zipped filed, if you need.

I've checked the scripts, they are identical. So I would say this looks like a problem with Endocore's version of the script. Try contacting the author.